
The Forge Lord.

(This novel is friendly for those who are newly introduced to the world of Warhammer 40,000 or who wish to immerse themselves in it but don't know where to start.) Gino, a young boy from modern-day Earth, is mortally wounded by gunfire after trying to prevent a robbery. However, just as he believes it is the end for him, he opens his eyes to find himself in the universe of Warhammer 40,000. Armed with a system called [The Forge System], which allows him to acquire technology, equipment, ships, platforms, stations, and shipyards from the zenith of the Imperium of Mankind, in exchange for just 30% of his raw materials, Gino will carve a path from the very bottom to become the [Forge Lord]. Discover the adventures and misadventures that await Gino in a ruthless galaxy that shows no mercy. ------------------ (Disclaimer and notice: This novel is not a wish-fulfilment. Please also understand that it will be slow-paced, as I want to explore the Warhammer world in depth through Gino's eyes. It will contain a harem.)

SrDevoxero · Derivados de obras
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14 Chs

Chapter IX: What are you willing to lose on order to win?

Am I the only one who notices that there is a majority of works from China lately, rather than, you know, non-Chinese works?

I'm in no position to criticise, but the majority of translations are subpar. Let's not even mention the wordplays and euphemisms that are so abundant in them.


The next morning, the first thing Gino felt as he opened his eyes was the hangover, accompanied by the sensation of the sky spinning above him. 'Damn,' he cursed silently, noticing a weight on his right hand. It was Beatrix, curled up with her back towards him.

'That drink really knocked me out. I ended up falling asleep here,' he thought, recalling the fragmented memories of the night before. Gino lay back down to avoid disturbing Beatrix, his eyes drawn to the yellow lights illuminating his face. Only a few rays of daylight ever reached Level 01, so there wasn't much of a difference for Gino.

'I should find a way to thank her later for being with me last night and making me feel better,' he thought as he gazed at Beatrix's figure. Gino sighed. 'But if I learned anything yesterday, it's that I need to talk about the problems I carry, and having someone nearby is far more helpful than I originally thought.'

With his spirits renewed and his mind once again focused after a moment of relaxation, Gino promised himself he'd repay Beatrix's kindness. He was the type of person who always repaid a favour a thousand times over—just as he'd been raised.

Opening the system's interface, Gino accessed his inventory, where four items lay in wait. Three ships and one defence platform were all he had obtained from the system so far. The ships were Tier IV—the highest in the system—reflecting their superior quality. Fixing his gaze on the first item, Gino expanded its details, and a window opened, providing a brief explanation of the ship's characteristics.

---------<Inventory >----------

[• Furious-Class Grand Cruiser]

| •A rare and venerable warship that once played a crucial role in the fleets of the Imperial Navy and, to its disgrace, within the ranks of the Ruinous Powers. Developed during the latter years of the Repulsive-Class Grand Cruiser's operational lifespan, the Furious-Class was intended to address some of the mechanical failings of its predecessor while enhancing the firepower and leadership functions of fleet squadrons.

Produced in limited quantities at the shipyards of Cypra Mundi, the Furious-Class was the result of a revolutionary concept: equipping a Grand Cruiser with the newly developed armoured prow of a Battleship, combining the heavy firepower of the Repulsive-Class with enhanced command capabilities needed for managing large Cruiser formations. This armoured prow made the Furious-Class more resilient in direct engagements, especially when charging into battle.

Its impressive firepower — featuring two Weapons Batteries, a Lance Battery, and Torpedo Tubes — made the ship capable of delivering devastating broadsides that rivalled those of some Battleships. Designed primarily as a ship of war, it served as a critical asset in bolstering the firepower of Imperial squadrons, often acting as the linchpin of their battle lines.

However, despite its tactical success, the Furious-Class was plagued by the same unreliable engine systems that had hindered the Repulsive-Class. Over time, these mechanical issues led to a massive overhaul of the vessel's design in M39, resulting in a reduced weapon loadout in favour of increased reliability. This revision allowed the Furious-Class to remain in service, though its once-unmatched firepower was diminished.

