1 The Beginning Of The End

In the primitive world of Primos magic exist in every living being the five most basic to learn being Fire, Earth, Water, Wind and Lightning your element is chosen at birth but with enough skill you can create sub elements within each of these five elements. But the world is at war with each other these are the factions ruling separate parts of the world. these factions are the Datos. A group of crazy people ranging from suicidal maniacs to berserkers. Directly north of the Datos are the Narto they use tactics to make up for the strength they lack nearly everyone from the Narto are wise. To the west of the Narto lies the Gugler. The smallest group to ever control land in Primos. Legend has it that the Gugler are a clan of a Giants but nobody has ever lived to confirm it. Except me and my family we are the worlds only immortals but despite being immortal we are the only clan going extinct. You see it isn't easy being immortal as there isn't actually a way to be immortal; We can die like everyone else in this world except there are only a few ways to kill us. My name is Ryan I live in the woods at the center of the world with my brother Dante and my sister Diana this is my story.

April 12 101

"Ryan?" asked Diana

"Hmm?" I replied

"Are you ok?" Diana said "You look sick to your stomach" she continued

"I'm fine I'll feel much better when we make it back home" I assured her

from the bushes I heard a faint rustle of the leaves. But before I could react a Lightning bolt struck bouncing from tree to tree piercing me from behind and from the front at the same time. As I recovered I heard the voice of a child

"Whoa you survived that" echoed the stranger throughout the forest

I spin around in time to meet my opponent encased in lightning armor head to toe moving faster then the eye can follow

"I'm impressed you can keep up with me" Smirked the stranger "My name is Lucian" he continued

"Your making a big mistake" I replied

"Ryan!" Screamed Diana

as I tilt my head I see a few hundred lightning bolts devasting the forest

"Diana we need to flood the forest!" I yelled back

We both leap into the air and lock hands as we release an ocean bubble and launch it at Lucian. He shocks the entire bubble the size of a town and Activates another layer of lightning armor.

"I am losing my patience do not enrage me" I yelled furiously

to this he simply shrugs it off the power of an immortal not only allows them to survive otherwise fatal attacks but it also allows them to be able to use every single element

"Did you know that you were fighting an immortal?" I asked

but this only makes the smile on his face wider and he makes a blade of lightning

"Diana dont let that blade touch you!" I yelled

Diana didn't care she never did she pulled out a mountain and threw it at Lucian he cut through it and she threw another three mountains later she made a Rock hammer and and got a clean hit off of Lucian the blow encased Lucian in stone trapping him in place

"Ough your a dangerous lady did you know that" Lucian coughed out

"Why are you attacking our home" she replied

"It's only the beginning of your extinction!" Lucian answered

he began laughing as a lightning bolt struck him and he was gone.

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