
The Incomparable

You know, looking back into my life, it was horrible. No one had thought to tend to me. No one gave a second glance once they walked past me. Father’s dead... Mother’s dead... Same as everyone around me, but all that changed when I was chosen. Chosen by who? “HIM” of course.

Sectra · Fantasía
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18 Chs

Chapter 8

"Check his limiters," He commanded

After saying that a lady walks right in front of me and looks into my eyes. Then she slowly moved closer and closer until our heads touched each other. Then she turned around and said

"I believe he has-----"


"WHAT DID YOU SAY?" the director yelled across the room.

"I'm afraid he will soon reach his limit, at most he will be level 20," she replied.

Unlike the others, she didn't seem phased by the man at all, not scared at all, but she looked him in the eyes and said what she needed to.

"hey, kid… How about you tell me what really happened in that raid?" He asked.

(* my problem isn't the fact that I don't want to tell you… You just don't believe me *)

"Again, sir… what happened was…" I narrated what happened in the raid and in the boss room, and I didn't tell him about the black flames because that was my trump card at the moment.

"Well, even if you weren't telling me the truth. We still have to get rid of you," he said as he walked back to his desk.

"Get rid of me?" I asked back as I was confused.

"You have no potential and we don't need an awakened going around causing trouble. In your next life ask God to give you more potential." He said as he waved his hands.

"Wait… HOW IS THIS MY FAULT?" I yelled as they dragged me out.


Then I got thrown into a car, and next to me was Mr. Kin Lee looking at me with his dark pupil eyes that were as dead as people themselves.

"Is this what you do to everyone who does not meet your requirements?" I said in agony and pain.

"Are we far enough?" Mr. Kim said to the driver.

"Yes sir" He replied

"Okay… First of all, we are not going to kill you, John." Mr. Kim said in a warm welcoming voice.

"W-wait you're not?" I asked as Mr. Kim shook his head in disagreement.

"Then what are you going to do to me?" I asked while trying to get a good look at his face.


"I am Kim Lee from the Korean International bureau, and my job is to look for kids like you." He explained as he tried helping untie my hands.

"Basically, Mr. John, you are going to Korea," he said with a gentle smile on his face.

I laughed at the idea for just one second. Then, I looked at his face… He was not kidding. We got to the airport and took a "detour" to the back where Mr. Kim's private jet was parked. It was my first time seeing a private jet, and it looked amazing.

"You ready? From this moment on, you will be a Korean citizen forgotten in America." Mr. Kim said with a concerned look on his face.

"I'm fine," I said and threw my phone out the window before the plane moved.

A Wiseman once said, "With new beginnings follow adventures. " well, I cant wait to see what adventures wait for me here.

Chapter 8 Ends

This chapter was short simply because I was trying a new grammar website. Please, let me know what you think in the comment section.

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