In the aftermath of the Gothic War, only a handful of Furious-Class vessels remained in Imperial service, most of which were deployed in the perilous regions of Segmentum Obscurus and Segmentum Tempestus. There, their firepower was so highly valued that their unreliable engines were tolerated.

• Yet thanks to the system, the Furious-Class Grand Cruiser boasts engines that not only fixed its former weaknesses but also enhanced the ship's speed and manoeuvrability to unprecedented levels, making it a nightmare for any foe—whether it be a battleship or another Grand Cruiser.

The system has also replaced the ship's original weapons with long-lost archeotech, boosting its firepower to even more devastating levels while improving recharge speed and range.

Its void shield has also been upgraded to such an extent that it would take a large fleet focusing all its fire to bring it down. The shield's cooldown has been significantly reduced as well, thanks to enhanced reactors powering the ship and its systems. Such performance has never been seen before.

As a rare Tier IV military vessel, the Furious-Class is equipped with the best of the best, boasting unparalleled technological advancement and firepower compared to variants found within the Imperium.

•Length: 7.5 kilometres

•Mass: Approximately 40 megatonnes

•Crew: 112,400 crew; •minimum: 85,120

•Acceleration: 3.9 gravities max sustainable acceleration

[The ship is currently ready to be deployed, with storage and reservoirs fully equipped.]


One particular detail from the tutorial made Gino frown and curse inwardly, though it was quite logical. Every ship and structure required a certain number of personnel for proper operation. People didn't just appear out of thin air; Gino would need to have that many people under his command.

This was where the trait [Incorruptible] came into play, making much more sense. Warp travel was dangerous, and there were no guarantees that an entire crew would survive a successful voyage. With [Incorruptible], this problem became nonexistent, ensuring that the hard-won crew wouldn't be lost after each journey.

However, for now, this meant the ships Gino received were useless to him. They were nothing more than glorified prizes without any apparent use.

And that didn't even take into account the immense amount of supplies such a crew would require, nor the monumental expense of keeping a ship like that operational.

'Still, the moment I have the resources and crew at my disposal to use this beauty, no one will be able to stop me.' Gino smiled to himself as his gaze shifted to the other cruiser at his disposal and the destroyers. Ships that, like the [Furious-Class Grand Cruiser], were Tier IV and boasted lost technologies and unparalleled firepower.

'I think the best part is that these ships might have equipment inside them that's difficult to find in the Imperium nowadays. If I'm not mistaken, some transport ships should have weapons in their holds for which the Imperium would launch crusades to obtain.' Gino's mind drifted to the possibility of acquiring blueprints for a ship that housed Emperor-class Titans—war machines capable of shaking entire worlds.

Sighing as he pulled himself from his daydreams, Gino grew curious about the resources required to build the [Furious-Class]. Only to realise that he didn't actually have the blueprints for that ship—just those granted after the tutorial.

Curious to see the requirements for the largest and most powerful ship he could currently construct, Gino opened the [Blueprints] tab and selected the [Sword-Class Frigate].


[• Tier I - Basic <Sword-Class Frigate>

The Sword-Class Frigate is a common sight across the Imperium due to its solid and reliable performance, making it an essential component of every fleet and patrol squadron. Its versatility ensures it fits with nearly every tactic used within the Imperium.

Even though this is the basic blueprint of the vessel, this version of the Sword-Class Frigate is many times superior to any ship of this class found in the Imperium. With basic but vastly enhanced weapons, shields, engines, and structure, frigates built with the Forge System would prove their worth over ten of their standard counterparts.

•Dimensions: Approximately 1.6 kilometres long, 0.3 kilometres abeam at fins.

•Mass: Approximately 6 megatonnes.

•Crew: Approximately 26,000; • minimum: 8,900.

