

Mc name:Ammar mahawangsa

Title: The crown prince of malaca


Mc father:Sultan ammar syah

Title:The sultan of majapahit kingdom


Mc mom:sultanah sarah

Title:the guardian of 7 seas

Mc guard

Hang tuah

Title: Legendary admiral


Hang jebat

Title:Warlord of malaca



Title:The palace warlord


Mc world was name as starfall world it's was consists of 4 great continents and some smaller island

-Jinn continent

Home to the jinn consist of 5 superpowers

Madura empires 1#

(The greatest power of jinn.its has been found after the great calamity.)

Threat:ultra dangerous

-rega continent

Home of the beast man consist of 3superpower

Ragyu empire 1#

(Found 50 years after the second great calamity.The beastman live in coexist with each other until the fourth war)

-Eurasia continent

Home to the human empire.Mc home

Consist of 5 superpowers

Imperial Otto 1#

(The first ever human empire was founded by Erthugul its has been in power for 1000 years)

-pattani continent

The holy continent. Surround by 5 main island.Each island was for 5 main religions

(The legend said that the continent was once the place for titans the first ever creature that was said to be able to crush the planet with just a punch.its has been legend for many years ago)

Current world population

-100trillion people(human)

-300trillion The genie (jinn)

-90trillion beast(beastman)

Main religion

-the mosque

(30 trillion human

40 trillion jinn

20 trillion beastman)

-The church

(25 trillion human

45 trillion jinn

20 trillion beastman)


(10 trillion human

55 trillion jinn

20 trillion beastman)

The temple

(15 trillion human

60 trillion jinn

20 trillion beastman)

-the caves

(20 trillion human

100 trillion jinn

10 trillion beastman)

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