

The ship landed softly on the sand of the island. Through the window I could see a great variety of exotic plants and an entire population of all women who watched the ship with excitement. That's Princess Diana's ship. one of them said it with emotion.

"It's good that you've returned to your home."- said one of the amazons happily.

They only heard happy things about the return of their princess and the younger ones with a desire to hear about the adventures she has had in the world of man.

"They seem to be very happy that you're back Diana."- I said it quietly, she looked at me harshly.

"I never mentioned my name for you to know."- Diana said it would be me just sigh.

"Actually, just use logic, the other beautiful Amazon that accompanies you mentioned that her name is Donna and since they hail a Diana princess, then that only implies that you are that person."- I said it simply.

"Sister come on we have to go down and you come Richard."- Donna said it calmly as she grabbed the rope we headed to the hatch well I was dragged to the hatch while there would be the hatch you could see many women near her to welcome her.

Especially a woman with an iron gaze, a curvaceous body, reddish-brown hair, light gray eyes, an armor that marked her D-cup breasts, on her back she carries a large heavy ax along with a sword.

"It's good that you're back home Diana, but I was hoping you'd help Donna with her mission."- Artemis said it in a cheerful tone.

"don't worry, Artemis, I'm coming with Donna and we'll fulfill the mission that was entrusted to her."- Diana said it quietly, Artemis just looked interested.

"So it is true that he is an ancient."- Artemis said it with interest.

"Right now you'll see donna bring it."- Diana said it seriously, only Donna was seen pulling the rope of truth, she was holding on to me with whatever could stop my advance.

"diana help me... I'm trying to get on the ship."- She said it as she pulled harder, Diana only gave me an annoyed look to grab the end where her sister was and pull hard to be forcefully ejected from the ship and collide with some palm trees to knock them down with my impact.

"listen to an order when you are given stupid boy."- She said it annoyed at being close to me and for her to see me stand up with difficulty and see how I spit out a tooth, I stretched to hear all my bones rearranging after the blow.

"I don't know why you take it out on me, the guy in the red and blue pajamas, I'll let you get over it."- I said it already upset by the treatment I've had since I've known her.

"Superman has nothing to do with this."- She said it furiously as she moved quickly to grab me by the neck.

"and you also think that I want to be here, I to not happy as I wanted to meet my friend's friends, but you didn't let me go and you brought me to your sister by force on an island that could kill me because I have something hanging between my hands. paws."- I said with difficulty she released me so she could breathe.

"don't worry, you won't stay long in themyscira since it is a land for Amazons, not for beings like you."- She said it with annoyance.

[-10 diana princess] (you are irritating her)

"be careful who you talk to man and who is the elder."- ask Artemis

"He's the old one, but I carried him to the ship to bring him back. She thought we were joking that we'd bring him to themyscira."- She said it calmly.

'Great I'm in the biggest area where you can find the most beautiful women, but they hate men because they believed the gods and blame us.'- I thought about it with annoyance as I stood up only to see how she grabbed the rope and pulled me to follow her.

[Mr. Richard please control yourself or you can lose control and don't forget that you can barely keep your instincts in check]

'You're right helpi.'- I thought about it and took a deep breath and relaxed, focus my gaze forward to avoid the looks of repudiation or hatred that the other Amazons gave me.

"we have arrived so do not do anything stupid."- Diana said it so that I would pay attention to her and we would enter a room made of white marble carved with sculptures, a throne made of marble fenced with gold and ornamented with gold.

"On your knees."- Artemis said it she was serious, but I didn't obey as I was thinking how to escape this place and then she got angry and approached.

'???' "Artemis stop this place is not to hurt."- She said it in a calm but commanding voice. I clearly saw that there was a very attractive woman sitting on the throne with a serene look.

She was a woman who could only be described as perfect, bright blue eyes, straight black hair that falls to a perfect round ass, a slim waist, reddish lips, D cup breasts that fit her figure perfectly, dressed in a tunic royal blue, with gold ornaments and a gold tiara with a ruby ​​in the middle.

"But Queen Hippolyta He is being disrespectful."- She said it angry.

"Quiet Artemis."- Hippolyta said it as she got down from her throne and approached me to better examine me. I lowered my face to hide the blush present.

"don't hide your face."- She said it to look at my face and to see my features she looked at me with an emotion that no Amazon understood except Donna.

"Your blood hasn't fully awakened but you already have traits of what class you represent I can tell by the marks you're a destroyer or barbarian whatever you want to call yourself."- She said it with interest.

"but they cannot control their desires, they are beings that live by their desires, they are insatiable monsters."- Artemis said it, looking at me with disgust.

"Mother you mentioned that he has not fully awakened."- Diana ask interested.