•Acceleration: 6.9 gravities maximum sustainable acceleration, thanks to the engines provided by the system, using technology from the Grand Cruiser's.

| • The following materials are required for the construction of the vessel:

Adamantium: 400,000 tonnes

Plasteel: 500,000 tonnes

Ceramite: 200,000 tonnes

Ferrosteel: 300,000 tonnes

Titanium Alloy: 100,000 tonnes

Copper, Gold, and Rare Metals: 50,000 tonnes <Tap to see more detailed section>

Exotic Alloys and Crystals: 100,000 tonnes <Tap to see more detailed section>

Promethium: 50,000 tonnes

Void Shield Generator Materials: 50,000 tonnes <Tap to see more detailed section>

Plasma Coils and Power Core Components: 50,000 tonnes <Tap to see more detailed section> |

---------------<• >---------------

Seeing the insane and immense amount of resources required, Gino felt a chill run through his body at the thought of such quantities being necessary just to construct a basic, simple frigate—a ship that Gino knew was abundant throughout the Imperium.

'Good heavens, that's an absurd amount of resources. There's no way in this lifetime I can gather even a tenth of that, working the way I do now...' Gino immediately realised. His mind strained, thinking of ways to accumulate such vast resources.

'The ideal option would be to approach the Adeptus Mechanicus or the Imperial Navy, but that'll be tough from where I stand...' His thoughts mulled over possible solutions, considering routes that might at least help him gather or manage that quantity of resources in the short term. 'Maybe get acquainted with a merchant? Or become a space pirate and take over a mining platform?'

Laughing at the absurdity of his last thought, Gino shook his head as he saw Beatrix rise without turning to face him.

"Good morning to the little songstress, how are you?" Gino greeted her in a hoarse, congested voice. Beatrix froze momentarily before turning her face just slightly, revealing to Gino that, for some reason, she was blushing as she timidly said, "Hello."

Noticing her reaction and appearance, Gino immediately sat up, raising an eyebrow as he teasingly asked, "And why the hell are you so red? Did all that singing and drinking last night make you lose your voice?"

His words only made Beatrix stand up, embarrassed, her face turning redder by the second as she pointed accusingly at Gino's crotch, shouting, "DON'T TALK TO ME LIKE THAT, YOU... YOU... PERVERT! YOU'VE BEEN PRESSING THAT THING AGAINST MY BACKSIDE ALL NIGHT. HMPH."

With that, she practically fled from the terrace, leaving Gino slightly embarrassed but with a smug grin as he looked down at his "friend" between his legs, who was pitching quite the tent.

'If she gets scandalised by a little friendly poke, I can't imagine what she'll put the poor guy through who starts a family with her,' Gino chuckled to himself, amused by the situation. He put his mask back on, enduring the stench of his alcohol-ridden breath and the lack of brushing, before heading down to the streets of Level 01 to join Beatrix. She was less scandalised but still avoided eye contact with him.

As they walked toward Level 03 and the Guild, Gino broached a topic that had been lingering in his mind ever since seeing the resources required for the [Sword-Class Frigate.]

"Hey Bea, do you know what kind of jobs could earn us way more money than we're making now? I'm talking thousands, tens of thousands of credits." His question made Beatrix look up and turn her head sharply to him, her eyes widening slightly before her expression grew serious.

"Why the hell would you want to make that kind of money?" She paused briefly, thinking, remembering the types of jobs that paid such sums. "Honestly, those are jobs I don't think you could handle. I'm talking about killing people and living to tell the tale. Dirty, dangerous jobs." Her eyes looked at Gino with a hint of concern.

Scratching his cheek at her words, Gino made a forced grimace and asked awkwardly, "Isn't there, you know, something else?"

Beatrix stared at him for a moment, then turned her gaze back ahead, asking, "Do you know how to pilot a ship?"

Gino replied immediately, "No."

Shaking her head, she shared a bit of her wisdom. "Well, then I doubt you'll find a job that offers that kind of money. Cargo pilots make a good amount of credits from what I hear, and it's an easy way to get into other Guild jobs that require those skills."

'It wouldn't be a bad idea to learn how to pilot ships, especially considering I have two ships I could build and fly myself right now,' Gino briefly considered, thinking of the [Arvus Lighter] and the [Thunderhawk], two vessels ready for immediate construction.

