
The General's Wife Is Not Weak

General Gu is every girl's dream man in J Country. But when the news broke out that he was going to marry the princess, their dreams are shattered. In everyone's eyes, Princess Bai Li is a weak and useless princess. Her birth mother is a mistress, and everyone in the back palace would look down on her. "I'm weak? Then I'll let you see what hell looks like!" "Who said my wife is not smart? I think it's time for you guys to get a new pair of eyes!" From then on, he is her strongest backing. And she is his only one.

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5 Chs

I want to protect you

Baili Xue went back to her tent after hearing Gu Qi telling her about every people that work for the general.

She takes out a paper and starts mapping out the relationships between them.

"Where is she?" the general asks Gu Qi.

Gu Muyan just came back from training his men and didn't see Baili Xue anywhere.

"Princess Baili is in her tent," Gu Qi said.

Baili Xue sits there while she scratches her head with the paintbrush head. Even though she doesn't listen to the affairs of the state, based on her past life, she knows who the bad and good are. And that person is on the list.

Baili Xue circles Feng Ming's name and her eyes darken.

"What are you looking at?" Gu Muyan asks walking up to her and seeing her thinking about something deeply.

Baili Xue looks up and saw that Gu Muyan came back.

She quickly folds up the paper and smiles at him. But Gu Muyan noticed the name that was circled.

'Feng Ming.' He observes Baili Xue, but it seems like she won't be telling him any moment.

"General, did you eat yet?" Baili Xue asks him.

"Not yet." Gu Muyan answers her.

Baili Xue nods. "How about I cook for you?" Baili Xue said excitingly.

Gu Muyan surprisingly looks at her. "You know how to cook?"

Baili Xue stood up and pats her chest. "In the back palace, it's only me and Jinlan. When I'm bored, I would tell Jinlan to teach me. I have to tell you that my cooking skills can be said to be better than Muxue Restaurant in the Imperial City.

Muxue Restaurant could be said top 1in the Imperial City.

Gu Muyan warmly smiles at her.

"Oh really? Then I really should try Xue Er's cooking skills," Gu Muyan said.

Baili Xue's face slightly turns red. This is the first time that she heard Gu Muyan calling her by her name. Usually, they would call each other princess or general.

"What is it?" Gu Muyan asks her with worry.

Baili Xue shakes her head, "I'll be back very soon." She ran out of the tent and catches her breath as she touches her face.

Gu Muyan laughs as he saw her running out like that. If people didn't know, they might think that he just bullied her.

After about thirty minutes, Baili Xue came back with three dishes. Of course, Gu Qi went to help her carry the dishes back.

Baili Xue proudly looks at Gu Muyan and introduces each dish to him. She then gives him the chopsticks and watches him eat the pork.

"General, how is it?" Baili Xue asks as she awaits an answer.

"It's delicious," Gu Muyan said and then picks up a piece of pork, and placed it in Baili Xue's bowl.

Baili Xue smiles and happily eats also.

Gu Muyan stops eating and looks at Baili Xue.


"Huh?" Baili Xue said while still chewing on her food.

Gu Muyan smiles and takes a handkerchief to wipe her mouth. "I said I'm called Muyan. If we are planning to get to know each other more, then let's start with this. What do you think?" he asks and carefully looks at her.

Baili Xue looks at him and nervously swallows the food in her mouth. She doesn't find this weird, but didn't he call her by the name before already?

"All the same, Muyan can call me Xue Er." Baili Xue said and blushes a little. This is the first time in both lives called Gu Muyan by his name.

Gu Muyan smiles as he heard Xue Er calling her Muyan.

After eating dinner, Gu Muyan has to go continue doing his work. Baili Xue didn't go bother him and just stayed in her tent. She takes out her paper again and her heads start to hurt as she sees that name.

"Feng Ming! I will not let you hurt Muyan and Huang Xiong!"

The next morning, Baili Xue didn't sleep in. She woke up very early and got dressed. She quickly went to Gu Muyan's tent before he leaves.

Gu Muyan doesn't have the habit of eating breakfast, so he would usually go straight to work after waking up.

Baili Xue happens to see that Gu Qi is trying to convince Gu Muyan to eat breakfast.

"What's going on?" Baili Xue asks.

Gu Qi steps back and bows to Baili Xue.

Baili Xue walks out and saw that there's breakfast on the table, but Gu Muyan hasn't touched any.

"I'm so hungry right now. Muyan have you eaten breakfast yet? If not, can you join me?" Baili Xue said and smiles at him.

Gu Muyan seems like he couldn't resist anything that Baili Xue asks or said.

Gu Muyan smiles and nod.

They walked over to the table and sat down. Gu Qi's eyes were wide open when he saw the general going to eat breakfast. And it was because of Baili Xue that the general didn't say no.

'The princess's words could overcome his words,' as he thought and quietly walks out of the tent.

Baili Xue scoops a bowl of congee in his bowl and then places a steam bun on his plate.

"If I didn't come to find you this morning, were you planning to starve yourself?" Baili Xue asks with concern in her eyes.

Gu Muyan looks into her eyes and smiled. "Are you worried about me?"

"If I'm not worried about you then why would I come here to find you?" Baili Xue looks at him with a little anger.

Gu Muyan smiles and touches her head. "I promise you that I'll take good care of myself and won't make you worry."

"You said it! Then let me stay with you where ever you go then!" Baili Xue said.

Yesterday night she has already thought about this. Since she doesn't know when those people will attack Gu Muyan, the best way is to be by his side at all times. At first, she still doesn't know how she should bring this up.

"Everywhere I go? Your planning to sleep with me too?" Gu Muyan asks in a teasing way.

Baili Xue's face reddens and then stood up. "Who wants to sleep with you! What I mean is that let me stay at your side and protect you."

Gu Muyan's face went straight. "Xue Er, I don't need you to protect me. I know that you have the skills to protect yourself, but staying by with me 24/7 would just put you in danger. I can't let that happen and Yifei wouldn't allow that too."

"Huang Xiong doesn't have to know. Plus, no one can stop what I want to do. I promise I won't put my life in danger. I just want to stay next to you and make sure you are safe," Baili Xue looks at him sincerely.

Gu Muyan sighs and holds her hand.

"You must promise me not to be impulsive and to obey my orders. Understand?" Gu Muyan softly said to her.

Baili Xue nods. "I will, General!" She said and laughs.

Gu Muyan strokes her nose with his finger. Baili Xue didn't expect it to be this easy for Gu Muyan to agree.

After breakfast, Baili Xue goes everywhere with Gu Muyan. She stands at the back with Gu Qi because she doesn't want people to know that she's a princess.

Gu Qi was surprised that Baili Xue did what she said. Gu Qi didn't think that Baili Xue will have the ability to protect Gu Muyan. Gu Qi never doubt his skills in protecting the general, but after hearing what the young boy said about Baili Xue knocking those three muscular men in one move, he starts to grow interested in this princess.

"General, Lieutenant General Feng wants to see you," a soldier came in to inform Gu Muyan.

Baili Xue looks up when she hears that name. Gu Muyan notices her reaction and remembered last night the name that she circles. It was Feng Ming.

"Send him in," Gu Muyan said.

The tent opens and walks a young general.

"Feng Ming, have something to report to the general!" Feng Ming said and bowed to Gu Muyan.

Baili Xue looks at him with anger inside but quickly hid it.

Gu Muyan noticed every move that Baili Xue made. Feng Ming?