
Chapter 2: The Truth (Part 1)

Ruby Carter approached the luxurious private room occupied by the Carters couple; she gently knocked on the door. A waiter opened the door, and Ruby whispered a few words to him. The waiter went back inside, and after a while, Amelia Walker came out.

Soon after, Amelia returned to the private room and whispered something into Sebastian Carter's ear; his face changed slightly. Mrs. Hoffman across the table noticed and laughed, "What happened?"

Sebastian Carter's face was embarrassed. Seeing that it was not right to keep the matter hidden, Amelia Walker apologized with a full face, "I'm sorry, Helen had an emergency and had to leave first, so she specially asked my daughter Ruby to come and apologize to everyone."

President Hoffman's eyebrows knitted slightly, without uttering a word. Mrs. Hoffman's face also flashed a trace of displeasure.

Could it be dissatisfaction over their son's tardiness?

However, they are all familiar with the business world, and their hearts would not allow this little thing to affect the overall situation.

Mrs. Hoffman, with a smile, said, "Never mind, there will be plenty of opportunities to meet in the future." And then continued, "Has your daughter arrived? Why don't you invite her in to meet us?"

Amelia Walker smiled, turned around, and said a few words to the waiter nearby. The waiter turned and opened the door. Ruby Carter slowly entered the room.

With her hands clasped in front of her belly, she smiled virtuously and gently, "Hello, Uncle and Auntie Hoffman."

Hoffman's couple was taken aback for a moment, then Mrs. Hoffman smiled and said, "What a mannered girl!"

Sebastian Carter stood up and introduced her, "This is my eldest daughter, Ruby Carter. She graduated from Columbia University and is now the manager of our Carter Group's marketing department."


When Helen Blair regained consciousness, she found herself in a VIP hospital room with several doctors and nurses scurrying about; she could hear the beeping sound of various instruments in her ears. Turning her head, several doctors were gathered around a bed, seemingly administering emergency treatment.

Helen Blair was somewhat confused; why was she here? She seemed to have fallen suddenly ill, her predicament so painful that it felt like death was imminent - so being in a hospital was not surprising. But shouldn't she be lying on a bed? Why would she be standing here, with no one paying any attention to her?

At that moment, the urgent beeping sound from the hospital room's instruments suddenly turned into a continuous tone. The doctors dispersed, shaking their heads indifferently. Even without being a doctor, Helen Blair knew that the patient on the bed had already died. Out of curiosity, she approached the bed to see who was lying there.

However, after only a couple of steps, a doctor collided with her head-on. Helen was caught off guard and was about to scream, but right then, a strange thing happened – the doctor passed through her body as if she was transparent, and non-existent!

Helen Blair stared dumbfoundedly at everything that unfolded and opened her mouth wide in shock. Then she looked up at the bed.

A woman lay on the bed, her face pale with delicate features. The nurse was removing tubes and instruments from her body...

Helen Blair looked at the person on the bed, her eyes growing wider in horror. Her legs faltered, her mind blank.

That person... wasn't that herself?

A nurse pushed the instruments through her body; another nurse walked through her body towards the bed, covering the face with a white cloth.

Helen Blair covered her head, screaming, again and again, yet no one could hear her, and no one could see her. In everyone's eyes, she simply didn't exist...

The door suddenly swung open, and Helen turned her head to see Amelia Walker and Ruby Carter walking in. A doctor came over to them.

Helen Blair was overjoyed, rushing to Amelia Walker to grab her hand, but her touch was empty, and Amelia felt nothing.

"Auntie, Auntie, I'm here, I'm here. What on earth is happening?" Helen couldn't stand the shock and started crying.

But no one knew, and no one could sense her presence.

Helen heard the doctor say to Amelia Walker, "The patient's body was very weak, and she came into contact with allergens. She did not receive timely treatment, causing her to go into shock and subsequently die. I'm sorry; we tried our best."

Who is he talking about? Who died? Helen couldn't believe her ears.

After the doctor had finished speaking, he left the room with the nurses, leaving only Amelia Walker, Ruby Carter, and Helen Blair in the ward.

Helen was still desperately calling their names, but Amelia and Ruby were completely unaware.

Their faces were both extremely pale. Ruby Carter was trembling all over; she spoke incoherently, "What should we do? What should we do? I killed someone, I killed someone! Will I go to jail...?"

Amelia Walker snapped, "Shut up!" She then walked to the door of the ward, opened it, and looked out to make sure no one was around before closing it again.

She walked over to Ruby Carter, scolding, "You keep your voice down; I won't be able to protect you if anyone hears!"

Ruby Carter covered her face, crying softly.

Helen watched them, her eyes wide, and gradually calmed down.

What did Ruby mean?

Amelia Walker pointed at the body on the bed and asked Ruby, "What happened?"

Ruby looked at the bed and collapsed to the ground. "I added egg whites to her drink; I knew she was allergic to egg whites. I only wanted to prevent her from meeting Hoffman's prince – I didn't think she would die!"

By now, Helen had gradually come to understand everything. She had died of an allergic reaction, and maybe she was just a soul now, so nobody could feel her presence.

Upon hearing Ruby's words, Helen was overcome with anger. She lunged at Ruby, wanting to fight her to the death, but her body passed through Ruby's and crashed to the ground. Helen cried out, "Why, why did you do this to me? I've always treated you like a sister and never offended you. Why did you treat me like this? I'm only 24 years old. I had just escaped my past and started a new life..."

No matter how loudly she cried, no one knew.

There, Amelia Walker pointed forcefully at Ruby's head and scolded, "You should've thought about it; she barely recovered from her addiction. Her body was weak and couldn't stand the torment! Now there's a life on your hands, how are you going to clean up this mess?"

Hearing her mother's words, Ruby was terrified and started crying; tears filled her face, and her makeup smudged, making her look somewhat horrifying. She knelt before Amelia, hugging her thigh, and cried, "Mom, you have to save me! I just couldn't stand it – where do I not compare to her? In terms of looks, education, and ability, I am better than her in every way! But just because her surname is Blair and mine is Carter, none of the good things come my way! Why should someone as good as Oliver Hoffman be reserved for her? I can't accept it, I can't accept it! Mom, I'm also Dad's daughter, and her blood relative – why am I so far behind her?"

Helen was shocked and forgot to cry; she got up and looked at the crying Ruby.

"What do you mean by Dad's daughter, and blood relative? You're clearly the child that Auntie brought into the family!"

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