
Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus

The arrow flew through the air and went straight towards Hisoka's head. The arrow was covered in Haki and travelled at a greater speed than a regular arrow. Hisoka placed his hand out and covered his own hand with Haki and caught it before it could reach his eye.

"Why don't we show them a thing or two, Sigma."

Hisoka took off his eyepatch and threw it on the floor. This was to use the full power of his x-axis power.

In this fight, it was 5v2. The numbers were against them, but that didn't really matter.

The person to take out first in this battle wasn't the CP-0 or Sengoku. It was Tsuru. Her devil fruit was incredibly odd and was, in the eyes of Hisoka, was most likely the most troublesome ability.

Hisoka took his hands out of his pocket and acted first. He looked over at Tsuru and imagined that he was right next to her. He lifted his leg up and coated it with Haki and kicked her right in the face. She raised her hands to block the kick, but she was too late.

'How fast.' Sengoku thought as Tsuru's body went flying to the other side of the corridor. Her body hit the wall, and the impact destroyed the wall behind her.

'I guess Hisoka doesn't go easy on women.' Sigma thought as he jumped down the stairs and landed in front of the man who shot the arrow.

"You're the man who tried to kill Hisoka, aren't you?" Sigmas voice was full of anger and malice.

The bow-wielding man said nothing and placed his bow back. He placed his left foot forward and raised his fist forward.

Sigma took out a small bag from his pocket. He placed his hand inside and took out a blue and white sword. The edge of the blade was frozen, and the Sheath was completely frozen.

"This was meant for the auction, but you won't be buying, anyway." He firmed his grip on the handle of the sword.


"Ah, It's 3 against 1 you should probably think about what you're doing. I guarantee this won't go well for you." Hermes warned.

Hisoka twisted the hair on the back of his head. "I didn't want to this to happen. You forced me into this situation. Also, you've got it wrong. It's not 3 against 1. It's 2 against 2. Why don't you come here, Heydrich?"

The CP-0 agent walked towards Hisoka. Sengoku had a shocked face, but Hermes kept a calm face.

"Shouldn't you do something about your comrade?" Sengoku asked.

"There's not much I can do. They have tampered his brain with. I'll have to fix that later." He explained.

"It seems we have our work cut out for-" Sengoku began.

Hermes disappeared out of Sengoku's sight and was right in front of Hisoka. He crouched down on the floor and attempted to sweep Hisoka's feet. Hisoka jumped up and evaded the attack.

The split-second in which he was in the air. Sengoku took advantage of this and rushed over and aimed a kick right at his gut. Hermes who on the floor just a second ago was now behind him with a knife in hand. He went to go stab Hisoka.

'This is a bad position. Their teamwork is flawless, though they probably met just a few days ago.'

For just a brief second, he faintly opened his left eye.

The attacks were sure to land on Hisoka went right through his body. It was as if his body wasn't even there.

Once Hisoka landed on to the floor, he immediately went for a kick behind him aimed at Hermes. His leg was caught, but that just left Hermes full of openings. He used his free leg and landed a kick against him.

His body, with just pure reflex, immediately bent down. His observation Haki had detected an attack from behind and his body bent backwards to stop it.

Hisoka jumped backwards and got out of the unfavourable situation.

"You really are working me up. I haven't had a fight like this ever."

"We haven't even got a hit on you. Stop with the act criminal scum." Sengoku was seething. In all his years as a marine, no one had toyed with him like this. It might have looked like they were pushing him to defence, but the way Hisoka dodged and parried all their attacks made it hard to believe that he was trying.

His partner, Tsuru, had been taken out of the fight with ease and he now had to team up with the Government agent.

Hisoka took off his tie and threw it on the floor. "How about we get serious now?"

In front of Hisoka, Hermes' body changed, his feet gained claws and arms turned into white wings.

"I wanted to say the same thing."


The ground all around Sigma was ice. The sword itself dropped the temperature around whatever it touched. It wasn't making ice; it was dropping the temperature around the surroundings.

Sigma didn't know how it worked, but that didn't matter. It didn't matter. All he wanted to do right now was kill the person in front of him.

Apollo knew he had to get far. He was a long-range fighter. Close range combat was where he was weakest, but there was no way he could move backwards.

They were fighting in a small enclosed corridor. If he moved back, he'd bump into Hermes and get involved in that battle. He reached for his back pocket and took out a small dagger. He used geppo to step in the air. Once he reached high enough. He used the air as a propellor and pushed himself forward.

Sigma placed his sword forward in a horizontal position. Apollo noticed this and used geppo to jump over the sword. Once he landed on his feet, he lifted the dagger and stabbed it right in his neck.

Blood spurted and covered Apollo's face. He turned around and went to go help Hermes.

"Where do you think you're going?" Sigma pulled the blade from his neck and placed it into his back pocket.

Apollo's eyes widened and turned around. The man he had just stabbed in the neck was up and alive.

"How are you alive? You should be dead!" The usually calm and collected member of CP-0 shouted.

"My body was made to serve Hisoka, a pathetic stab wound won't do anything to me. You fail to understand just how bad of a situation you are in." Sigma said while touching his wound and looking at his blood.

Apollo said nothing.

"The world government had nothing to gain from looking at our files, yet you did. It shows me the stupidity and carelessness of the people in charge of the world. You didn't think we would be nice and let you go? Have you ever heard the saying 'Never tickle a sleeping dragon'?" Hisoka asked.

Apollo shook his head.

"It's simple. A dragon is at its most vulnerable while it's sleeping. The sensible thing would be to leave it.

We are the dragon in this situation. You could have done the smart thing and not done anything. You decided to be impulsive and rash, and you've woken up the dragon.

And now, sadly, none of you are leaving this island alive."

Hello guys. Hope you liked the chapter, I'm not great at writing fight scenes so I hope you like this. I got excited while I was writing this. Should authors get excited for things they write?

What did you think of Sigma? I wanted to spotlight him a bit in this chapter.

What do you think Hermes' devil fruit is? I'll be really surprised if anyone gets it. It took me a while to pin what his devil fruit should be, but a week ago I decided to make it a zoan.

I feel sorry for Heydrich. I want to make him cool but the direction the story went wouldn't allow that. Man I can't wait to show off all the other CP-0 members!

This authors note is me just fanboying so I hope you don't mind that.

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