
Goblins, Wolves and blood

Not long after, I moved with my 7 tamed monsters and 4 charmed goblins under Oppo's command. I and Oppo stood side to side hiding in the bushes, while the rest found a place suitable for themselves.

The 3 slimes once again walked around normally to work as bait, it might be unnecessary if the charm works or if there is a perceptive monster, but I prefer to do that just as an extra precaution.

Oppo once again activated <Monster call> and we began to patiently wait for the next batch of enemies. I was a bit nervous as it would be the first time for me to fight after my humiliating defeat against the slimes, but I was also determined to do a good job and impress my sweet Oppo as well as my subordinates, as the leader I must keep a dignified figure.

Eventually, the new enemies got there. They were 4 wolves, 3 goblins, and 16 slimes. I didn't know if this batch was big because Oppo leveled up or if it was just a coincidence. Two of the wolves were bleeding with arrows on their back, while one of the goblins was missing an arm.

(Just what were they doing before they got here?) I asked myself before shaking the thought off and deciding that I should think of that when we are done with them.


(AN: let's go back in time a bit)

In another area of the forest, deeper in and at quite a good distance from Ezra, there is a goblin village that is close to becoming a town. There are goblins going back and forth with no time to spare, the worry in their faces is more than evident. There are wooden shacks and big tents all over the place.

Both male and female goblins seem to be carrying wooden weapons and such, the majority only wearing ragged clothes while a small minority had leather armors and simple metal weapons.

Among the goblins, there is one that is not moving but rather looking at the others work. He had a stern expression and had his arms crossed but despite his calm outlook, his right leg was going up and down in a rapid cycle showing how anxious he is. His attire was leather armor and he had a short sword on his waist, while he was leaning against the wall of one of the wooden shacks.

"Boss! I heard from the rangers that the wolves are already in their way, they should be here in about an hour!" A goblin wearing a loincloth came running with an expression of worry and hurriedly said his sentence in one breath.


The leather armored goblin bonked the goblin who came run before saying. "You idiot! Calm down, if you act like that you're going to make everyone worried. We already lost a team of hunters to the wolves, this is not a good time to install panic. Come, let's go report this to the chief and stay calm." He calmly explained.

The other goblin got a little calmer and followed behind. All the other goblins in the area were looking at them and some of them already had their faces full of despair.

The leather armored goblin noticed this and could only shake his head then sigh as he led the way.

They soon reached the chief's house which was bigger than the rest. At the entrance, there were two muscular goblins who were much taller than the other goblins holding spears in their hands and clad in leather armor. Once they got close enough, the tall goblins stopped them.

"The chief is occupied, if you seek his wisdom, come at another time!" One of the tall goblins said with a serious and unchanging expression.

"No, we're not here for that. This kid got the report of the hunters. The wolves are coming and we don't have much time." The leather armored goblin said to the tall goblins.

The tall goblins looked at each other, before nodding and the one from before said. "You can go in, but if we discover you're lying, we'll feed you to the wolves." Both the tall goblins moved their spears and just stood there.

The leather armored goblin went inside with the other goblin who was trembling in fear, before getting bonked again and told to calm down.

Inside there is a lot of wooden furniture here and there with no decorative sense, with the walls having the head of different creatures like some sort of trophy collection. The odor of bodily fluids plagued the room and at the end of it, sitting in a big wooden and metal throne is another tall goblin this one wearing metal armor. This is obviously the village chief. Around him, there are multiple female goblins, most of them on the floor with goofy smiles on their faces and their bodies covered in a white substance.

Of the female goblins, two of them who are taller than the typical goblin are kneeling one on the right and the other on the left side of the village chief's crotch. Standing tall and exposed to the world is the village chief's shaft, being attacked from both sides by the tongues of the lust-hungry female goblins, going up and down kissing and licking every inch of it. Both of them wearing nothing but their birthday suits, while the village chief had a bored expression until he noticed two goblins entering his house and smiled.

