
The Ghost's Bride

In the quiet, scholarly life of Emma Carter, a young college student with a passion for the mystic and unexplained, reality and fantasy blur in a dream that refuses to fade with the morning light. One night, plunged into a dreamscape shrouded in mist and mystery, she finds herself in an ancient, moonlit ceremony, marrying a stranger with eyes like the void. His voice, a cold whisper tethering her to him, declares her his wife with an authority that brooks no argument, binding her to a fate she cannot understand. "Now that you have taken the vow, you are my wife! You can never escape in this life!" he proclaims, setting the stage for a story that weaves through the threads of dreams and reality. As days pass, the dream repeats, each night drawing her deeper into the enigmatic world of her nocturnal husband, Lance —a spirit ancient beyond measure, whose heart has long been closed to the world of the living. Emma's days become haunted by memories of their dreamt nuptials, the enigmatic words he spoke, and a compelling pull towards him she can neither explain nor resist. With each dream, the boundary between her waking life and the night’s embrace blurs, leaving her to question the nature of her reality. Lance bound by the chains of time and thirst, finds in Emma a light he thought lost to his world. Bound to him by a dream, she becomes an obsession, a beacon calling him to break the shackles of his own making. However, this union is not without its dangers. Caught in the storm of her own feelings and the darkness of a world she never imagined could be real, She must navigate her way through this labyrinth of love. As she delves deeper into Lance world, she discovers that her dreams may not be as ephemeral as they seem. The bond they share ties her to him in ways that are both a curse and a blessing, a source of strength and a perilous weakness. As she embraces her role in Lance's life, she faces the challenge of reconciling the life she knows with the dark, enthralling world into which she has been thrust. Her journey is one of self-discovery, love, and the fight to maintain her agency in a world where ancient rituals and unbreakable vows threaten to define her existence.

GothChick · Fantasía
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24 Chs

Gone Carzy!

In the soft glow of the hospital's dim lights, I often found myself marveling at Shawn's supposed keen powers of observation. As a police officer, I imagined he could unravel any mystery with a mere glance. So, when my hand instinctively rested upon my slightly curved belly, a silent whisper of my newly discovered secret, I half-expected Shawn to unveil my truth with that same piercing gaze. Yet, as the hours turned, it became clear he was no such detective in matters of the heart. A part of me, nestled between hope and fear, sighed in silent relief.

Our banter had always been a dance of light jests and soft punches, "Shawn, it's uncanny. Here you are, standing guard all night, yet you emerge with not a shadow under your eyes, while I look as if I've battled with the night itself."

My mock frustration found its target in a playful punch, but our moment of levity was cut short by the stern voice of a nurse, a sudden shadow over our shared laughter. "This is a hospital, not a playground. Keep the noise down!" I felt my cheeks burn with embarrassment, a silent apology hanging on my lips as I watched her stride away, only to pivot back with a pointed finger at Shawn. "And you, the hospital corridors are no place for smoking!" Her gaze pierced through us, a blend of disappointment and reprimand.

Shawn's attempted defense died on his lips as we both tried to stifle our laughter, a moment of shared rebellion in the sterile silence of the hospital halls. But as the nurse's steps faded, the air between us grew thick with unspoken words. The lingering scent of tobacco clung to Shawn, a stark reminder of Lance's absence. Lance, who detested smoking, suddenly flickered in my mind, a ghost of what could have been.

Caught in a web of fatigue and fleeting thoughts, I berated myself for letting my guard down, for allowing my heart to meander into dangerous territory. The sudden shrill of Shawn's phone shattered the moment, his voice laced with panic, "What do you mean she's missing?"

The room seemed to spin, the walls inching closer as the gravity of Shawn's words sank in. Mary, the one clue to unraveling this tangled mystery, had vanished into thin air. The implications were chilling, a harbinger of a truth we were not ready to face. As Shawn wrestled with his next words, the reality of our situation dawned on us. This was no simple case; it was a puzzle with pieces scattered in the dark, each clue leading us deeper into an abyss we were not prepared to explore.

