

A war had erupted between all the powerful races that ever existed in the age of magic, vampires, dragons, werewolves and humans.On their quest to conquer each other,many have been affected negatively that a new government was started on planet Mars.This government brought in people from all races that are tired of the war. Krad,had been raised by Druid Sage on a different far away planet,but brought to Mars by Druid.One day Druid disappeared mysteriously and Krad blamed the war of it.Nothing of Druid was left behind, except a magical hurt and round glasses,then a mysterious old looking book.On touching the book,Krad suddenly received a magus system that would help him to grow powerful fast. He sets a journey,a journey to stop the war and to end the ones that caused it.

CHImanga · Fantasía
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48 Chs


Inside an office in the highest floor of the middle building,a man held a spherical beast crystal that glowed yellow, by his hand.He was sitting on his large chair with his legs on the table. Swiping his hair behind his ear,he answered a call...from the crystal as it glowed a bit more brighter.

"He won't like it if you fail your mission."A voice from the crystal warned.

"I know brother,and I also know he may even lose his mind and follow his instincts."Frank,the principal of Magic Academy replied.

"Glad you also know that.We could even get hurt in the process of his plans."The voice said.

"Hey, brother,would you please keep an eye on the king for me?,I promise to pay you back."Frank requested.

"No problem, he's just a big headed thing."The voice scoffed and the communication ended as the crystal's light died down.

"I think it's time.Hope my pets won't fail me."Frank thought to himself as he stretched himself more on the chair back relaxing.


The white light was so bright that everyone covered their eyes.For Krad,he felt as if his inside was moving all about.It made him feel like he could throw up any moment.But then,the feeling was over.

Opening his eyes,he could see they were on another planet,that almost looked like Earth.The sky was blue with white fluffy clouds.But the same couldn't be said for the surface.

It had purple grass,tall large trees were all over the area.The sun shone just like that on Earth.The one most thing that stood out the most was the pull of gravity of this planet.It felt slightly lighter than that of Earth.

"Okay students,"The female teacher walked infront of everyone."Stick to your group and work together,we will stay in this planet for seven Earth days,which are four weeks in this planet."Everyone started to mumbling at what they heard.The woman continued,"You are to explore this planet with your group,and every time when the sun is almost setting,come back here.

"This will be our base.Your group will be provided with location crystals each that will help you locate this place if you get lost out there.Another information,the beast you'll be facing are intermediate tier beasts that look like huge bugs of different types.Your group must retrieve more crystals than the other groups to get awarded.Also, you'll have to bring the crystals you'll have gathered by each day,to receive points and for safety keeping."As told,each group received a location crystal.

"Let the hunt begin!"

All the groups ran to different directions deep into the forest on search for the said intermediate bugs.

"I think we should head to that side,where there are most plantation.With what I know,the natural habitat for bugs is a place like that one."Hellen suggested.

"Are you some type biologist or what?"Wendy asked confused.They were the only group that was yet to make a move.Hellen did not reply,but looked at their group leader...Krad.He felt very awkward ."Yeah, let's go to that side then."Off they went.

"Seems like that group has a genius.What a good decision that was."Eugene,who had come along thought to himself as he was busy setting up the tents with the other teachers.He had been keeping an eye on Krad's group.

They ran through the trees and found themselves trapped between thick bushes and trees.The ground they stood on did not have the purple grass, but bare dust."I think we are in the right place."Caleb said.Suddenly,both Caleb and Hellen picked up a noise from a certain direction."Everyone get ready."Hellen alerted them.

Krad had only heard just a tiny bit of the noise due to his senses being improved by his system,and had also understood how the two were able to hear the noise.The same couldn't be said for Wendy and Kate,who were late to react.

Out from the side,beasts flooded around them as they immediately went to attack them.Their sizes were like those of a human toddler size.For real,most looked like the tiny bugs from Earth that you could squeeze to death with only your thumb.But for this beasts,the same couldn't be said.

"Don't hold back!"Hellen shouted as she threw a fist hitting a cockroach looking beast.It fell back but stood up again.She stretched her hand at it,a red ball gathered on her palm as it shot itself from her hand killing the beast.More and more started to appear.

"Ew they look ugly."Wendy was disgust as she dodge a slime attack from a snail looking beast with claws.It opened its mouth again and spewed out more slime."Water slash!"Wendy shouted as she swung her wand.A line of a blade-looking water came out from the tip of the wand slitting the beast into two.She had no time to rest as another bug came to her.

Swinging her wand,Kate had produced five magic balls at once killing multiple beasts.Turning around,a bug had leapt in the air landing straight on her chest,she fell down due to the impact."You ugly beast!"She cursed as she stretched her hands holding tight on the sharp claws that almost stubbed her on the chest.

She located her wand that had dropped out of her hand when she fell,and saw that it was just by her side.She used her left hand to reach it.Luckily,it wasn't that far.She took it fast and stubbed the bug from its belly.Her whole wand and hand had sunk inside its body as black blood dripped on her."Energy burst!"She screamed and immediately the beast had burst into nothing.She stood up quickly and got into combat with more beasts.

Kate's cloak had fallen on the ground,and everyone could see her full view perfectly,but ignored it at the time.Caleb was fairing quite well against the bugs as he had shot out a yellow energy ball from his palm killing one after another.He made sure that none of the beasts got too close to him.




System message after message popped up when he dealt with the beasts relatively easy.It had become his style to use his wind ball skill.It was like a snick attack due to it producing invisible attacks.Krad was fairing quite best but not as best as Hellen was.She was clearly skilled at using her powers than him.

It had passed a lot of time with the beasts still coming.It was like they were coming from an endless source. That's when Krad noticed something drastic.

[MANA 9/22]

"Guy's let's stick together,if we continue like this will run out of mana!"Krad warned.They had responded by forming a circle,with their backs facing each other.This was a sure way of protecting each other,and this was what was known as team work.They continued attacking and attacking with the beasts still coming.That's when,Wendy,could not perform any attack."My mana has depleted!"Wendy immediately got inside the circle as Hellen and Caleb closed the gap.

The same happened to Kate,then Caleb.The only ones that continued fighting now were only Hellen and Krad.They continued to attack with sweat running on both of their faces."We can't do this forever!We must destroy whatever the source is!"Krad yelled.The two closed in through the large bush while attacking,until they were on the other side.They found a type of large cave with a small entry that an adult can only enter by crawling.

"Can you spare some mana for some time?"Hellen asked.

"Yes!"Krad shouted as he leapt backwards avoiding a sting attack from what looked like an ugly butterfly with a sting on its bottom.

"Keep on attacking!Am going to close that opening."Hellen changed her line of attack and started to shoot at the top of the opening of the cave.They were quite a distance from it.After some time,she produced her last mana red ball attack and the top of the cave crumbled blocking the entrance.The rocks had even killed some of the beasts.

"Phew,that was close."Krad sighed as he held Hellen by the hand and walked back to the rest."What's on his mind?"Hellen thought to herself.Seeing the sight,Wendy felt a slight sting in her heart but kept quiet.They cultivated all the beast crystals from the beast bodies,and they now had a total 52 crystals.The sun was already setting,Krad took out the location crystal from his bag holding it on his hand.It started glowing,images of the routes that they should take flashed in his mind and now he led the way.He had already let go of Helen's hand by the time they saw the base.

While walking through the bushes,They saw something far from where they were.It was like a large group of people wearing dark masks and clothing.

"Who are they?"Kate asked.