The village chief picked up the two female goblins tending to his little brother and sat them both each on one of his legs, then begin groping them on their breasts with his hand. The girls moaned and as if knowing exactly what to do, began using one of their hands to the still hard cock and their free hand to play with their wet cunts as they rubbed themselves on his legs.

The leather armored goblin didn't flinch and just moved towards the village chief ignoring all the moans filling the room, but the other goblin couldn't help but look around in awe at this eccentric lifestyle that he could never hope and only experience in his wildest dreams, not being able to properly contain his excitement, a bulge started to grow under his loincloth and he immediately tried to hide it but it was too obvious due to the clear lack of clothing. In normal circumstances, a goblin would be unlikely to care about hiding a boner, but he has to pay respects to the village chief, or he might lose his life.

"Village Chief, I apologize for interrupting you, but we have received a report stating that the wolves will be here in about an hour." The leather goblin bowed and spoke calmly despite the strong smell and loud moaning around him.

"No need to apologize, I was just getting done. Now tell me, how do you know that? Is the hunter team back? If so, why aren't they reporting to me instead of you?" The village leader had a calm voice and a condescending smile as he began playing with the nipples of the two female goblins, twisting them lightly which increased the moaning and made both girls please themselves and the village chief faster, as they moved their hands faster. Both girls don't spare a second to look at the visitors and start kissing the village chief's neck.

"I know of this because I sent my subordinate and with his skill <stealth>, he was able to scout unnoticed. He can demonstrate if the chief needs any proof." The leather armored goblin didn't stop bowing and continued to answer calmly even though there was a slight tremble, he quickly controlled himself. His subordinate on the other hand was trembling with a rock-hard mound inside his loincloth, but his nature didn't give him the courage to stop bowing to give in to his desires to look and start masturbating.

"Oh, is that so? No, you don't need to prove anything. After all, you- haah! Sorry, like I was saying, you're the father of my favorite toys. I understand, thank you for your report, now unless you want to watch, you may leave." The village chief looked thoughtful for a bit, then began speaking, and mid-sentence his rock-hard dick began twitching before it released sperm that flew up before falling on the village chief and the girls, fortunately, for the leather armored goblin and his subordinate, they were a little too far to get hit by the stream of white. Without getting any orders, the girls got down and began cleaning the village chief's little bother until it was clean then they exchanged a kiss with each other before starting to clean off the sperm from each other's faces and bodies with their tongues. The two never cared to see who came to visit the village chief nor paid attention to the conversation at all.

The leather armored goblin clenched his fist, before sighing internally and saying. "It was a pleasure to help the village. We will be taking our leave." He turned around and pulled his subordinate who was still mesmerized by the whole thing with him.

As they were leaving they heard something behind them.

"Hhhaaaahhh! YESSSS! FUUUCKK ME HARDER!" The voice of one of the girls from earlier reached them, as the still rock-hard village chief began plowing her while the other girl was sucking on her breast.

The armored goblin stopped for a second and began trembling while clenching his fist and teeth, with veins coming out on his forehead, the pure rage was evident in his eyes.

"B- B- Boss! You're h- hurting me!" The subordinate goblin announced his pain as the leather armored goblin was gripping his arm too strongly.

*sigh* "I'm sorry, let's just leave." The leather armored goblin left with his subordinate after saying so.

After the door closed, the Chief village's condescending smile turned into a serious expression as he no longer looked pleased and even stopped moving his hips, leaving the female goblin to impale herself on his shaft while she kissed the other goblin girl.

"Such a pity, he didn't attack me like the last one. It's no fun when they are this passive. It's you two bitches' fault! Couldn't you have provoked him at least one little?!" The village chief seemed disappointed as he scolded the two girls.

"Chief? What do you mean?! Provoke who?" One of the goblin girls asked as she stopped kissing the other. She seems to not have noticed that someone was there with them at all.

The other girl didn't even answer as she was occupied moaning while impaling herself with the village chief's hard cock.

