Waking up, I saw my self locked in a cell, I soon realized I was captured,"what did this guys need me for", I muttered under my breath,I don't know how but I managed to escape, outside was desolated,devoid of human connection, looking back I saw my capturers pursuing me.
I ran at a very fast but steady pace which shocked me because I wasn't an agile person, after a few minutes of running, I looked back to see no one but I was so tired 'how the heck get into this mess'. I looked back again to see my pursuers coming, with no other choice than to run, I sprinted away. A few minutes later, I fell and sprained my ankle but I didn't care at the moment.
I looked up to discover a fox hole and jumped in to hide. I saw my pursuers pass and I heaved a sigh of relief, I came out only to realize I was in a fox hole with the CUBS!!! and the cubs parents were growling angrily at me 'my day couldn't get any worse' after a few minutes I spotted a good tree and climbed it, but I guess a leopard had the same idea ! I tried to back off quietly but a leaf fell on my nose and I sneezed hardly enough to alert the leopard. 'Why can't my day be better' running I saw my captives returning from pursuing me, now it was armed humans, two foxes and a leopard on my tail. Giving up but still running "guess today will mark the end of my life just at 14 years".