


When I pull up outside of Bellas, I'm suddenly aware of the feeling of being watched, I step out and make my way up the path I glance quickly at James who sits back with his hands behind his head looking like a smug bastard but the sight of Bella suddenly catches my eye and may everyone have mercy on my soul she looks gorgeous.

She gives Kate a hug and she must of whispered something to Bella because Bella gives a playful slap and laughs.

"Alright man,where you taking our Bella on this date then?" James the smug bastard gives me a wink and Bella flushes. What the fuck was with the 'our Bella'?

"Like I'm going to tell you." I smirk back at him and Bella laughs walking towards me, I don't know what it is about her but she makes me nervous. I place a hand on the small of her back as we walk towards the car and I help her in, I decided to go with a small cafe about twenty minutes from here.

I've decided to tell her I remembered what she was talking about but the thought of bringing that night up scares the shit out of me. I pull up outside of the cafe and we make our way inside placing our order we take a small private booth at the back I sit close enough to be able to read her body actions just incase I freak her out with this conversation.

Our drinks are placed in front of us and Bella is quiet and I know she is wondering if I've remembered yet.

Grabbing her free hand that lays on the table I turn slightly so I am facing her, she doesn't remove her hand or freak out.

"Bella, last night when you said to try and remember what happened six years ago before asking you out, Why did you want me to wait to ask you?" She looks straight into her coffee.

"Why would you want to date someone who has a past like mine?" She asks without looking in my direction.

"Are you being serious? Look Bella, that night was the worst night I'm sure both of us has ever had. Obviously it was a lot worse for you, but don't for one second think I wouldn't want to date you because of that. What happened was out of both of our hands." I take a sip of coffee to try and ease the severe dry throat I have.

"That is thing Tyler, you managed to handle it. If it wasn't for you I don't know what else would of happened, hell, I was a scared teenage girl and I didn't even fight back. I searched for the guy in the baseball cap, cream sweater and jeans for weeks after to thank him, and then suddenly six years later I face him and I froze like I was back in that alleyway again." Shit my heart constricts so tight, I feel like I can't breathe.


I can't believe he remembers, and yet he is still here. I can't handle talking about it much more, I watch as jaw tightens at my last statement and his fingertips graze my knuckles.

"Don't think what happened that night changes anything Bella, please. Since the minute I saw you last night I can't stay away from you, even when I'm not with you I'm thinking about you." His confession sends a thrill through me knowing that I'm not crazy for feeling the exact same way.

"I know how you feel, because I feel the same." I feel myself blush but his fingers grip my hand tighter.

"So would you skip work and come out with us all tonight?" He smirks making me laugh.

"I can't, my boss thinks we are going to be at capacity but I doubt I'll be in longer than a few hours, so if you let me know where you are I'll come and meet you."

"Sounds good, but I'll come meet you." We laugh and talk about our classes for the new semester only to find out we are in three classes together.

Another hour of talking about everything from classes to family we make our way to Tyler's car when my phone buzzes it's an incoming call from my boss


"Hi Bella, is there any chance you can be here for seven and you can get off at ten?"

"Yeah sure thing I'll see you at seven." I hang up just as we get into the car.

"Looks like I'm in work seven till ten instead so I'll definitely be able to come out for a bit" The whole drive home Tyler kept his hand on my thigh.

When Tyler pulls up outside my house I know neither of us are ready to leave yet, thankfully Kate and James don't appear to be here

"Would you like a coffee before you go home?" I ask and his smile widens.

"That would be great, thank you."


I left Bellas a few hours ago but at least I know I'll see her tonight after work, I decided to head to the gym with Aaron and pretty much exhausted myself.

After some food and my shower I dress in my dark jeans, white shirt and dress shoes. I remember to put in my lip stud and then fire a message of to the other lads in our group chat

"what time is everyone getting there? or we meeting at ours?" within seconds the replies come in

"On our way to yours." Aaron

"Crack the beers." Leon. I head to the kitchen and get some beers out placing them on the counter just as the door swings open.

Within an hour we are at my parents bar and it's already packed and the music is loud and we head for our usual booth next to the bar. Mom immediately comes over placing down some beers and snacks, in her eyes I can't drink without eating or I'll end up wasted.

"Thanks mom, guessing it's going to be a busy night?" she slides into the booth next to me and sighs

"Yep expected to be at capacity until nine or ten, but got a new bar maid in and she's amazing at her job, now I'm warning each and every one of you" she points around to us all "keep your fucking hands off her, I don't want to lose her." the lads laugh and agree with mom. She is like a surrogate mom to all the lads on the team, but she doesn't have to worry about me going near her new bar maid my thoughts are firmly on my Bella.

It is as if she hears my thoughts when I see a rush of blonde hair behind the bar when she turns my jaw drops and my pulse spikes.

Oh this is either really good or really bad as if on cue my mom looks between me and my line of sight.

"No! I said no!" my mom says with her best mom expression.

"Please tell me your new bar maid is not called Bella?"

"Oh no, you haven't?" I shake my head and the lads all laugh and Kate chooses this moment to turn up giving James a kiss before turning in my direction.

"You and Bella have fun earlier?" Kate smiles clearly not realising what is going on which causes another round of laughter and my mom actually looks shocked.

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