
The Heroic journey of Roshan and Dragon girl

She's a dragon little princess who is forced to go into running and hiding after her mother died her father married another woman not knowing she was a wolf in sheep's clothing driving wedge's between everyone in the whole clan Goddess of Mercy. Tian Roshan's master. Male lead - Roshan Female lead - Dragon princess Water Spirit - Keeper of the Golden Trident. Fire Spirit - Keeper of the Silver Trident. Kiyan - Roshan's weapon the flaming spear Oliver - Roshan's weapon the flaming rings Noah - Roshan's weapon the Universe ring. Jiya - Roshan's weapon the fire Queen . Silk - Roshan's weapon the Heavenly Silk. MONSTER CLAN Dawooni - she's the snake princess/demon princess daughter of Monster king. Jinjong - Monster Emperor king of Monster clan. Black emsasary - Monster Emperor's right hand man Lady Fish - Snake princess hand maid. DRAGON CLAN Halmahera - King of the E. C Harry - Crown prince of the E. C. Henry - Fourth E. C prince. William - North dragon prince. Stown - king of the South C. Minyan - King of the Noth C. Tomlin - King of the West C. TORTOISE CLAN Tarto fairy. Leader of the tortoise clan.also she was there when the world was being created she saw each and everything and knows everything in this world. General Gwao . General of the tortoise clan FLAME ISLAND. JIYA - Queen of the Flame island.known as Fire queen Daisy - her right hand. Peacock - her left hand. MAGIC MOUNTAIN. Blanch - Elder princess and leader of the magic mountain she can foresee the person's inner power and everything that happens outside magic mountain. Kirian - Second princess. General Dawg - general on the magic mountain. Join me on this journey of Roshan and Dragon girl trying to stop Monster Emperor from destroying the four dragon king's getting more power to control the three realms.

Phoenix_Spirit · Fantasía
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6 Chs



A White Dragon was seen in the sky dancing and enjoying the breeze coming down the sea it transformed into a beautiful young lady dressed in cream dress her hair made with beautiful white and cream accessories.

Playing with water making water on the sea stand up and starting to make weird sounds seeing that she did a wonderful job she smiled giving it another wave she made a storm on the sea.

Roshan came from the sky looking down at the stormy sea he got an idea holding up his pinky finger there it had a ring on it holding it on his mouth he called "Dragon maiden.. Dragon maiden"

Hearing him calling her she smirked " What ? You still remember me ? "

"I have something important to tell you." He told her

" What ?" She asked.

" See you at the usual place " he said before leaving her still practicing her dance but then she saw a dark power coming and a man in mask started fighting her with dark magic. fighting with all her might she saw that she will lose soon so she used the Golden Trident to summoned Water Spirit.

"Water fairy" she called coming close to her.

Water spirit looked at the masked and said "Let me help you" she said before they started fighting against the man.

"Who are you ?"

"Hahaha... Who am I ? Hahaha..... I'm your killer" the man said laughing.

" Ridiculous. Only God knows " they said fighting seeing that he was so powerful Dragon started calling Roshan " Roshan.. Roshan where are you "

"Move "

Roshan and another man arrived just in time and fought with the man.

Seeing that he was about to be defeated he disappeared.

Roshan and the man came down in front of the two girls

"Sister... Roshan long time no see"

"William your here haha indeed long time" Roshan said giving him a little slap on the back.

Then they had someone snorting at them looking at the princess William asked

"Sister are you ok ?"

"Hmph... I'm fine"

" Princess, My princess "

They all looked at the sound of the voice a man around his 50s came into view he held a fan in his hand, he didn't even have a single hair on his head.

"Princess tomorrow is your father's birthday Queen wants you to go home" he said.

" Queen? Hahaha... Let me tell you in the entire East Sea, only my mother is the Queen. Who is snake ? How dare she? "She said looking away.

" I'm sorry princess it was a slip of tongue I'm sorry please forgive me my princess "he said bowing his head down.

" Forgive you ?. I know that you and snake have evil intensions knowing nothing but to flatter my father "she said looking at him in disgust.

" Yes... I beg your leave now." He said before leaving.

