
The Immortal Eve

This tale is from 8000 years ago. [The first legend] that led to the [new legend] The tale that disappeared from peoples' memories now unfolded. Eve was thrown out of paradise and betrayed by her closest family, forced to fight and survive in a world full of war that have driven humankind to the brink of extinction, as the war is raged upon the heavens & the earth by her betrayed family in his quest to become God. In this war that tore heavens apart, destroyed earth, and even killed stars, those with no power could only face inevitable death. Alone, Weak and curse with immortality in a fight or die world while carrying the bloody rage of revenge while seeking answers of mysteries, that should never be revealed, and History long forgotten...

Dondiago · Fantasía
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103 Chs

Attack on the fort

Zuko informs Rose that their soldiers lack the power to breach the fort's walls, and if they don't act swiftly, they will be wiped out by the relentless cannon fire.

Zuko: "Rose, our soldiers can't breach those walls! We need to act fast or we'll be decimated by the cannons!"

Miley: "Zuko, any ideas?"

Zuko: "We could send in more warriors, Raven and I, but-"

Commander: "Absolutely not! We can't risk losing two warriors. We need a plan, now!"

Just as they discuss their options, soldiers arrive with news that the fort is unveiling a new weapon—the anti-magic explosive cannon capable of killing warriors, including those who can use magic, with a single shot.

Rose: "Commander, Zuko and Raven's speed could help them dodge the cannon shots!"

Commander: "I can't risk their lives, Rose! Prepare the 800-man Imperial force for battle!"

Jack: "But Commander, this is madness!"

Rose: "Jack, you need to change your attitude if you want to be a warrior. We have to trust the commander's decision."

Jack: "But Commander, this is madness!"

Rose: "Jack, you need to change your attitude if you want to be a warrior. We have to trust the commander's decision."

[The traumatized Imperial units prepare to charge the enemy trenches with the intention of destroying the turret of the repeated crossbows.]

Miley: "Commander, I request permission to destroy the turret myself."

Commander: "Miley, that's too risky!"

Miley: "Sir, I can do this. Trust me."

Commander: "But..."

Miley: "Please, Commander. This is our best chance."

[After a moment of hesitation, the commander is convinced by Miley's determination.]

Commander: "Alright, Miley. You have my permission. But be careful."

[Miley removes her uniform, disguising herself as a demon as part of her strategy.]

Miley: whispering "Cloaked by the spell, I'll make my way to the fort."

[Two unaware Demon soldiers fail to notice a small bomb attached to the turret, and one of them begins firing arrows at Miley.]

Demon Soldier: "Intruder!"

[Jack witnesses the danger Miley faces and abandons the trench to come to her aid.]

Jack: "Miley!"

[Zuko appears on the battlefield, using his shield to block the incoming arrows.]

Zuko: "I've got you!"

[With swift precision, Zuko charges forward, demolishing the outpost where the two Demon soldiers are stationed.]

Rin: "The repeated crossbows are disabled! It's time to move!"

Lucian: "Initiate the plan! Prepare for parachuting into the fort!"

[The Imperial warrior unit advances towards Fort Derawar, striking fear into the hearts of the retreating Demon Forces.]

Zuko: "For the Empire!"

[Zuko wields his spear with deadly efficiency, decimating the enemy ranks.]

Raven: "Stay focused! Take them down!"

[Raven, armed with repeated crossbows, dispatches any charging demon warriors with precise accuracy.]

Jack: "I've got you!"

[Amidst the chaos, Jack manages to drag an injured Demon soldier to safety.]

Jask: "Zuko, you're covered in blood. What did that Demon soldier say?"

Zuko: grimacing "He's calling the Warrior candidates 'vermin.'"

Imperial Superior: "Hah! Vermin, is it? That's amusing."

Jack: "Unbelievable. They don't even see us as equals."

Zuko: "It doesn't matter what they call us. We'll show them the true strength of the Empire."

