
The intriguing love

The woman who he had helped a friend break up with turned out to be the one captivating his thoughts and long for each passing day. Will Svetlana reciprocate that love?

Mbaizi · Fantasía
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15 Chs


Mr. Carson called his daughter Michaela. And told her that Recce is taking his girlfriend to meet his family tomorrow during lunchtime.

' Dad it seems like he is serious about her.' She said.

' Am just calling to let you know.' He replied.

' Goodnight sweetheart'. He hang up.

Later in the evening Recce called Svetlana but she did not pick up his call. He was worried , she has never done that before.

He decided to text her but he did not get any response back. He thought maybe she is a sleep already. 

Svetlana was in bed, she had decided to ignore Recce' call and text. She wanted some time to think.

' Why did he have to show up now?' She thought out loud.

She stayed up until midnight tossing around in bed, eventually she slept.

It was a bright sunny Sunday morning, outside was very peaceful. No traffic , no vehicles hooting around. Svetlana was still a sleep, when she was woken with her phone ringing. It was Recce calling he was worried about her. She decided to pick up the call.

'Hello, good morning.' Said Svetlana 

' Good morning too, are you okay?' He asked

' Yes am fine.' She replied

' Alright, i will come pick you up around noon.' He said.

Recce still had a doubt of Svetlana's response but he did not want to pursue the matter further.

'Okay i will be waiting.' She responded.

She woke up to try and find a suitable dress she will wear during the lunch invitation , her son was still sleeping. So she would still have time for herself while she waits for Lucia to come and stay with Kith.

Michaela was at her place still thinking about the conversation she had with her father yesterday night. She felt uneasy about it so she decided to call Recce twice but he did not pick her call.

' Is he ignoring my calls.' She thought out loud.

That got her more agitated.

 In Recce apartment, he was having his breakfast. When he saw Michaela's calls and he decided to ignore them. He was still angry with her for cheating on him and he did not want anything to do with her. He always thought that they will end up getting married but things did not work out between them.

Then at the thought Svetlana, that calmed him down.

' I have never felt attracted,protective and calm towards any woman until she came my way.' He thought 

' She is very intriguing.'

 His thoughts were interrupted by a call form his mother.

' Hello mother.'

'God morning my son.' she responded sweetly.

' I wanted to confirm if you guys are still coming over for lunch.' She added.

' Yes we are coming mother, we will be there by 1p.m.' He replied.

'Mum i want to go the office briefly before coming over, we will talk more when am there.' 

'Fine son, see you later.'

Mika still could not believe what he found out about Svetlana and Recce been together. He decided to go to the club with some of his drinking buddies after leaving Svetlana's place.

 He was at his apartment still drunk from last night. He had come home with a random woman, he can't even remember some of yesternight events.

His ribs were still hurting from the fight he got into at the club. Him and his friends were thrown out for causing the chaos.

He decided that he would confront Recce about his relationship Svetlana.

Recce arrived at Svetlana's place to pick her up. He approached the front door and rang the door bell. She opened the door, she had been waiting for him.

' You look beautiful as always.' He said while kiss her own the cheek.

' Ready to go?' He asked.

' Yeah am ready to go.' She replied.

' I there anything that happened when i dropped you off yesterday evening?' He asked her while driving.

 She thought for a moment. " Why is he asking that? Could he have found out that Mika came to my place.' Then she decided to tell him about Mika's visit.

Recce wasn't pleased at all with the news about Mika. He kept silent for a while thinking.

' Do you still love him?' He finally asked

' I do not know.' She responded.

" How can she still be in love with him after what he made her go through?' He thought to himself. 

The rest of the drive continued with total silence, each one of them consumed in their own thoughts. At times looking at each other at the corner of their eyes.

They were almost arriving at The Nicholai's family home, when he decided to break the silence.

'We are almost there.' He said.

' Just be calm everything will be okay.' He added.

' Okay! Replied while taking a long breath.

 They entered the main gate, and drove on the long driveway down the trees to the big white old Mansion. 

' Your home is beautiful.' She gasped.

'Thank you.' replied Recce . This was built by my great grandfather.

The car stopped and his grandfathers butler was there to welcome them into the house.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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