
The genius legend of the whole realm

Lu Chen, a young man who wants to practice the highest level of alchemy, hopes to become an alchemist for eight years. Lu Chen was also a humble, pure-hearted, and bookish person. He devoted himself to cultivating and refining medicine. However, because he wasn't someone considered special, he couldn't cultivate the ability to cultivate potions. In the family, because his refining ability is the lowest, his family is very disgusted with him, and he will even be kicked out of the house. One day, his grandfather told Lu Chen a shocking secret about their family. This is what revived his hope, and it seems until the time comes to restore the family. Lu Chen worked hard to achieve supreme alchemy and swordsmanship skills. He made great progress. With extraordinary talent, Lu Chen even sacrificed his body for the sake of having the best martial skills in the entire world. Then, he meets various stunning beauties with different personalities. The women acknowledged Lu Chen's outstanding martial arts and alchemic cultivation skills, along with the blazing desire that made Lu Chen even more heroic. Lu Chen tortured those who were dissatisfied with his rule, such as: bone refining, body refining, and marrow refining. Swordsmanship and alchemy eventually made Lu Chen the strongest and greatest in the entire sect. .... authors here, if you like the novel, don't forget to tell me your thoughts so that I could improve in the future.

_LynXx_ · Oriental
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19 Chs

BAB 9 : Showing His Talent

In an extremely beautiful room on the third floor of the Treasure Gathering Pavilion.

"Miss Ji, I have something to report," said a staff member.

The staff had just received Lu Chen. Now he is saluting a beautiful woman with his head down.

"What is it?" asked the woman.

This woman was wearing a long purple dress, and looked elegant and serene. She is Ji Ya, the Treasure Gathering Pavilion Director.

Ji Ya has a high reputation in Wind City. Even the leader of the Lu family would treat Ji Ya with courtesy. No one will hate her because she is a woman.

In reality, Ji Ya contributed greatly to the Treasure Gathering Pavilion. She is a very intelligent woman. The Treasure Gathering Pavilion that she managed has a good relationship, not only with the city leader but also with the major families of Wind City.

"I just received 15 bottles Bone Refining Pill of excellent grade on the counter." the staff said with his head lowered. As he spoke, the staff took out 15 bottles of Bone Refining Pill that was purchased from Lu Chen.

"Is it right?" Hearing his words, Ji Ya twitched her brows slightly, as if she had found something interesting.

Ji Ya picked up one of the porcelain bottles and examined it. She identified that it is indeed a excellent grade Bone Refining Pill.

At least only a senior alchemist could refined pill of excellent grade, even the Treasure Gathering Pavilion would pay special attention to them. As soon as the acquisition counter finds someone selling excellent grade Bone refining pill, they will immediately report to Ji Ya.

"What about the person?" Ji Ya asked, turning to the staff.

The staff knew what Ji Ya meant, so he quickly replied, "I know that person. His name is Lu Chen, a member of the Lu family, so I didn't leave him in the Treasure Gathering Pavilion."

"Lu Chen, who is he? In the Lu family, isn't there only one Senior Alchemist Lu Xianzhi?" Ji Ya frowned slightly.

Ji Ya knows all the senior alchemist' s in Wind City. Hence, Ji Ya couldn't help but be somewhat surprised when the staff said that that person was Lu Chen of the Lu family.

"That Lu Chen, the grandson of the Third Elder of the Lu family, who is unable to cultivate due to lack of his physical attributes. He is a junior alchemist. In the past, Lu Chen often came to our Treasure Gathering Pavilion to sell some ordinary grade Bone Refining Pills. I don't know why this time he is able to produce so many Excellent grade Bone Refining Pills." The staff explained.

"Oh, Lu Chen. I've heard of this person." Ji Ya nodded her head. "How did he obtain excellent grade Bone Refining Pill? The Lu family only has one senior alchemist. If Lu Xianzhi makes excellent grade Bone Refining Pill, the Lu family will not allow any of his family members to sell it."

Ji Ya started to speculate about the source and intent of this medicine. However, she had not expected that such a excellent grade pill was concocted by Junior alchemist Lu Chen.

Ji Ya felt that Lu Chen obtained this excellent grade pill through dishonest means.

"I see. The next time Lu Chen comes with a excellent grade pill, please let me know and I will see him." Ji Ya pondered for a while and waved at the staff member.

"I see." The staff turned and walked away quickly.

"Once I get home, I will practice Wind-Cracking Swordsmanship first. I have cultivating in the late stages of the Bone Refining Realm. However, I haven't learned any martial skills yet. For this reason, I will be on the losing side when fighting against other cultivators in the late stages of the Bone Refining Realm."

"In that case, I should try making the Body Refining Pill. I can enter the Body Refining Realm as soon as possible." Lu Chen thought.

He walked swiftly down the street.

"Lu Chen, idiot, stop!"

As Lu Chen quickened his pace, a loud voice can heard from the side.

Lu Chen stopped. And he found himself on the street. There are some people walking by.

"Stupid Dong?"

As soon as he heard the voice, Lu Chen knew that the owner of the voice was Wang Dong.

Wang Dong, with his five followers, quickly stopped in front of Lu Chen with a cruel smile.

"What do you want, Stupid Dong?" Lu Chen looked at Wang Dong.

Last time, Wang Dong lost 360 gold coins from Lu Chen. These gold coins helped him save a lot of time. On the other hand, he had to properly thank Wang Dong.

