
The Ghoul king of Yonaka

Kenchi is reborn as a ghoul and has to survive the enemies after him, while developing his own village, but it won't be easy because this world he's reincarnated into is more dark and twisted than he could have ever thought. Dear viewers, hope you enjoyed. Warning: best without text to speech Upload time: a chapter every 2 or 3 days

JPDragon · Fantasía
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77 Chs

Road to Maravesta


Uh! When is this forest going to end.

"As Kenchi walked the narrow road a wagon slowed approached him. A duo of heavy armored people was in the wagon".

~A guy~

Hey, you there!


(Is he calling me)? Uh, hello, is there a problem.

"The wagon stopped by Kenchi".

~A guy~

Are you an adventurer?


No, but I can handle myself.

~A guy~

(Plan B). Give us all your money!


(Wait, am I being robbed)?... I prefer not to give you my money.

~A women~

We're not asking!

Kenchi unleashed his hidden bloodlust.


I'll give you five seconds to go while you can.

~The male robber~

(What is this feeling of sudden damage)?

~The female robber~

Denya we shall go.


One, two, three.

"The robbers got on their wagon and rode away".


For a second there I thought, I would have to hurt them.

"Kenchi continued walking"...


"In a nearby mountain a horde of Wyverns gather. A human stands on a high rock".


My underlings, tonight is our greatest attack yet. If you die in this battle you will still be renowned as heroes. Our goal is to obtain the Orb of Origin. It will bring us closer to reviving him.