The village chief shook his head before he began laughing. "Hahahaha! They really didn't notice! This is great!" He became excited and began moving his hips as his dick went in and out the goblin girl's drenched pussy with easy hitting the entrance of her womb with each thrust! He picked up the speed and continued increasing mercilessly while the girl moaned losing herself in pleasure. This went until his shaft began twitching again and he went all in as he let out a load of his hot sperm inside the girl. She was basking in afterglow with a happy expression as cum gushed out of her as she came.

He pulled out and let some of the sperm on her, before throwing her aside and moving on to the next girl without resting with his still hard member. He pummeled her silly before throwing her at the other girl as if she was an item he just used.

"Damn it! I let myself do it again! How many times have I promised myself to stop doing it, only to end up this way each time?... I can't keep letting this get the best of me, or I'll up failing as my village's chief... It's also these frikin bitches' fault! Can't they just show some restraint and leave!... Whatever, that guy wouldn't be stupid enough to make a fake report, so I better get ready for this battle. Those wolves will know they messed with the wrong goblin village!" The village chief got dressed and picked a great sword that was resting on the wall, before leaving his house not even glancing at any of the goblin women on the floor of his house.

While the village chief headed out to prepare his troops for battle, the leather armored goblin and his subordinate were in one of the wooden shacks.


The leather armored goblin hit the wall with all his furry. "That fucker! He knew and dared to do that on my face!! And those unfilial bitches didn't even notice my presence! The presence of their father!! Fuck!!!" He let out his frustration with his words as he soon sighed and his expression turned into one of sadness, as he lost strength on his legs and sat on the floor with his head down.

"Boss... I-" His subordinate wanted to say something seeing his boss like that for the first time.

"Shut up, and leave me alone. I need to think." The leather armored goblin said.

The subordinate didn't refute and just left.

"They even became hobgoblins... They've surpassed their incompetent father already... If not for that stupid tradition!" The leather armored goblin was talking to himself with sad eyes.

In this village, there is a tradition that states that once a female goblin came of age, they would have to be offered to the village chief so that he would have their purity. This went on ever since the first village chief and there wasn't much of a problem, since the girls would come back to their homes and family the following day, and in the goblin society this was something normal and nobody was bothered. The problem arose with the new village chief, the parents would present their daughter, but none of them would come back home to their families, and it wasn't like the village chief was keeping them, hostage or something like that, they just chose to not go back, and according to the rules of their village the girls that chose to stay rather than leave could not become the village chief's women and would only reach the status of sex toy, that rule was made so that families couldn't abuse the system and make themselves part of the village chief's family just because their daughter completed the tradition, but even so those girls chose to stay. This made many unhappy and a lot of fathers, mothers, and brothers ended up challenging the village chief only to get crippled or die at his hand, and so people lost hope and just got used to the situation.

As time passed eventually there were a few girls that didn't stay and chose to leave, even if it was the minority it made people less suspicious of the village chief, and every just ended up accepting the situation, at least most, some still challenged the chief or tried to scheme against him, none successful tho. One of the main reasons for the village chief's superior prowess is that he is a hobgoblin the phase 1 of the evolution path of the goblins. Hobgoblins are taller, faster, stronger, smarter, and just overall the perfect next step in evolution for goblins, but they are few in this village with most of them being hunters and male, as the number of female hobgoblins in this village is only 5, if we count leather armored goblin's daughters.

After reflecting on things for a bit, leather armored goblin saw no other chance but to evolve into a hobgoblin himself and defeat the village chief, for his unfilial daughters, his wife, and himself.

"Boss! The village chief is calling you!" The subordinate goblin came in running with a worried expression and spoke in a hurried manner.


"Calm down! What did I tell you about panicking all the time? You don't have to worry, just lead the way." The leather armored goblin said after he blocked his subordinate.

"Yes! Boss!" The subordinate goblin said as he guided the way.

Outside, the village chief had the two hobgoblin guards from before behind him as he was looking at an army of goblins standing in front of him.