"I knew one of them and Hercules hated him with all his being because he wasn't born blessed like him but his strength far exceeded him and mostly our people seek to stay away from others, but I see that he's managing to control your instincts I know how he looks at me and he's repressing it."-Hippolyta said it to raise my face.

"It is said that the blood of your people heals diseases and your saliva is an aphrodisiac that can make even the most chaste god fall in love."- She said it as she stretched out her hand to give him a knife and cut my finger a single drop of my blood fell to the ground to see how a plant grew.

"helpi tell me what is this ability."- I asked.

[sorry for not notifying in some moments, but I have had some improvements in process so I have been in automatic system and your body is constantly evolving giving you some unique abilities such as the one that was proven blood elixir the ability to return vitality to a being dying, in a nutshell you moves further and further away from current humans to mark yourself as a current human]

'So I won't have a mutant gene anymore.'- I thought sad.

[not if you will keep it since you still maintains the status as a human, but as the first creation it can be termed that you're is already a mutant]

I paid no attention to the surprised look of the Amazons and one who looked at me with intrigue.

???" if he is an ancient like the writings and they were such fantastic beings because they became extinct."- Asked a girl with golden hair and glasses with a face with fine features, an athletic body without much chest, with slightly wide hips, fair skin, captivating gray eyes that showed a hunger for knowledge.

"That's why…."- I didn't let her finish when I remembered what helpi told me.

"because I was made by the titans or well I'm an almost perfect recreation of their humans."- I said surprised she looked at me with satisfaction.

"you are the creation of Gaia and atlas you are life and strength, but everything has a cost and that is your mind every time to gain more power you will lose more your intelligence until only instincts remain."- Hippolyta said it she would be.

"Hell why did this happen to me."- I said it with anger.

"You are not satisfied as you are now."-Hippolyta said it intrigued because any human would be satisfied with what he is getting.

"who wishes to be a brainless beast I've used it all my life I'm a man of science."- I said sad.

???: "a man of science that created cars and other things that man uses."- She said it intrigued.

"Yes, but could you tell me who you are?"- I said

"of course I'm Athena, tell me since you're a builder, would you show me an invention?"- said Athena

"Athena, he didn't bring any of that and I don't think it's true, he's too young."

"Of course I have it in my pants pocket."- I said it calmly, she wanted to get closer, but Diana stops her.

"I am."- She said it seriously, she came over to loosen the tie, the Amazons prepared their weapons, I just stretched out my arms, I was getting numb, I put my hand in my pants pocket, took out a compressed object and showed it to her.

"You see this little thing is a compressed object I just squeeze it and it will return to its original shape."- I mentioned it to tighten it up a bit and it will go back to being my armor arm prototype.

"well you are a genius bet why nobody talks about you."-Diana said it somewhat surprised.

"It's simple nobody talks about a scientist crazy enough to experiment with himself."- I said it quietly, she looked at me incredulously.

"Diana, I want to talk to you in private. The others can go."- said Hippolyta as The Amazons were withdrawing from the place.

"What do I do? I don't think they feel comfortable with a man hanging around his home."- Most of the Amazons looked at me waiting for their queen's orders,

"Just keep sitting on the floor and don't interrupt right now."- She said it calmly, I only agreed to her demand.

"my daughter I have a favor to ask you is very important."- She said it serious.

"tell me mother what you need."- Said diana

"I want him to ally with us, but he can't stay in themyscira since it's a sanctuary for women, not him."- She said it calmly.

"and you want….."- diana

"I want you to watch him and if possible seduce him."- Diana looked at her with an indescribable look.

"mother you know and still you ask me to seduce him."- She said it by pointing at me while I was chatting with Athena happily as she asked me about how I compressed the armor arm.

"It's an option, but I heard that you were in a relationship and I see donna interested so I just want you to keep an eye on him since he can be our hope."- She said it serious.

"hope that mother."- She said it she already upset.

"Zeus has been displeased with our offerings and it is possible that he may send Hercules to demand one of us for his enjoyment and it is very possible that he will order one of us three to be raped."

"There is no other way than the goddesses Athena, Artemis, Hera support us in this."- She said it desperate for the current situation.

"They cannot help us, the other gods do not allow them to intervene and it is possible that they send one of their lackeys to look for a better offering."- At that, screams were heard.

???."queen Hippolyte where are the offerings of Zeus."- yelled a hoarse voice that came from outside.

I saw where the voice came from only to see a tall man, with black eyes, messy brown hair making it look like a mane, he was a very muscular guy who would outshine bodybuilders, he had an arrogant look he is wearing a composite suit for animal skins and with it an old worn sash that he wore around his waist.

He entered the palace with an arrogant look while in one of his hands he carries a chain that is connected to a shackle that is on the neck of a woman with multiple wounds and bruises and with an empty look Athena she hid behind me and turned away. the view so as not to see how the girl was.

"don't see."- I whispered to her she just nodded.

