
the game of death

Goddess Galatea struggling with love stories and facing many obstacles for her to be with the one she loves. Between Elijah, the human who risked anything to be ith her, and Rick her first real love who is also her cousin and childhood best friend which one willshe choose?

Rafca_Raad · Fantasía
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22 Chs


Dad never said a thing after our last talk he was quiet and calm 

1 week passed and I was still seeing Elijah everyday but not as friends anymore 

He finally confessed his feelings: 

" I love you Galatea and I always will, I've never been so much in love; I wanna spend my whole life with you" 

After hearing this words I realised that I can't do this anymore 

I can't let him love me this much and leave him after..

With my eyes full of tears and a trembling voice I replied: 

" It's gonna be the last time we see each other please respect my decision and do try to reach me.."

At this moment, I saw confusion in Elijah's face 

He was angry, sad and confused 

"I know you love me too, Galatea, why are you doing this? Is it because of me being from another country? I'll manage it... I'm ready to live here next to you.. just say you want me and I'll change my whole life for you beauty" 

At that precise moment I felt like a sword pierced my heart

I was madly in love with him but we couldn't be together and the worst part was that I can't even tell him why I'm doing this

"Stop it please Elijah! It's already hard enough to me.. I've made my decision; I'm leaving, please take care of yourself"

I kissed him on the cheek and left 

I thought it was the end but afterall it was just the beginning..

Nephustus, the most feared God wasn't gonna let me lie to him without doing anything 

He asked the royal guards to keep an eye on me and give him every small detail about how I spend my days

They told him about Elijah and he decided to meet him 

So he told the same guards to bring him to Lymphea and called me

"Father you wanted to see me? what is it"

"I have a visit for you my daughter"

That's when I saw him, kneeling blindfolded

My heart skipped a beat, I was out of breath for a second then I realised that he knew 

I tried to deny, said that I don't know him and that I never saw him in my whole life but in vain 

Dad ordered to keep him in the dungeon so he could think slowly what he should do to punish him 

I told him he was innocent and he should let him leave, that I would never see him again 

But nothing worked Nephustus was furious 

He yelled at me " Shame on you, since you were little I've taught you not to be carried away by your feelings. I spent a lot of time to let you be a Goddess with heart and mind a strong and powerful woman. Look at you, weak and crying in front of me for some human although ypu know that we should distance ourselves from them" 

He then, ordered me to go to my room and not to get out of it 

When the night falls I escaped to the dungeon so I could see Elijah and speak to him 

That night I told him the whole truth about my second life and all

I was chocked that he was so understanding so kind

With his reassuring voice he said to me:

"Despite everything I still love you, even if I'm going to die because of your love" we laughed together and i told him that I love him too 

That's when he approached me and kissed me 

It was, without any doubt, the best night of my life...

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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