
The Guidebook for Reincarnated Travelers

Wyrm Unusual died. Instead of seeing heaven or hell or any other religious place, he would see a corridor with marble pillars on the sides. At the end a desk with a woman there "Welcome to Eden, fucker. You want a fun suicide adventure or a boring desk job?" But what should someone whose brain is fucked enough to forget EVERYTHING do in this world where reincarnation is THE most normal thing? ----------------- 2 things fron Mr.Author. 1. English is not my first language. Don't expect me to know y'alls super special words to describe super special things. 2. Cover is not mine, I am willing to remove it any time

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The Guidebook

In a pretty big city there is one building which looks like it's the centre of it all. When looking at it from a bird's view, you would instantly notice which building is meant. When you stand in front of it, the shadow cast on you would reach quite far.

The building has a large writing on it "Reincarnate's Guild" and even though it is enormously large, it does look like it is not enough. The people in the hall at the entrance are nearly filling the whole space, what the guild building is else used for, who knows?

But outside the guild, at one of the stairs there was a young boy with purple hair sitting there while reading a book. A book called the Guidebook

"I see. I see", he mumbles to himself as he closes the book after looking at the last page. A look up to the blue sky with teary eyes says more than a thousand words, "What the fuck is this shit?"

Now to tell you all what Wyrm read right now, it seems like that this world, Eden, is one of the many places where people go after they die. This one is a bit special though as the gods made this world for their own use. How you ask? You could say they are using it as a test realm for other worlds. Maybe you could also see it as their own sandbox game that only they can play.

And Wyrm? In sandbox games there are always some living beings. In the point of view of a god, he is simply some NPC who just needs to exist for everything to work. But why was exactly HE send here? That question was also answered in the guidebook and it's pretty simple.

Who knows? While there are a few reasons listed there, none of those have to be true but all of them suggest that the gods didn't care if he was here or somewhere else. Some examples would be... The gods were too lazy, The gods didn't know where else to put him, Eden needs more people and so on and so forth.

Now that we know about this world we need to cover some more basic stuff and it's probably best to not let this stuff take too long so here we go.

Next thing that was mentioned in the guidebook were the classes, races, skills and their evolutions.

As it was seen already before in the hall in the reincarnates guild there are a lot- a LOT of beings in this world. Some look like humans more than others but exact information is not given about them.

Then there are a few classes with which people may or may not end up with having. They can't choose it and are stuck with it for now. The class and race give you a few starter skills which are at level 1 for now. The class also gives a person some random item with which they can start their new world with. In Wyrm's case this was a sword.

The evolutions are where things get interesting. Everyone starts at base level 0 and if they level up their base level, their race will evolve eventually. Same with skills but there you have a choice of evolving them at level 10. Classes are a bit different as you have to meet some requirements to get an advanced class. Of course these requirements are a secret.

Then there is a page explaining some basic knowledge about magic. It didn't surprise Wyrm that there was magic in this world but the 7 base elements seem to have interested him. Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Ice, Holy and Necrotic. There are a few more elements but these are either sub-elements or aspects like space or time.

Now there was a page explaining banners. They are basically like passive skills but only one can be active and they do not have a level.

After Wyrm already lost interest in reading, he noticed the next pages being blank. Completely white. Nothing on it. And it wasn't just some pages but a lot of them. The only page which had some inforamtion on it was the last one. The last one which had information about... him.

[Eden Name: Wyrm Unusual]

[Base Level: 0]

[Crew: N/A]

[Race: Human]

[Class: Fighter]

-Class Feature: Fighters get (Base Level/5 rounded up) ghost levels in physical combat skills

[Denari: 0]


+[Melee Proficiency] (Lvl.1)

+[Dual Wield] (Lvl.1)

+[Mental Damage Resistance] (Lvl.1)

+[!@/\=>|Ö³´] (Lvl.1)

[Active Banner: Registered Reincarnate (The user is able to summon the guidebook from anywhere)]

[Banners: Registered Reincarnate]


+Sword [U]

And this was basically it and we are back to the Wyrm who is in tears after looking at the last page. He is not a fan of these "That time I reincarnated as a ... and got a cheat skill and shit like but anyways I am not the strongest mf in the universe" novels. "BUT PLEASE AT LEAST GIVE ME WORKING SKILLS!", He shouted out loud without even realizing it.

When clicking on the stuff that has a + next to it, he is able to open it to get a description. If everything is opened it'd look like this



-[Melee Proficiency] (Lvl.1)

{The user is capable of effectively wielding most basic weapons.}

-[Dual Wield] (Lvl.1)

{The user is capable of effectively wielding 2 weapons at the same time.}

-[Mental Damage Resistance] (Lvl.1)

{Mental attacks don't deal as much damage as it does to other people}

-[!@/\=>|Ö³´] (Lvl.1)

{A skill rel@€/ to the user's \`#!"@ü@ and gives the u5€r &%)!"§?_-;}



-Sword [U]

{One of the most basic of the basic swords. Don't expect too much from it.}

Though Wyrm realized this was no time to be down. In the end he was able to have at least some skills that will help him in this... hell like world like Kaguya told him. So like this, Wyrm stood up with some momentum only to realize everyone was fucking staring at him because he screamed around seconds before.

We have the basics, now we can start with a lot of fun. I have quite some stuff planned so keep reading and gimme your stones if you don't need them. (Or give me some tips to improve myself. I am perfect but not in regards of writing)

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