
Champions of the world.

At the exit from the cemetery.

The situation is tense. Remy looked at Kai, waiting for his answer.

Will he agree to a duel in the Jinx, or will he refuse?

"I refuse."

Without hesitation, Kai immediately gave a negative answer. For he does not intend to take up cards again.

Large guys in tuxedos stepped out of two black cars that were parked to the left.

"I knew you'd say that. That's why I brought your older sister with me and new girlfriend from Tokyo."

The big boys opened the back doors and dragged the two bound girls out, throwing them on the pavement. It was Britney and Amelia.

"If you lay a finger on them, I will destroy you."

Kai's face changed dramatically when he saw his sister and girlfriend. It was immediately clear from his look how angry he was. Ready to tear the enemy to shreds.

Remy walked up to Amelia and grabbed her roughly by the cheekbones. He looked at her intently with his bewitching gaze and grinned.

"That girl is pretty cute. You don't have bad taste."

Kai exploded like he was sitting on a propane barrel. He approached, took Remy's hand and threw him away from the Goddess of Fortune, as much as a few meters.

"Get your dirty hands off her."

"Okay. Fine. Don't be so mad. I won't touch that girl again."

The old rival in Jinx spread his arms with a sly, smiling face and calmed Nait, who was angry with him. He doesn't need any other showdown. Only card fight.

"Well, so what? Do you agree to a duel, or not?"

He abruptly changed the tone of the conversation from calm to serious. Wanted to get a positive response to the challenge. After all, he has valuable hostages, the fate of which depends on the answer of the guy.


Kai was at a loss and didn't know what to say to that. How to be? On the one hand, friends and relatives who are in the clutches of the enemy. And on the other hand, a promise that he gave a long time ago. Never play Jinx again.

"Don't agree. You promised me."

Britney called out loudly to her little brother. He shouldn't worry about them now. The main thing is to keep your promise. She is ready to sacrifice herself for this.

"Shut your mouth, bitch."

At the same moment, one of the thugs who was standing with Kai's sister broke loose and slapped her with a very strong slap in the face.


Britney has come pretty hard right now. This blow was clearly audible throughout the district. And the girl's face turned 60 degrees, and she herself fell to the ground.

"Hey, who let you touch them? Huh?"

Remy terribly did not like this attitude from his subordinate. He did not allow any of them to dissolve their hands and touch the hostages.

"Sorry sir. She spoke without permission. I thought she should be taught a lesson."

The culprit abruptly fell to his knees and began to tearfully ask for forgiveness for his behavior. Frightened by the reaction of the master.

"Your job is to follow orders, not to think."

For the first time, Remy decided to forgive and not touch his subordinate, but next time there will be no such leniency. If he violates his order, certain consequences will follow.


After that, the guy returned to his old rival and stood opposite him.

"Remy. As soon as I destroy you. That big guy will pay for hitting my sister. I'll kill him."

From Kai now emanated a wild desire to finish off the one who dared to touch his dear older sister. He seriously intended to kill this man.

"Looks like you're finally ready."

This attitude only made Remy happy. Now Nait is definitely ready to fight him in the Jinx and will not back down. Because the man in the tuxedo did the wrong thing. He hit Britney.

"Yes. Let's fight."

Everyone got into their cars and drove to the stadium in Tokyo, which was built especially for their son by the Nolan family company. His father. It was one of the largest Jinx fight sites in the world.

After 3 hours.

The main entrance to the huge Nolan family stadium.

"Does it remind you of anything?"

Remy asked with a smirk on his face.

"Yes. The place where I defeated you last time."

This place was one on one, just like the one where Kai and Remy had last fought. Down to the smallest detail made in his image and likeness.

"Exactly. I specifically asked my father to build it like this. This stadium was made specifically for today's battle between you and me."

It took a whole year to build this huge stadium. Only for one thing - to arrange a rematch and defeat his old rival, whom Remy had already lost once.

"Enough talking! Let's get started."

Kai couldn't wait to start. He wanted to end this battle as soon as possible. Bring back the people you care about and make one of the people in the tuxedo pay for raising a hand against his beloved older sister.

"Of course. Of course. Here you go."

Remy held out a deck of cards and handed them to Kai.

This is his old deck that he left along with his past. But the opponent kept it so that the confrontation was on equal terms. In full force and without giveaways.

"My deck. Did you save it?"

Thought she was lost forever. Nait did not expect to see her, but he still accepted from the enemy and took him in his hands. For without her, the guy really had no chance of defeating Nolan. This one, unlike Jacker, is a very strong and dangerous opponent.

"Yes. After all, I want to defeat you in the best shape and prove to everyone that I am stronger than you. Kai."

On the field of the huge stadium of the Nolan family.

The game has begun.

Put your cards on the white field.


Player Remy Nolan goes first.

"I place White Funnel and Iron Horus. This is where I end my turn."

White Funnel - This card increases the damage of all stone-created monsters by 30 points.

Iron Horus is an ancient stone Golem created in the cradle of life. They say he is so strong that he breaks entire mountains. 4 ticks. Hit - 320. Dodge - 190. Effect - when the White Funnel card is on the field, its hit is increased by 100 points.

The second player to go is Kai Nait.

"I place Goddess of Fortune and end my turn."

The Goddess of Fortune is a beautiful maiden who is able to see the future. 4 ticks. Hit - 100. Dodge - 460. Effect - while this card is on the field, all cards in the opponent's hand are revealed to the player and he sees them.

"What is this? Why am I on Kai's card?"

Amelia was simply dumbfounded when she saw a card with her image in the Kai deck. Where is she from? Why does such a map even exist? Is such a thing possible?

"I don't know much about it, but as far as I know. These are their personal Vinline that the association gave Kai and Remy."

Britney unfortunately did not know the details. She only knows that the association gave them personal decks for winning last year.

"What are they?"

But how important they must be in order to receive personal privileges from the Jinx Association. She, even taking into account her peculiarities, has never met with the creators of this game.

"Don't you know?"

Kai's older sister asked with surprise in her voice.


Only the girl was completely unaware. Kai told her almost nothing about his past. Except for the death of their parents.

"My brother and Remy are last year's world champions."

As it turned out, these two world champions last year. They are the best Jinx players in the world.

"What? So they were able to defeat the top 20 and learned the secret of Jinx."

Moreover, they both know the secret of Jinx. What is inside the Digital Vice box. The thing that the whole world wants to have.

"Yes. It was this secret that killed our parents."