
The Gospel of the white devil and Black-Wolf

allucardmikhailov · Fantasía
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4 Chs

The Grand Tree of Souls

I came to inside a forest with my head rested against a giant tree without the first fuckin clue how I got there. I took a look around while still laying down and I see the longsword from before. I grabbed it and used it to help me on my feet and I started walking. I spent about ten minutes walking until I found a road and started following that for roughly twenty minutes give or take. At the end of that road was a shitty looking village surrounding a giant tree that made the one I woke up by look like a sapling. I decided to go down there to see if I could figure out where I actually ended up. When I got to the village I realized the villagers weren't your average humans. Some of them were ten feet tall for fuck sakes and all of them had a magical presence that was overwhelming for me at the time. I was eight years old so don't judge me. It seemed like as if they knew I was coming they weren't suspicious of me or nothing. One of them approached me with a friendly face "Well met young warrior we've been expecting you" he said with a welcoming smile. I was still a little freaked out but I managed to get my question out "Where.... am...... I?" "You are on the other side of existence the spirit world, the astral plane, heaven are just a few names for this place." When I processed that I thought oh crap "Am I fucking dead!!!?!!!" "No buddy the sword you got there astral projected you here you'll be fine" "So how do I get back home?" "Go see the Morrigan she's gonna help you learn how to swing that sword or change it into something you can use as I said we have been expecting you. Follow the crows to the tree and you should find her." After that earful I took a walk to the Giant tree at the center of the village. There was a black door with a crow engraved on the base of the tree. I knocked on the thing and it turned into a bunch of crows and took off in different directions. Then after that I peak inside and yell "Anybody home!!?!!" "Salutations Viktor up here!" I walk inside and look up to see a black haired woman wearing an all black set of leather armor , her hair was black and even her eyes looked all black at first then I realized when I got upstairs that they were brown still pretty though. I was a little hypnotized looking at her for a good minute and then she had to break the ice, "Sit down you are making me nervous. Care for a smoke and a drink?" Being a kid I thought smoking weed was the coolest thing ever so I nodded and sat down and she poured me a glass of orange juice and slid it to me then started rolling up a joint. The weed was a bright green with patches of purple and smelled really piney too. She used an ember spell to light it up, took a few puffs and passed it to me. "Tiny puffs, take four then pass it back." I took two hits and started coughing up a fuckin lung and I passed it back. After my lungs recovered from that I felt really nice but super hungry so I asked her "Can I have some foooooooood duuuuuuude?" She just smiled at me and said "I'm not a dude but yes you can someone from the village brought me a Shepard's pie. Want some of that?" "Yeahhhhhhhhh!" She just started laughing when she got up. While she was grabbing that a crow clock caught my eye and I started starring at it for what felt like forever. Then the thing blinked and my heart jumped, I started looking around and Morrigan came back up with two plates of heaven. She placed them down then started up the suppertime conversation. "I'm a goddess so the people in the village are often quite generous, I get food, liquor, weed, anything I could ask for really. Trust me training is going to be brutal and long but you'll be taken care of plus time runs a lot slower in the astral plane. One year in this realm is roughly six hours in the physical realm so worst case scenario when you return to the physical realm you'll be in bed at your dorm in the academy." She's saying this all with her mouthful of shepherd's pie too like holy fuck for a goddess she was a messy eater. When we finished our food she took me to a bed and told me "Rest up first thing in the morning we go see the blacksmith and make that sword into something of your own then the brutality of training." She jokingly let's out an evil laugh then wishes me a good night.