The subordinate goblin and leather armored goblin came to him and the village chief immediately spoke.

"Good, you're here. The situation was as you informed me and as a reward, I decided to let you be the leader of one of the hunting groups. You will be sent to the rocky area to hunt some slime and other small animals. If you succeed you'll get to keep your team and become one of the official hunting teams. Also, you are free to choose your team members. What do you say?" The village chief made an offer that shocked everyone, it wasn't easy to be given permission to be part of a hunting team, much less to lead one. The reason being that hunting teams have the greatest evolution rate in all the village and so, everyone wants to be in one, not only that but it also gives status and respect.

"Village chief, are you sure?" The leather armored goblin asked.

"Do you perhaps doubt my judgment?" The village chief asked with a serious expression.

"No, of course not. I gladly accept!" The leather armored goblin couldn't believe the village chief just handed him the chance to become a hobgoblin in a silver plate, this was just too good to be true.

"Great, gather your team and depart immediately." The village chief ordered before he once again focused on the Army of goblins.

The leather armored goblin left with the subordinate goblin.

"Call hunter team E, and tell them to eliminate that guy and whatever team he builds." The village chief whispered to one of his hobgoblin guards before changing his focus to the goblin army.

The hobgoblin guards left to do as he was ordered.


After having gathered a team, the leather armored goblin was looking for prey with his team, not knowing that they were being followed by team E under the chief village's order to kill them.


They heard a loud howl coming from afar as 5 wolves came running towards them.

The leather armored goblin's team immediately began to run away as they knew they didn't stand a chance against those wolves, as they were dire wolves, one of their worst enemies in this area together with Elves and Orcs, humans weren't much of a problem as they weren't active in this area and would rarely appear.

While the leather armored goblin's team was running without looking back, team E got found out by the dire wolves, and a battle between the five goblins of team E and the five dire wolves began.

The leather armored goblin's team that was running eventually reached an area where they stopped and felt something was calling them. An alluring voice that was almost demonic called them and their bodies began moving before they were aware of it. They continued moving until they were finally caught in Ezra's trap and the fight ensued.

Team E other hand fought the dire wolves at the same time and they managed to kill one wolf, but lost two goblins. They moved to try and change the fight to a slightly more advantageous area for them. Eventually, the voice also reached them and the wolves as they stopped fighting and all moved in the same direction.


(Erza's POV)

I told Oppo to do her thing and use <charm>, which took effect as 1 wolf, 2 goblins, and 16 slimes were charmed. After asking Oppo I knew which ones were charmed and decided how to go at it.

The two charmed goblins had bows so I told Oppo to order them to shoot the wolves that weren't charmed while the wolf that was charmed would help them in the fight.

Right after I and Oppo ordered the other goblins and slimes to attack the slimes. They aren't that strong, so I decided it's best this way.

Next, I moved with Oppo Glued to me.

{Yay! I get to help Mommy Erza against the enemy!} It was a weird sentence to come out in such an innocent way, but Oppo just made it possible, and once again warmed my heart. If this goes on, I'll be like a mother that thinks everything their child does is amazing... A simp mother?... No, I better not think about that.

My target was the goblin that wasn't charmed. I have to know if I can fight, so he's a decent target.

I moved very last, surprising myself with my speed, and once I was close enough to the goblin who was holding a dagger and wearing leather armor, I went in for an all-out punch that hit.


The goblin was knocked down and I could hear the crack of his bones as he groaned in pain. Seeing blood in my hands and flows from his head, I started feeling nauseous and I wanted to vomit. I knew I wouldn't just do it and get done with it, but I'm feeling way worse than I expected.

{Mommy Ezra, are you ok? Did he do something mean to you?!} Oppo noticed my discomfort and immediately asked if I'm ok, hearing her voice helped me calm down a little.

"I'm ok, thank you for worrying my fluffy ball of cuteness! I don't know how I lived without until now." I hugged Oppo and before closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. I made, the decision to live as someone strong, and I must do this if I want to be ready to protect my loved ones in the future.