The mention of the red-cloaked specter sent a shiver down my spine. If Mary's disappearance was a piece of this sinister puzzle, what did it mean for the others? Was the specter's vendetta more personal, more selective than we had dared to imagine? As we stood on the precipice of this revelation, the weight of our investigation bore down on us, a looming shadow threatening to engulf us whole.

In the dimly lit corridor of the hospital, the word "missing" echoed ominously between us, its meaning unfurling like a shadow at dusk. Was Mary lost, or had she already met a fate far beyond our reach, somewhere between the veils of life and death? I felt a cold shiver run through me, my eyes instinctively seeking Shawn's, searching for a semblance of understanding, or perhaps a sliver of hope.

Shawn's gaze met mine, a storm of thoughts behind his calm exterior. "There's another angle we haven't considered," he said, his voice steady, yet tinged with a gravity that made the air around us thick. "Mary might not be a victim but an accomplice. What if she's allied with the specter in crimson, plotting against Susan?"

His words felt like pieces of a puzzle too complex to comprehend, painting a picture that blurred the lines between the living and the spectral. How could the living conspire with spirits, weaving plans as dark as the night? My mind wrestled with disbelief and dread, yet Shawn's composed profile offered a silent reassurance.

Driven by a sudden realization, I stood up, urgency coursing through me. "If you're right, then no spell can shield the living flesh from harm. Susan is still in peril." It was a human life at stake, and indifference was a luxury we could not afford.

I stepped into Susan's ward, the laughter and chatter of her classmates washing over me like a balm. Their presence was a fortress of normalcy, a barrier against the shadows we feared. Yet, the safety was but a fragile illusion, shattered by a sudden crash and Susan's pained cries.

Rushing back, the scene before us was one of chaos - Susan, a figure of agony, her movements wild and desperate, her voice a harbinger of defeat. "It's futile... She's beyond our reach," she screamed, oblivious to the blood painting her fingers from the shattered remnants of her defiance.

Shawn acted with swift precision, his movements a dance of purpose and protection. Locking the ward behind us, he drew a cross from his coat, a beacon in the tumult. With agile steps, he navigated Susan's frantic defenses, pressing the cross to her forehead, a silent prayer made manifest.

In that moment, the boundaries between our world and the unseen blurred, a battle waged not with swords but with faith and will, Shawn standing steadfast as our anchor against the storm.

In that moment, as Shawn's fingers delicately traced the air around Susan, whispering ancient words of power and protection, the chaos of the ward seemed to pause. Susan, caught in a spellbound freeze, her arms arrested mid-gesture, became an unlikely portrait of the mystical dance we found ourselves entangled in. The gravity of the incantation gently eased her into a tranquil slumber, her once wild expression smoothing into peaceful repose.

As the last syllable of Shawn's chant faded, a mischievous spark lit up his eyes. He sent me a conspiratorial wink, a silent signal in the midst of our tempestuous night. I moved to unlock the door, letting in the worried throng of medical professionals who had been waiting anxiously outside.

Shawn, ever the chameleon, shifted from the solemn guardian to the charming rogue in an instant, his voice laced with a playful lilt, "My apologies, Doctor. It was but a shadow of fear we chased away. She's at peace now," he explained, his gaze briefly flitting to Susan with an unspoken worry.

Yet, as tranquility seemed to be restored, Susan's sudden awakening, her gaze alight with a mischievous glimmer, unnerved even the attending doctor. Her antics, a clear ploy to unsettle, only deepened the mystery swirling around her.

In the wake of the doctor's hasty retreat, my frustration found voice, "Susan, this can't go on. Won't you tell us what haunts you?" Her refusal, veiled in tears and defiance, spoke volumes of the torment she was under, a puzzle that refused to yield its darker corners.

The unexpected visitor at the door, a stranger to our eyes, seemed to unravel Susan further. Her reaction, visceral and raw, was a torrent of emotions that swept through the room. In her desperation to flee from unseen specters.