

Darkness may fall out in the presence of light but light will always reveal the darkest secrete of the dark. Elena was traumatized after a pathetic experience with her uncle, she became a devil in human form her mission was to kill her uncle and any guy with who she had sex. A witch cast a ring spell on her finger in which she became unconscious, aggressive, and callous. She vowed never to fall in love with any guy which she resist for many years. But the story change when she met Clark. Clark became an antidote to her spell due to the love coexistence between them. Ever since then, Elena understands the true nature of love and its power she rather chooses love to hate.

David_Godwin_5404 · Fantasía
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11 Chs


He came back looking worried as he pondered on what to do next.

Mrs. Clara called out to her husband but he couldn't respond to her. She quickly walked down to him as she pats his shoulder.

"Food is ready dear don't tell me you are not eating". She said,

" I believe you've already given the right answer, to be sincere I'm not eating". He said adjusting her hands from his shoulder

"And may I know the reasons behind that?".

She asked but he kept mute.

" I'm talking to you dear and you are making me look as if I'm talking to myself".

"And that is if you decide to talk to yourself for crying out loud allow me to have peace of mind after all you caused everything,". He said pointing his fingers at her as he became more upset.

" Ohh!! No, are you trying to blame me, what have I done wrong?". She asked, looking sad.

He angrily stood up from his couch as he walks passed her

"You are nothing but a shame I married you and you can't even give me a child, not even one but Elena who we decided to train as our own. You allowed her to vanish from this house and you thought I will be happy with you?".

She became heartbroken as tears began rolling down her eyes, word and s became heavy On her lips while she began to flounder.

" I...'m.....not the....cause....darling"...

He couldn't wait to console or listen to her cry he whizzes and left her presence


What have I done wrong? I repeatedly ask myself has I stood still contemplating an answer

The fact I couldn't give him a child doesn't mean I'm the cause of Elena's vindication after all she left without telling anyone and she even sent a message about taking revenge.

I wonder what the revenge may maybes I don't think I have offended her she is a friend and a daughter to me but her disappearance gave me more concern

Who is behind her revenge?

Did anyone do something wrong to her that she kept a secret?

These are questions someone needs to answer

After that, she took her bag and presides to her place of work

I was so pleased because I have just started the Journey of pain between them. This was my manipulation as I watched them from a river basin.

More havoc and pain needed to be done. I'm only waiting for the day to fall asleep for the night to stay awake.

I laughed out loud immediately after I uttered these words.


12p.m to be precise it was heavily dark as both couples parted ways not to sleep on the same bed

I visit my uncle I create a scary atmosphere in his room everywhere was filled with smoke while a terrified voice began to scream his name repeatedly

"Mike!! Mike!!! Mike!! Mike!!! Mike!!!".

He became afraid as he woke up seeing smoke without fire and hearing a voice without knowing who the person was.

" Please don't kill me, who are you? Just tell me whatever you want. I'm ready to give it out?". He said as he went down on his knees pleading for his life.

"Life is giving to whom much is expected". I said, giving out scary laughter.

He became more terrified as he began asking.

" Please who are you?".

I could see the fear in his face and the tears in his eyes so he could be this terrified. I thought he could handle a fight. This was my thought while I kept looking at him.

I made some terrifying scenarios, using my magical power to control the door and windows.

He screamed for help and tried to run out of his room but I trapped him down and he became stagnant and unable to move.

Then I walked closer as I revealed myself to him.

"Do you remember me?". I asked.

He looked confused trying to figure out my identity but couldn't recognize me.

I asked again

" Do you remember me?".

"No!! Please tell me who you are?". He asked, looking confused.

" I am ELENA!!!"...

Immediately he heard my name he became more terrified plopping his hands on his head while he repeatedly screams

My name.

"Elena!! Elena!!! Elena!!! Elena!!!"

The moment he did that I succumbed to his sight.

He ran out of his room to the parlor panting heavily.

Mrs. Clara could not ignore the sound and voice of her husband as she observed some strange movement she quickly ran to the parlor to check what was wrong

She became astonished as she found her husband gasping while calling the name Elena.

She quickly ran to him and asked.

"What's wrong dear I heard you calling Elena?".

" I saw her, she appeared to me!!,

She is a ghost and a monster!!" He cried out loud, feeling uncomfortable.

"Elena is a ghost!! How is that possible but she is not dead?".

She asked herself while she pondered continuously on this after sometimes she tried patting her husband as he fell asleep.


She prepared a nice delicacy to guess what? It was her husband's favorite. She did this just to make him happy.

The food was well dished on the dining table as she calls on him

" Honey, your food is ready!!".

He stood up presiding to the dining table to have his breakfast immediately he tried eating his food he got a flashback about last night

He screamed her name again pointing towards the window

"Elena!!!! Elena!!! Elena!!! She's where I can see her".

" No!! Elena is not here, it's only you and I". She tried consoling him.

But the more she did the more he screamed my name so loud looking terrified as he also display some lunatic act

Could it be he is going insane, she tried feeding him but he refused he stood up and ran to his room as he repeatedly call out my name

"ELENA!!!, ELENA!!!, ELENA!!!, ELENA!!!!..