Commander: "Fall back! Fall back! Withdraw immediately!"

Imperial Soldier: "What's happening? Why are we retreating?"

[The flare illuminates the sky, signaling the order to withdraw.]

Imperial Soldier: "It's the reinforcements! They're here!"

[As The Reinforcements exit the airship flying above Fort Derawar while Eve stood in the back, the atmosphere intensifies.]

Eve: "Prepare for destruction! No mercy!"

[With brutal efficiency, Eve ready to unleash her explosive magic upon the fort while Lucian & Rin begins to parachute down.]

Explosive fireballs rain down on Fort Derawar, engulfing demons and structures alike in a fiery inferno.

Lucian: "The cannons! We need to take them out!"

Amidst the chaos, Lucian lands within the fort, his eyes scanning the battlefield for targets.

Lucian: "There! The cannons are still operational!"

With a fierce determination, Lucian charges towards the cannons, dodging debris and enemy fire.

Lucian: "Clear the way!"

With a powerful strike of his weapon, Lucian obliterates a large portion of the fort's wall, creating a breach for Imperial forces to exploit.

Lucian: "Push through! We have a way in!"

Lucian starts his assault on the remaining cannons but quickly realizes that even his armor is vulnerable to their shells.

Lucian: "The cannons are too strong! I can't get close!"

Lucian grits his teeth as he tries to deflect the cannon fire with his armor, but it's no use.

Lucian: "Ah! My arm!"

The cannon's shell hits Lucian's left arm, shattering his armor and sending him staggering back.

Lucian: "Rin!"

Rin swiftly intervenes, her blades slashing through the air as she takes down one cannon after another with deadly precision.

Rin: "Stay focused, Lucian! I've got this!"

The demons turn their attention to Rin, unleashing a barrage of attacks in an attempt to stop her.

Lucian: "Rin, be careful!"

Despite the overwhelming odds, Rin continues her assault, determined to eliminate the threat posed by the cannons.

As the chaos ensues, Lucian's eyes narrow in determination as he spots a nearby giant iron rod.

Lucian: "This will do!"

Channeling his magic, Lucian enhances the iron rod, transforming it into a formidable weapon.

Lucian: "Time to end this!"

With a mighty swing, Lucian deflects multiple cannon shells with his makeshift shield, the metal ringing with each impact.

Lucian: "Take this!"

With a powerful thrust, Lucian pierces through the remaining Demon soldiers and cannons, his enhanced weapon tearing through their defenses like paper.

Lucian: "It's done."

As the smoke clears, Lucian looks towards the distance, where Eve watches from afar.

Lucian: waves "Eve! It's safe to advance!"

Eve's eyes blaze with determination as she unleashes another barrage of fireballs, each one aimed with deadly precision.

Eve: "No mercy!"

The fireballs streak through the sky, raining down on the Demon Kingdom fleet with devastating force.

Ship after ship is engulfed in flames, sinking beneath the waves in a storm of destruction.

Ship after ship is engulfed in flames, sinking beneath the waves in a storm of destruction.

Even the ships still operational are not spared, as Eve launches a second wave of fireballs, ensuring the complete annihilation of the enemy fleet.

The sea churns with fire and smoke as the last remnants of the Demon Kingdom fleet are consumed by Eve's relentless onslaught.

Eve lands gracefully on the ground, her presence commanding attention as the sinister aura of the 23 Demon Warriors envelops the surroundings.

Eve's rampage through the enemy forces was a sight to behold, a symphony of violence and destruction. With each swing of her sword, she cut down demon after demon, leaving a trail of severed limbs and twisted necks in her wake.

As arrows rained down upon her, Eve's reflexes were unmatched. She caught some of the incoming arrows mid-air and drove them into the throats of the oncoming demons, their cries silenced in an instant. Grabbing the swords of her fallen enemies, she hurled them towards the archers with deadly precision, each blade finding its mark with lethal accuracy.

