'Hailey, where are we going?' I interrupted.'Well,I don't know yet,babe?'.Trevor just walked over to his car, tugging Hailey along.

'Just follow our car you'll know when we get there,' he winked and opened the passenger door for Hailey, who rolled her eyes, getting in and shutting it. I got in Barb's car riding shotgun. I wouldn't say I like driving unless I have to, which in this case I don't.

Trevor's car drove out of the parking lot as we followed them through the school's outskirts and into town. After about 30mins they pulled over and texted us to look for a parking space nearby as they did the same.

Then we met and strolled further into town until we stood before our destination,'are you alright Sam?' Hailey held my shoulder, trying to get my attention as I just stared. Barbara followed my eyes and gasped.'You've got to be shitting me,' I muttered in a low, displeased tone, but everyone seemed to have heard me.

I thought it was cool that we'd come to the movies. I know it is not as fancy as it sounds, but I've never in my 18years been to a movie theater ever.

But that is not what rendered me speechless, and it was the brunette and dark-haired dude, talking, laughing, and touching sitting on the hood of the guy's Jaguar XJ220.

How the hell is this even possible, I thought they applied to a school in a different state, and I'd never have to see their faces ever again, boy was I wrong.

I turn my head towards a stunned Hailey and confused Trevor. I force a sympathetic smile and look to Barbara, who nods and gives me her keys.

"I'm so sorry guys, I...

 ...I have to go back. Maybe we could try this tomorrow?"

"Okay girl,drive safe but we are talking about this later,we'll hang with Barb and be back around 8."

"Thank you,you guys have fun" I hug all of them and rush to Barbara's car. I start the engine and put the stereo on full blast. I don't know why this still affects me. I swerve lanes driving through the city and back to school.

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