
the great king with a quest system and chat group [English]

I was a lottery winner for a random new life and now I am a wolf who is on his way to become the great king of the monster domain and to be able to activate my chat group to travel to different worlds. story is in spanish but i'm using google translate to translate to english since... i don't know english put the comedy label although I don't know if my ff is (:v) at least I laugh at what I write... sometimes (:v) [The characters and worlds that you will visit and meet in the novel do not belong to me, all credits are to their respective authors]

MiguelCreative · Cómic
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71 Chs

making use of my brain and skill OP

[The next day]

Well today we are in another day.

You will wonder what I did after reaching the cave, thanking that no animal or monster found it.

But hey when you get to the cave, prepare the leaves and branches to make the campfire and use two rocks to make a spark to start the fire.

It worked after a while I managed to turn it on thanks to that it made me want to eat fish, since I always saw how fish cook on TV that made me want to try it.

So I began to prepare the fish by removing what I am not going to eat and putting it away, you never know when you need a bait.

And let me tell you that it was super delicious, that makes me think that animals with Mana are more delicious than those without.

And you may wonder why, well I expected something edible when I did the experiment of cooking the fish since 1) in my previous life I was not the best cook and 2) I had never prepared fish like that.

So it came out much better than I expected it tasted a little better than the cooked chickens the system gave me.

Only a little because the chickens are better cooked with everything necessary while the fish I only made it edible.

But following after I ate the fish I stayed in bed for a while while I started to think about the fights I had.

I have to practice my hunting better and I have to be more aware of my surroundings, trust that I did not see any animals or monsters.

And see what happened to me I almost turned into literal fish food.

After I finished thinking I started to replenish my mana that spent almost all my reserves in the fight against the fish by using telekinesis.

After I recovered, it's not like I had much Mana.

But I realized that I have a cultivator's vision since I managed to see a little inside my body or rather I managed to see the energy trace of the fish inside my body.

As it dissolved and added to my mana, but what I also realized is that more than 80% was wasted.

The fish had 100 Mana 80% wasted while the 20% I managed to use 5% went to upgrading my body and 15% to upgrading my mana.

So my mana went up by 15 points bringing it to 27 points that I won.

My body felt lighter not enough to rank up but I'm getting closer.

But hey, I have to find a way that when I eat something that has Mana, it doesn't go to waste and I can keep all the Mana.

At least I discovered one of the ways to improve my physique faster and be able to grow even faster.

I just have to find a way of when I can keep all the Mana, although not everything is good because I also realized that the Mana of the fish was not completely pure and about 45% was with impurities so to speak.

I learned new things, that Mana is like the energy of cultivation worlds, it has impurities which makes one use much more Mana to make a spell.

So I have that every time I eat I don't keep the part with impurities and that my mana doesn't have impurities, but at least when I meditate and gain Mana I don't get the Mana with impurities so I don't have to worry.

But well after I used my brain a lot to jump to conclusions and all that, I fell asleep.

And now I'm just waking up, so I'm feeling lucky so let's go check the system messages.

Well, I got a normal lottery ticket for my first hunt, I know that, but then I got another 'ding' after killing the crocodile fish.

Opening the system I get the usual blue screen.


Quest: Kill a low rank monster.

A system user who can't even kill a low rank monster can't be considered a system user.

Objective: Kill a low rank monster.

Reward: 1 Low Rank Lottery Ticket.


After seeing that I got another message.

[Message from system creator:

At least that was the quest, but it was supposed to be for later when you could kill a low rank monster, but who knew you killed one much earlier than planned.

Even if it is a low rank monster of the weakest, it still counts so for doing it before and discovering a way to grow faster.

I will give you a gift in the reward so thank the great and mighty creator]

Thanking the one above for the gift, I opened the rewards section and what I see is...

[Rewards: 1 Low Rank Lottery Ticket, [Copper Stomach] Skill]

Accepting the rewards and viewing the skill description.

[Copper Stomach: Allows the user of the skill to enhance the stomach so that it removes the non-beneficial from the consumed item, making all the beneficial remains and helping to improve the user's strength faster.

Disadvantage: When eating a monster, you must wait for it to finish absorbing everything, in order to eat another monster again, as it can overload the user's body and possibly lead to death]

[That is, you will die if you become too greedy]

'Wow... his ability is very OP, no, although his disadvantage is a bit scary since I'll have to realize when I can eat again' - I thought while mentally reminding myself.

But leaving that for later, let's move on to the lottery tickets as I can't wait to see what I can win.

Wish me luck then.


While I didn't have internet I was reading chapter 1 in English of the ff and with my little understanding of English I realized that several words changed or at least that's what I understood (possibly it's just me and my bad English)... so I sincerely hope you don't mind when you're reading it... but well I hope you keep reading my ff.