But when she noticed the incoming demon reinforcements, Eve's resolve only grew stronger. Charging headfirst into the fray, she unleashed her fire magic upon the remaining demons, engulfing them in flames that licked at their flesh and consumed them in a fiery inferno.

The battlefield was a tableau of chaos and carnage, with Eve at its heart, a force of nature fueled by vengeance and fury. The ground trembled beneath her feet, soaked in the blood of her enemies as she fought on with unyielding determination, leaving a path of destruction in her wake.

Among them, a menacing figure steps forward, his towering form radiating with power and his eyes burning with fury.

Ra'ghul: "So, the little witch dares to challenge us."

Eve's lips curl into a confident smirk as she meets Ra'ghul's challenge.

Eve: "Your overconfidence will be your downfall. I shall send each and every one of you to the depths of the underworld."

With lightning speed, Eve unsheathes her gleaming sword, the blade shimmering with deadly intent.

The battlefield transforms into a macabre spectacle as the clash between warriors and soldiers erupts with a ferocity that echoes through the air.

Eve moves with grace and precision, her every strike a dance of death as she cuts through the enemy ranks with unparalleled skill.

Blood splatters the ground as bodies fall, the air thick with the scent of battle and the sounds of screams and clashes.

Despite their valor, the soldiers are no match for Eve's prowess, and the battlefield quickly becomes a one-sided massacre.

With each swing of her sword, Eve carves a path of destruction through the enemy forces, leaving devastation in her wake.

Eve moves with calculated precision, her sword slicing through the demon warriors with brutal efficiency. Their screams of pain and desperation fill the air, a symphony of anguish amidst the chaos. The ground beneath them is stained crimson with the spilled blood of their fallen comrades.

Blood splatters the ground as bodies fall, the air thick with the scent of battle and the sounds of screams and clashes.

Despite their valor, the soldiers are no match for Eve's prowess, and the battlefield quickly becomes a one-sided massacre.

With each swing of her sword, Eve carves a path of destruction through the enemy forces, leaving devastation in her wake.

Amidst the carnage, Ra'ghul's once formidable demeanor crumbles, his strength waning and his arrogance shattered.

Ra'ghul: "No... mercy... please..."

His voice trembles with fear and desperation as he drops to his knees, the weight of defeat crushing him.

Eve's eyes, cold and filled with hatred, bore into him as he begs and screams for mercy.

Eve's eyes, cold and filled with hatred, bore into him as he begs and screams for mercy.

Eve: "Mercy? You showed none to those you slaughtered."

Her voice is like ice, devoid of pity or remorse.

With a swift and merciless strike, Eve ends Ra'ghul's life, severing Ra'ghul's head from his trembling body. His lifeless form crumples to the ground,

Blood spills onto the ground, mingling with the carnage of battle as Ra'ghul's screams are silenced forever.

Till now, Eve been on earth fighting in this bloody Eternal war for 20 years eventually stop aging around 26.

It's is now the year 1709 June 15th with no end to Mountain of corpses.

Amidst the chaos of battle, Raven, Zuko, and Jack observe the massacre with an air of indifference.

Raven's eyes narrow as she calculates the best course of action, her focus unwavering on her next target.

Zuko stands tall, his gaze fixed on the battlefield, his determination evident in the set of his jaw as he awaits his moment to strike.

Jack remains composed, his expression betraying nothing as he surveys the scene, his mind sharp and focused on his assigned task.

Their silence speaks volumes, a testament to their trust in Eve's leadership and their confidence in her abilities to handle the situation.

Each member of Eve's group remains steadfast in their individual roles, ready to contribute to the battle in their own way as they await their moment to make their mark on the battlefield.

Raven, her piercing eyes scanning the surroundings, remains vigilant, ensuring no enemy attempts to sneak up on them.

Zuko, a towering force of strength, stands as a sentinel, his powerful presence deterring any foes from encroaching upon their position.

Jack, a master of defense, guards their flank, ready to intercept any threats that dare to approach.