"Hercules we have already given Zeus an offering or do you want to take another one of my sisters for your amusement." Hippolyta said it would be Diana looked at Hercules with hatred.

"what Zeus is looking for is something very valuable and no fruit or weapon will be able to give him and you know perfectly well what he wants."- He said it, looking at her mockingly.

"What Zeus wants I don't have."- She said it keeping her calm.

"well well if she isn't the.Princess Diana, how wonderful that you're here."- He said so as he reached out to touch her hair and smell it.


[you are one in a million]

(show that you are not like other men fighting for the amazons)


[ Diana's Appreciation

Appreciation of Hippolyte

Donna appreciation

Amazon Appreciation

appreciation of the goddess artemis ]



'I don't know why you always give me dangerous missions or powerful enemies.'- I thought about it with annoyance

"You don't you think it's wrong to treat a woman like that"- I said it to get closer, he just looked at me with a smile so that he hit me and bounced off the ground generating a crater. Hippolyte just looked sad and Diana just gave me a sad sigh.

"Who told you that you could talk to me stupid human, but it doesn't matter anymore my uncle hades must be taking care of your soul now."- He said it mockingly.

"I'll never know how I always end up getting into a fight that isn't mine."- I said it, standing me up from the ground showing how my face was slowly recovering from the wounds caused by that blow.

"Wow, you took a hit, but I don't think you can take this one."- He said it throwing another blow I moved quickly avoiding his blow that grazed me I reacted quickly and threw a blow to his liver he took it as he lifted me by the head and threw me away where I stopped against a marble column.

'That guy doesn't hit as hard as Doomsday but his IQ is more than him, I just have to look for a weak point.'- I thought about it painfully as he stopped me.

The charge against me I dodged it at the last moment so that it would hit the column just to see how it stands up intact after the blow that was given just by cleaning the dust that was mowing it down I saw the opportunity I hit his ribs with all my strength so that he would come out fired outside the palace.

"You hit very well for a mortal."- He said so as he stood up and touched where it had possibly chipped his ribs.

"But you'll need more to really hurt me."- Hercules said charging at me at a higher speed than before I just focused on him and charged hard I prepared my fist and we bumped fists to generate a small shock wave.

The shock wave expelled us on opposite sides, we braked by placing our weight forward to stop our recoil.

'I need to be stronger.'- I thought about it with desire while out of nowhere I felt how a warm sensation filled me that enveloped me, I felt lighter and I felt that I had no limits, I shot out at a higher speed than before, arriving before Hercules realized how much I sank my fist into his abdomen doing that he fell on his knees because of the pain he just looked at me with anger.

"how dare you hurt me you fucking mortal."- He said it with a yell of anger as he tried to stand up only for it to smash his face into the ground repeatedly enlarging the crater he was in.

"Stay on the ground."- I said it as he walked away.

"who do you think you are to tell me what to do?"- He said so as he stood up and wiped the blood that was coming from his lips and a cut that he has on his forehead.

"haaaaa as you say I am a mere mortal."- I said it while giving a sigh, I just turned to give him a fierce look and he will stand up and charge to restart the fight where neither backed down while he endured the blows I managed to evade some, but I did not have his resistance while but every time I felt that I would fall for exhaustion felt like I was flooded with a sense of being unstoppable.

"because you don't fall cursed to be inferior."- He said it while he was covered in bruises and breathing heavily.

"This is fun plus fight."- I said it letting out my instincts came out with a strong desire to continue fighting I was no better than him my shoulder is dislocated I have three broken ribs I have multiple bruises all over my body and I had lost two more teeth.

"you're weak hahahahaha."- I said it while laughing in a chilling way while he just glared at me.

"I am the representation of the glory of Zeus and no dirty mortal will see me below."- I yelled at him furiously because I tainted his pride by being able to hold a fight with him for a long time.

'I want more, more fight. '- I thought about it flooded with a feeling of pleasure.

[Sir, the fight has been going on too long, it is recommended that you end it, since maintaining the world of rage ability can make changes to his physique, but at the cost of his intelligence]

'I have to finish this now.'- I thought about it coming back to myself and looking in my pocket taking out a bucket in particular I squeezed it and it was the hunting knife they gave me I squeezed it hard and ran towards him and he did it too I nimbly dodged his fist and cut him on his calf.

"That's not a knife made of Amazonian metal like he could cut me."- I didn't give him a chance to talk anymore. I concentrated on damaging non-vital areas so as not to kill him. He tried to crush me with everything he could grab, rocks, trees, logs.

"Who are you?"- He said it weakly while his expression showed fear like that to me.

"I'm just one more mortal of the bunch."- I said it with a serious look as he fell into unconsciousness.

Up to this point.


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"Hercules was a Greek god, the son of Zeus and Alcmene, and one of the best-known heroes in Greek and Roman mythology."

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