4 The 3 gods and the new god

Bon- so polo I guess we are gods

Polo- yeah so edia

Edia- yep we are the 3 gods caption

Bon well let's find more gods and defeat evil

All- yeah

Polo- hey who is that

Bon - no idea

Edia- is that a fire ball in his hand

Bon - wait he is attacking the city

Polo- we need to help them

Edia- let's go

Fire flame- die

Bon- full Astor

Fire flame - damm that hurt

Fire flame- so your power is to take others power and turn it into an Astor and get hit back to the caster

Bon- your pretty smart

Polo- wow I did not think captain was this strong

Bon- did u know that u can't beat me

Fire flame- we said that

Bon- I did - snapsfingers-

Fire flames- gushes out blood- dies

Bon- instant rebirth

Fire flames- how am I alive u killed me

Bon- and if u don't want to die join the gods of the group

Fire flame- ok I will join u

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