
Chapter 11: Meeting team Guy

Now that Raven got his out off class free-card for the year, he had to get the free pass to the D-rank library so he finally can start his real school year. He only has to have to find a Jonin that would help him in his off time. He already had an idea with Jonin he would ask. It was time to go catch up with some old classmates.

- In the mountains at the back of Konoha -

"Now where are they hiding," Raven was looking around and then he heard a familiar voice.

895... 896 ... 897... 898...

he walks to the sound and finds a furry eyed browed guy in a green jumpsuit kicking a wooden pole. He just waits for him to finish his training.

997... 998... 999...

And just when he was going to kick his thousand kick Raven yelled, "HEY Lee, what are you doing?"

Lee startled and his kick missed. then Raven heard another voice.

"You didn't finish your marked training, it's time for your YOUTH punishment training. 1000 push-ups. Get started."

"YES, Guy-Sensei."

And Lee started with his new training exercise. Then the person who spoke turned to Raven.

"And who came to my training area? and even made my student miss his target?"

before Raven could answer him. two persons entered the training ground and the boy spoke.

"Raven, What a surprise. How have you been?"

"Neji, it's nice to see you again, but aren't you forgetting something?"

"No, not really," then he got hit by the girl next to him, "AH, what the hell tenten. why did you hit me?"

"It seems Neji didn't chance after the academy. So, to who do I have the pleasure to meet?"

she blushed and answered, "My name is Tenten like the blockhead said earlier. So your Raven, I heard that you're their friend from the academy. I heard that your the reason that Lee could get through his theory exams?"

"Oh, Tenten, don't let me remember those nightmare memories. that bastard is great with training but hell, so stupid, with something else. Sorry, Lee."

"502... 503..., no problem Raven, ah crap lost count. I'll start over 1...2..."


And Tenten started laughing, even Neji smirked. Mighty Guy was looking at the interaction of his team with the new kid. 'He seems to get along with them. that he gets along with Tenten is normal, she easy to talk with, except when you bring up weapons. but it surprises me that Lee and Neji even talk friendly and normal with him, this Raven is interesting.'

"how come you here? " Neji asked

"Yes, I heard you graduated with these guys, so how come you're not with your team?" and she taught, 'not that I mind.'

Before Raven could answer, Mighty Guy did it for him.

"You failed Kakashi's test didn't you?"

Both Neji and Tenten looked embarrassed and down for bringing it up right now.

"Yes, I did, "Raven explained," But it really wasn't my fault."

"Don't blame Kakashi, it's not youthful. and he did fail you for a got reason."

"Oh Guy, I don't blame Kakashi, he did his job correctly. No, I blame my team for everything."

Guy was surprised that, 'he didn't blame Kakashi, that's a first. Have to talk with him about this. maybe challenge him again too. hihi.' but then he heard him blame his team.

"You can't shove everything that happened on your team. they did their best as well. It's not Youthful to blame them."

"It seems that you haven't heard the whole story, haven't you? It's actually a surprise, everybody in the village knows about what happened."

Lee finished his training, just when Raven said that "Oh, Something happened?"

Even Neji and Tenten looked interested.

"Well that is normal," Guy answered "We have been training here for a few weeks now. So it seems there is more to the story, would you care to tell?"

"Shure, it all started on the day the teams were introduced, ... " Raven started explaining what happened during his team test.

Team Guy was listening with great interest until they started hearing what happened. They started getting mad at the actions that Ravens 'teammates' did during the test.

After the explanation, they all wanted to beat the crap out of Rato and Noragi. Because Lee and Neji know of Yukino, they even met and are friends with her.

"You should have gotten a new team," "You should have gotten a new chance," "It's not fair for you,"

Guy's team started arguing, about the decision to send back to the academy. Guy was going to say something but raven beat him to it.

"Even tho I got a crap team, I still failed the test. It has nothing to do with the test. yes if I had better teammates the test could have gone better. but I really don't think I would have become a genin, after getting to experience the test."

"What do you mean? if you had a team, you could have become a genin like us." Neji said.

"The test made me realize something, I'm so far behind."

"How can you be far behind? You're one of the best in our class." Neji said.

Guy thought, 'It's a surprise that Neji thinks so high about this Raven, I even see Lee looking ou for him. strange. But even they don't really see what he means by being behind. I hope it's going to be a wake-up call for my team, with the answer I think, Raven is going to tell them.'

"Neji, It seems you don't see the gap between me and you. even you Lee. sorry, Tenten but I don't know you yet so I can't make a correct assumption, but I think there is a gap between us as well."

"Non-taking, but what gap? what I hear, you helped Neji and Lee a lot. and they see you as equal?"

"Well, the gap that is between us, I'm an orphan. yes, that in itself is not really important. but Neji has a clan to fall back on, he can ask for advice from clan members. he has access to clan records and more important clan Jutsu. and if he is stuck on something he can ask someone. Lee doesn't have a clan, but he has Guy to fall back on because I know Guy has taken Lee under his wing, v-even during his years at the academy. Tenten, I think even you can fall back on someone? or some other information. Then what can I fall back on? the Academy, no that institute has fallen since them from the third Shinobi War. The Academy library, I couldn't get access to the important stuff without getting a bet out of Iruka sensei, and even that is with its own conditions. You two know I only have this necklace as the only thing, that would be a lead to my legacy. But I have not found one thing about it. So that's the gap I have, so with this year's gap, I can try to catch up to you two. because I want to fight you, train with you, and maybe go on missions with you. because your my friends and I don't want to hold you back."

After the info dump that Raven gave them now, it finally clicked how fortunate they were for their clan or Guy support. it didn't dawn on them how it was for Raven or others without support.

They looked at Raven now with a different thought, he's trying to get where we are all alone. they started to see what that would mean. Guy saw the change in the eyes of his genin.

'you see now how different you have it. how easy it is for you to get where you are now.'

he then looks at Raven,' I've seen this before in someone and it looks like history is going to repeat itself. Just hope the ending is different.'

"So, Now to the question, Raven. Why are you here?" Guy Asked.

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