"I'm sorry." I don't know why, but those words slipped my mouth as I steadied myself to become a murderer for a safer future. I closed one eye and punched the already half-dead goblin with all my strength. The goblin's head explodes and blood jumps everywhere with brain pieces and other things splattered on me and the ground.

[You have killed a level-8 'Goblin', you have gained 8 exp]


I immediately vomit not handling it despite having prepared myself for it.

{Mommy Erza, If you don't like this we can run away and hide until you feel better. I don't want to see you cry.} Oppo once again made me want to squeeze all the cuteness out of her! How can someone be so adorable?!

['Goblin' has killed a level-1 'Blue slime', as its tamer, you receive some of the experience earned. You have gained 1 exp.]

['Goblin' has killed a level-2 'Blue slime', as its tamer, you receive some of the experience earned. You have gained 1 exp.]

['Goblin' has killed a level-1 'Blue slime', as its tamer, you receive some of the experience earned. You have gained 1 exp.]

['Blue slime' has killed a level-1 'Blue slime', as its tamer, you receive some of the experience earned. You have gained 1 exp.]

I ignored the notifications.

"No, I'll be fine. I'll get used to it. As long as I have you here, I think I'll always be fine." I get up with tears on my face and clean them off, I feel horrible inside. How can I be so hypocritical to be fine with ordering death, but feel so disgusted at getting my hands dirty? I guess that's just how I am... Anyway, it no longer matters, I'll take things into my own hands and not let this get the best of me.

['Goblin' has killed a level-1 'Blue slime', as its tamer, you receive some of the experience earned. You have gained 1 exp.]

['Goblin' has killed a level-2 'Blue slime', as its tamer, you receive some of the experience earned. You have gained 1 exp.]

['Blue slime' has killed a level-1 'Blue slime', as its tamer, you receive some of the experience earned. You have gained 1 exp.]

I look to the side and see that one of the charmed goblins was killed by a dire wolf, and now two dire wolves were attacking the other goblin.

Not losing any more time, I run there and quickly arrived before jumping and attacking one of the wolves with an ax kick down on its head. My body was responding to my every command and I was moving in a way that would have been impossible for me in the past.

The wolf was slammed to the ground under my foot. I want to give it time to recover, so I started punching and I could slower hear the cracking sound with each punch, and once again my hands were covered in blood as I looked at the disfigured corpse of the wolf.

[You have killed a level-6 'Dire Wolf', you have gained 9 exp]

[You have accumulated enough experience and have been recognized by the world as a being deserving of more power. You have become level 3]

I decided to look at that later, I didn't expect to level up this fast.

"What?" I was surprised to see, it was lower level than the goblin, as it was much more resistant and seemed overall more powerful. Not that I could say anything considering I completely overpowered it while being a level 2...

I turned to the other wolf and began cracking my knuckles before jumping at it, then I grabbed it in a chokehold before breaking its neck. After doing it twice, it felt more natural this time.

[You have killed a level-5 'Dire Wolf', you have gained 7 exp]

Not stopping there, I look at the last dire wolf fighting the charmed dire wolf, I tell Oppo to order the charmed wolf to back down and come in with a straight punch to the wolf's face with the momentum got from running there. The wolf was sent flying around splat a tree nearby with blood.

[You have killed a level-7 'Dire Wolf', you have gained 10 exp]

['Goblin' has killed a level-1 'Blue slime', as its tamer, you receive some of the experience earned. You have gained 1 exp.]

['Goblin' has killed a level-1 'Blue slime', as its tamer, you receive some of the experience earned. You have gained 1 exp.]

['Blue slime' has killed a level-1 'Blue slime', as its tamer, you receive some of the experience earned. You have gained 1 exp.]


All the notifications sank in as I got a total of 50 exp, which would be 100exp with <double exp>'s effect.

"It's over..." I say looking at my bloodied hands telling myself that I have to remember this feeling if I don't want to lose myself.


Kikinori27creators' thoughts
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