1 Prologue

The war raged, and with it my blood boiled with it. Men were dying over a piece of land. My wife had been assassinated to get me to give up. My daughter was sent into hiding and I was to remain here enduring a siege?

My blood burned beneath my skin as I grew angry with no recourse. My home was filled with hungry servants and refugees, and all were looking to me for help and leadership. Worse still, my dear friend Terrance keeps digging for my daughter's location. Friend may have been the wrong word. That bastard is the reason my home is under siege.

I had arranged a betrothal between my daughter and the prince of another country to gain friendship and covet a truce. It worked, but war continued. My enemy changed. Instead of a foreigner, I was forced to fight my oldest friend. I can only hope I win this for her. So that my daughter may live in peace.

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