
chapter 2, paper work first! oh hell no!

i somewhat regret saying i agree....



so i'm pretty much giving death glares to the paper stack that was at least containing 20 pages full of questions, name things, clan things and power things. all in all.

B U L L S H I-

[just take a pen and do it already, grumbling about it is not gonna get it done.]

i pouted, well now i know why i like this voice, it leaves me no choice and commands me around and doesn't allow me to slack off. and i sort of like this.... this....




i don't know anymore.


«i don't have a pen oh-so-great light bulb.»

i heard the light being snort and choke on whatever it had left inside before saying, [... a light bulb. really? not "oh you must be god!" or "you must be the end!"?] i blinked, «nope, i say light bulb.» i heard the being sigh as it somehow got a pen out of thin air and gave it to me, well.... more like floated it to me but that's minor details.

it was my turn to sigh as i sat down in the nothingness and took a look at the first page.

what is your given name?



this type of shit, for 20 PAGES?!

oh well better get this done and over with...

what name do you want to be given?

-Thilil *side note* backwards for Lilith, cuz that's edgy, like me.

what do you want your eyes to look like?


«holy shit, i can decide that?!»

[yes you can, now FILL IT IN!!!] i heard the voice shout in the nothingness i call a room, i shut my eyes as i felt space dust blow into my face. «a-alright...» i said as i patted the pen against my bottom lip and spaced out to think about what kind of eyes i wanted.

and as usual i started to list the kind of things i liked.

i like how galaxies and space dust looks.

i love magic.

i love kats and water.

and i loved to draw and paint with water colors.

not to mention chaos.


this is difficult.

oh well.

i guess i can place the pentagram as the iris's main pattern and make it.... white?

and.... i can.... make the background galaxy like...

i think this would be cool!

hell yeah!!!

i wrote it down in as much detail as i wanted before going to the next question.

what gender do you prefer to be?



ouch.... this is difficult. i want to be a girl.... but then i have to deal with periods again.


but if i'm a boy i get a stick if i get to exited....


i don't know...


it said what gender... and it's open choice....

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) you know what this means.

what gender do you prefer to be?

-neither until further notice.

hell yeah, nothing can beat this.

what do you want your hair color to be? and what shape?


hm. now this is difficult.

i was never good with hair color and fashion, mostly because i didn't even brush it or something. i just left it there to do its thing.

not making me look bald.... and stuff.

welp, here goes nothing.

what do you want your hair color to be? and what shape?

-black with the bottom galaxy. and the style will be....

i thought to when i took an anime hair quiz.

i got ridiculous answers.

antenna hair.

impossible hair.

you name it i got it.

but there was one thing i loved that i got.

hair wings.


in the end i wrote out the style of my utter perfection.

hair wings and expressive front hair.


(they just look like wings they don't actually flap CUZ LOGIC DATTEBAYO.)

if karma was a person, we would be soul mates just by the fact its always on my side.

DETAIDEcreators' thoughts
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