
Mail for You

BUZZZ BUZZZ BUZZZ the alarm went off, disturbing Xinxin's beauty sleep. He couldn't get a nourishing eight hours sleep because of his night shift as a bartender at NIO, the most expensive nightclub in whole City A.

Tangxin stretched his body and lazily climbed out of the bed. Half asleep he dragged himself to the bathroom to shower. While brushing his teeth, Tangxin checked the voicemails and messages on his smartphone. He was still in the shower when the door bell rang. Unhurriedly, he wrapped a towel around his waist and went outside to answer the door leaving a trail of water behind him. He looked through the peephole and saw a delivery man. 'It must be my new headphones', Xinxin thought. Upon opening the door the delivery man gave a twinkling smile and said, "Special mail for you sir". Tanxin signed the receipt and gladly took the package inside, closing the door behind him.

Tangxin left the package on the coffee table in his small living room and went back to shower. After a long relaxing shower, he wore jeans paired a worn out t-shirt. He relaxed on the sofa and drank freshly brewed black coffee. While drinking, he watched business news on the television. "The Wu Corporation has officially announced the takeover of the Moonshine Hotels. The conglomerate has taken another step forward in the hospitality industry. This acquisition cost the company a whopping 700 million dollars", reported the presenter. Tangxin smirked upon seeing the news. He quickly picked up his phone and typed the message 'Congrats dad, for the latest feat' and pressed send.

Tangxin was the estranged son of the chairman of the Wu Corporation, Wu Lihan. He had two sons, Wu Tangxin and Wu Tangxao, who were identical twins. Tangxin and Tangxao were twenty-three years old sons of the richest man in the city but had different lifestyles. Tangxin lived independently and worked at NIO, which happened to be a venture of Wu Corporation; whereas, Tangxao worked at the Wu Corporation as one of the Vice Presidents of the company. Though Wu Lihan knew the whereabouts of his estranged son he never pulled strings to help him in any way. No one outside the Wu family the existence of Tangxin except of a few close friends. Everyone thought that Wu Tangxao was the only son of the Chairman.

After sending the message, Tangxin ate a heavy breakfast. He was about to head to his bedroom for a nap when suddenly his phone chimed. When he checked his phone, he was taken aback by a message in big bold red letters. 'OPEN THE PACKAGE IMMEDIATELY' was flashing on his phone screen. Xinxin stood frozen in his place for a few seconds, then hurriedly ripped open the package kept on the coffee table. Inside the packaging was a silver box embedded with precious and semi-precious stones. Tangxin opened the box and found a folded piece of paper placed on a purple velvet cushion. The paper had yellowed with age but was preserved well. Underneath the paper was a silver vintage key with a peacock bow. Tangxin opened the letter and it read:

"Dear Tangxin,

We have been waiting for you for the past few years but, you don't reply to our letters. I hope you will revert to this one.

Along with the letter, you will find a key. Keep it with you safely for future purposes. On the night of the full moon come to the forest, you will find the hole to the key.

Best wishes,


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