
The Ghoul king of Yonaka

Kenchi is reborn as a ghoul and has to survive the enemies after him, while developing his own village, but it won't be easy because this world he's reincarnated into is more dark and twisted than he could have ever thought. Dear viewers, hope you enjoyed. Warning: best without text to speech Upload time: a chapter every 2 or 3 days

JPDragon · Fantasía
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77 Chs

The Evolution of Magic and Races[Info Log]

[The Magic System is made up of seven pure elements. Fire, Earth, Holy, Time, Darkness, Blood and Water].

Darkness Magic can evolve into Shadow Magic, this magic gives the user the ability to warp space to a certain degree.

Fire Magic can evolve into Sun Magic, this is magic is ten times stronger than Fire Magic, with the power to control flame and create magma this magic type is formidable. But there are legends of a higher form of this magic.

Earth Magic can evolve into, Air, Thunder, Water, Ice Magic. These types of magic are the most common, but that doesn't mean they're weak in comparison to other magic type.

Holy Magic give the user the power of heal if they are of Ghoul or Dragon-kin origin. This magic proves that light manipulation is not to be messed with, though it doesn't have a evolutionary line, it's still quite powerful.

Time Magic is ancient and very dangerous magic. This magic allows the user to move at light speed, have faster reflexes, use object reversal skill and double a object speed, but regeneration is stunned so destroyed limbs will not grow back. There's no one with this kind of magic.

Blood Magic is exclusive to Ghouls, but the chance of a ghoul having it is very low. Blood Magic has no evolution that is documented. This type of magic gives the user control over blood and create it from thin air. It the only magic type that boost the user's strength.

Water Magic is a special case, it can evolve into tide magic.

Tide magic evolution is undocumented, but it exist.

Magic Awakenings- When a user awakens their magic, it doubles in power, this is considered inferior to evolved magic types. Magic comes in two forms a awakened form and a evolved form.

[Magic Skills, Skills and Race].

These are to separate things, magic skills are linked to your magic type. They're like triggers for a particular magic attack. Skills aren't linked to your magic and you don't need magic to use a Skill, because they're not element based. They rely on raw power and mastery over fighting techniques.

Ghouls- Ghouls are a hybrid race, because they can be create by a buildup of mana and through reproduction. Their race skills base forms are Blood Pressure, Dark Impulse.

Dragons- Dragons are one of the most destructive races, they can use Air, Ice, Thunder, Fire and Darkness Magic. Though they're called dragons. Full dragons are rare, because most dragons can't achieve full mutations, so they're stuck in a human like form. Dragons are also a hybrid race.

Human- Aren't born with magic, so they use a special orb to unlock their magic. Human can use Fire, Water, Holy, Thunder, Darkness and Ice Magic.

Kitsunes- Kitsunes can use Holy, Fire, Air and Ice Magic. Kitsunes are a hybrid race.

Beastman/ Beast folk- Beastmen can use every kind of magic expect Holy, Blood and Time Magic.

Dragon-kin are a sub race of dragon, and the only magic types they can use is Fire, Holy and Earth magic. They are a hybrid race.

Fish Folk- This race can only use water magic. There whole economy is based around the use of there magic.

without further interruptions, enjoy:)