"Do you know anyone who could teach me?" Gino asked Beatrix, who briefly turned to look at him before bursting into laughter. "If I knew someone like that, we would never have met, Gino. I'd have asked them to smuggle me onto a ship ages ago and gotten out of here."

Hearing her words, Gino let out a sigh of frustration. Beatrix remained silent for a brief moment, seeming to ponder something.

"But I think we can work something out. We could ask Brund for a job that takes us near the spaceports. Though I doubt they'd give it to us since... well, we're Hive-rats." As she said the last part, their eyes met, and Gino understood what she meant.

If they wanted jobs that would get them close to certain places and bring in decent money, they needed to improve their reputation in the Guild.

They both boarded the rail car that Beatrix seemed to know well, picking up speed as they travelled to the Guild while continuing their conversation.

After what had happened yesterday and what he'd learned today, Gino finally made up his mind about Beatrix's proposal. He let her know, "Hey Bea, is your offer still on the table?"

Tilting her head playfully, she gave Gino a teasing look as she shot back a question, "And what do you think, sir?"

Raising his hand to pinch the only part of her cheek that wasn't covered by her mask, Gino replied, "I accept, though I won't pay you a credit. Your reward will be spending all day with me."

Rolling her eyes, Beatrix pretended to be annoyed, barely holding back a smile. "You mean you're going to torture me on top of everything else!?"

They joked around for a while longer, happy for a brief moment to now be a team.


"Sit down, Gino." Flokk's voice boomed through his office as he gestured for Gino to take a seat.

The two were alone in the room after Gino and Beatrix had arrived at the Guild, collected their rewards for yesterday's jobs, and Gino had asked about higher-paying work.

"I like that it's never enough for you, Gino. Ambition is a necessary and valued trait here in the Guild. It's people like you who help us grow and do important business, you know?" Flokk spoke in a calm, measured tone, causing Gino to nod unconsciously.

"I think it's clear to both of us that you don't have any... exceptional skills, right?" Receiving the question, Gino nodded but added, "I've got hand-to-hand combat skills, sir, but yes, not much else."

Though Gino did have other knowledge and abilities, from his perspective, they weren't worth mentioning in the context of Warhammer 40,000.

Nodding, Flokk closed his eyes before saying, "Of course, but that's not something we're short of around here. No offence, you understand." He began tapping his fingers rhythmically on the desk. "But you see, if you want better jobs, you'll need to either show that you've got other aptitudes and skills, or be willing to gamble with your own life."

The tone of his words made Gino swallow hard as he nodded, fully aware of the reality.

"There's another option for you, though. A unique one, I suppose given your circumstances. You're aware that you're a physically attractive young man, aren't you?" Flokk's bionic and natural eyes locked onto Gino, who tensed and froze in his seat.

'I don't like where this is going…' Gino thought, nodding slowly.

"Relax, I prefer women," Flokk quickly added, noticing Gino's reaction, though it did little to ease his tension. "What I'm getting at is that we could also offer you work as a... companion for our clients. How far you'd go and how much you'd earn would depend on how much you're willing to do. Are you interested?" Flokk's voice and the question echoed in Gino's ears.

Gino stared back at Flokk, shaking his head slowly. He wasn't so desperate for credits that he'd stoop to prostitution.

"No, sir," he responded firmly, clenching his fists.

Flokk held his gaze on Gino for several tense seconds before shrugging and saying, "Very well, just know that the offer stands if you ever change your mind."

The next few minutes were filled with a stream of words, trying to mask the true meaning behind Flokk's message and the Guild's: "If you don't have the skills or the morals, don't ask for more."

When Gino emerged from Flokk's office later and rejoined Beatrix, he let out a sigh and told her what had transpired.

It seemed he was still stuck grinding in Vandalor.


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Before any of you horn dogs jump into accepting a proposal from Flokk, would you dare to accept it knowing that you'll have to bang fat and ugly women from the Imperium with who knows what kind of STD's?

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