"The drought in the Ganda town is so severe please i need your idea " Roshan told them what's happening.

" Don't worry Roshan my father loves me the most i will go back and ask my father to make it rain "

" Alright i will leave this to you. I implore you this time, seriously "

" Okay then leave everything to me I'm kind and trustworthy I'm serious this time "she said assuming him the last time.

But he just rolled his eyes before William insured him." Yeah in ready to help this time i will do my little bit"

Even water spirit " Yeah usually i may not... " Before she could finish he cut her off.

"Ok , thank you all, you are my good friends please help me persuade the Dragon king i will wait for the good news in Ganda town "

" Ok" they all answered.


" The E. C dragon king is here"

"Your majesty" they welcomed him.

"Hahaha ok.... brothers sorry for the lateness"

As soon as he finished Dawoon was already by his side" Your majesty "

"You where talking about something interesting i want to hear it too"

The West Sea king stood up" Brother, I'm here not just for your birthday , people from Ganda town are having a severe drought yesterday the heaven sent gods to the west , South and North for investigation "

" Really "the Dragon king asked looking at Snake princess.

"Dawoon yesterday i wasn't feeling well and left the rainfall to you so how do you explain yourself "

" Your majesty, your mistaken you left the rainfall to the premier right ? "She said and her maid quickly agreed

" Yes, your majesty i saw premier slack off in rainfall "

Hearing this the West king was so furious" You two stop, can't deceive my eldest brother because he's getting old j... "

He was interrupted by snake

" How can you say that, Our king is still in his prime , so you think that my king is muddle - headed? "

Seeing that things where getting out of hand the south dragon king intervened

" The eldest brother is the head of Dragon king's he works very hard everyday so it's normal that he can't remember everything "

" Exactly and i was kidding you just now , and i remember now my premier takes care of rainfall i will punish him severely " the dragon king said

but the West Dragon was pissed off. " Brother, enough"

"The three of you let me ask you , Are you here to celebrate my birthday or to rebuke me ? " He asked and they all answered. " We are here to celebrate your birthday"

Dawoon said " Your majesty don't talk about that , We should celebrate your birthday well"

" You really know me the best"

" You three must be tired i, Fish take them to their rooms" She ordered lady fish.

"Yes mistress" she answered. " Please follow me"

" Your majesty " they bowered before leaving.

The moment they left " Dawoon i remember i left the rainfall to you.

Her face changed but only for a while before it disappeared like it was never there. "Your majesty, recently i have been busy with your banquet, all the palace is busy with your banquet, After your banquet i will tell the premier to drop the rain, ok ? "

" Hahaha... You know me the best well, why can't i see my daughter recently ? "He asked remembering his daughter.

"Maybe she's somewhere having fun with her friends"

" Even forget her father's birthday "

" Your majesty you spoil her so much, now you know who's best for you, right? "

" Hahaha "

" Fire... Fire someone help save my child someone help!!! It's on fire someone here"

" Hey here is Young master Roshan "

" Young master Roshan please save my child "

" I will save him move a side"

Saying that he entered the burning house, looking around he saw the baby crying on the bed he carried the baby but the house went down before he could get out.

"My baby!!!" Seeing the house going down the villagers started panicking.

"What should we do"

"Yaaaaaaa "

Hearing the sound they all looked up Roshan was in the sky holding the baby.

"So great , the baby comes out"

"My baby... My baby... "

" Master your hurt, are you okay "

" I'm fine don't worry "

" Oh no my house is on fire too"

" Fire!! Where "

" What should we do "

Looking around Roshan saw the people his father asked to fetch water from the nearby town and he got an idea.

" Hey stop, that house is on fire we need water to put out the fire"

"No young master, it's the drinking water is for the people"

" It's urgent now forget about his order"

"But if the General knows.."

" Don't worry, if my father knows this, he won't blame me i will take all consequences , heavenly silk go "


A lady stood at the door she looked so worried looking around the lady couldn't help but ask "Why is Roshan not back yet "

"Young master, he is busy outside "

" He's so mischievous "she said before sitting down.

" Mother, Aunt Mary i'm back"