"Lu Chen, you bastard, you tricked me for so many gold coins in the Treasure Gathering Pavilion last time! How dare you! I won't let you go!"

"Hmph, you were lucky last time. Now I intercept you. How did you manage to escape today?!" Wang Dong looked coldly at Lu Chen.

"What do you want?" Lu Chen just smiled calmly.

Wang Dong regretted losing his gold coins, so Wang Dong tried to intercept Lu Chen outside the Treasure Gathering Pavilion. However, he failed last time. Wang Dong knew Lu Chen would come again to sell some pill, so Wang Dong kept an eye on the Treasure Gathering Pavilion. Now Lu Chen was caught.

"What do I want?" Wang Dong said, "Lu Chen, even though you can't cultivate, you're not stupid, right? You know what I want?"

"So without further ado, return the gold coins then address me as father thrice obediently! That way I won't play rough with you," Wang Dong said sarcastically,

"If you don't follow, I will give you trouble. There is no one else here. Even if I kill you, the Lu family has no evidence. Speaking of which, you trash, you're a nobody in the Lu family, right? Maybe even if you were killed, the Lu family wouldn't care about it."

Wang Dong's expression became ferocious.

"You? You wan to kill me?" Lu Chen laughed, "Oh, you're not alone. There are four dogs behind you, Foolish Dong."

Lu Chen glanced at the four followers behind Wang Dong sarcastically.

"Lu Chen, you're the one who got yourself killed!" said Wang Dong angrily. He waved his hand and shouted, "Teach him a lesson!"

"To hell with him!"

The four followers listened to the order. They rushed to attack Lu Chen like mad dogs. Wang Dong stood on the spot watching the show. He is waiting for Lu Chen to begged for mercy It's already known that Lu Chen couldn't cultivate.

Defeating Lu Chen is no big deal, so four of his followers are enough. To be honest, Wang Dong didn't want to really beat Lu Chen to death. Although the Lu family didn't value Lu Chen, Lu Chen is at least a member of the direct bloodline of the Lu family, and his grandfather is the Third Elder of the Lu family. If Wang Dong really killed Lu Chen, the Lu family would definitely chase Wang Dong to the end, because this concerned the family's honor.

"You crossed the line!" Lu Chen calmly glanced at the people rushing towards him.


With a bit of inner strength, Lu Chen casually punched the four people rushing towards him, and a strong gust of wind blew.

Those four followers are just ordinary people, so it was impossible to block Lu Chen's profound energy.

In an instant, they were all struck by the inner energy, and fell to the ground with a groan.


Wang Dong's expression changed when he saw this scene. He didn't expect Lu Chen to actually be able to use his inner strength. That meant Lu Chen is a cultivator. However, how is that possible? Everyone in Wind City knew that Lu Chen was trash that couldn't cultivate!

"Now it's your turn! Foolish Dong!" Lu Chen said.

After Lu Chen punched all four of Wang Dong's followers, he walked towards Wang Dong with a smile. Wang Dong is only at the intermediate level of Bone Refining Realm. It's very easy to deal with him.

"Fuck!" Wang Dong still had no idea what was going on. When she saw Lu Chen walking towards him, he knew he didn't have time to think about it. He gritted his teeth, and rushed towards Lu Chen. He waved both fists spewing out inner strength.

"Is that all you have? It's not even a martial skill?" Lu Chen paused, glanced at Wang Dong, then shook his head.

When Wang Dong was only a short distance away around three meters away from him, Lu Chen flipped his palm and slapped Wang Dong.

A terrifying power rushed towards Wang Dong.

"No!" shouted Wang Dong.

"This is impossible! Why is your profound energy so strong?" Wang Dong sensed Lu Chen's energy and was shocked. It's too late to regret it at this point. Before the words left his mouth, his body was already like a fallen leaf, instantly sweeping across the ground about eight meters away.

"You fool, I will let you go this time. If you provoke me again, you will never end well." Lu Chen said as he clapped his hands and walked away.

To Lu Chen, Wang Dong was a nobody and didn't deserve attention. Lu Chen guessed Wang Dong would hide as far as possible when he saw Lu Chen next time. However, if Wang Dong dared to bother him again, then Lu Chen would not mind being cruel. However, Wang Dong is only a branch family member of the Wang family.

Wang Dong lay on the ground and stared at Lu Chen's leaving him on the ground.

"This, is it really Lu Chen? He is a cultivator? At least…at least at the late stage of the Bone Refining Realm," Wang Dong muttered. With a pale face, he couldn't believe what he had just experienced.


"Low-grade martial skill, it doesn't seem difficult."

In his room, Lu Chen spent three hours reading "Wind Breaking Swordsmanship" meticulously. He felt that cultivating this martial skill is not as difficult as people said.

In the past, even though Lu Chen couldn't cultivate, he had also heard from the rest of the family how difficult it was to cultivate martial skills.

"Let's just try it first. Wind Breaking Swordsmanship has a total of seven moves. Each move has seven tricks. There are a total of forty-nine tricks."

"Let me start with the first move. How long will it take me to master the first moves of this martial skill?"

Later, Lu Chen started practicing Windbreaker Swordsmanship inside of his room.

"Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Inside the room, Lu Chen used his sword at top speed. Even the silver sword seemed to shined.

More than three hours passed. The sky is quite clear.

"Hah!" Lu Chen let out a murky air. He practiced for more than three hours. His whole body was dripping with sweat. However, Lu Chen did not feel tired. On the contrary, he is still excited and seemed to have endless energy.