
Chapter 1:

The tree of knowledge, a forbidden fruit, would be the dangerous sin but not the kind of sin you would think of. I stood before the great tree taking in it's strong stature and beauty. It was alluring, for you could almost hear the faint whispers of awaiting wisdom. Enough to make you want more, I licked my lips with anticipation.

"One little bite" He hissed into my ear "what wrong could it causse."

He seemed so trustworthy and sincere, yet a sense of uneasiness fell over me. What am I thinking, Adam would be so disappointed in me. I backed away from the tree of knowledge before I realized it my feet were carrying me away from the hiss of temptation. Once away from the awful hissing I took the time to catch my breath. A feeling of dread hit me after I caught my breath enough to make my way back to Adam.

"There you are!" said Adam.

I laughed nervously, "Here I am." I replied as he proceeded to tell me about the amazing day he had exploring the gardens. I sighed realizing night fall was coming, my body and mind were exhausted. I laid down but couldn't fall asleep, I was soon graced with the sounds of Adam's snores. I decided that maybe a walk would do me some good. The path I walked along was lit by the moonlight and lightening bugs swirled and looped all around me. Giving the night a magical feel of serenity.

I breathed out, then back in, the sweet smell of honeysuckle and rainfall filled my nose. Before long I felt sleepy but it was to far for me to go all the way back. I choose a tree to curl up under and drifted into a deep slumber. "Eveee, come to me, for I have known you your whole life. I created the essence you now hold so dear." The voice that spoke was tender and almost mercurial. Images of a beautiful man filled my head, he was young yet old.

I felt in awe in his presence, he was talking to me but I couldn't hear him clearly anymore it was as if I was under water. I awoke a little sweaty, the dark was engulfing me entirely. I sighed and leaned against the tree and breathed out. I heard the sound of footsteps coming near me. Who was it I wondered, could it be Adam. Did he wake up and find me gone? The moonlight basked out again illuminating the forest just enough to see the area around me. The man came into view, he was quiet handsome. He looked almost like the man in my dreams. The only difference was his hair color. The man in my dreams had white hair and this man had coal black. Both of their faces were chiseled and they seemed beyond their years however they weren't old. I was captivated from the moment I laid my eyes onto him.

The man smiled sexily, making my heart flutter in my chest.

"Hello," He said with a thick warm voice. It was almost like cutting through butter. I smiled back kindly and replied with a hi. The man chuckled lightly and questioned "Do you know who I am?" I flushed at the question, my cheeks turning pink.

"No, I do not, should I?" I questioned back at him. He flashed his sweet smile, it was almost blinding. "I'm Lucifer, brother to the man you know as God, his name however is Eatherial." He replied sincerely. I cocked my head in complete confusion. The man who said he was Lucifer sighed and took a seat across from me. Having him so close made my body mourn with desire. I bit the inside of my cheeks to keep myself behaved.

"Where to start." Lucifer stated with a far off look pulling me from my unclean thoughts. "A long time ago, the universe was just beginning. Just like a woman carries a child in her womb. The universe carried me and my twin brother. She was our life source, we created the rest of the universe in honor of her. Her name was Andromeda, she was beautiful and angelic. We were conceived from her longing to never be alone again. Andromeda has long left this universe behind and all that remain is me and my twin."

The knowledge of this left me in entire shock, the man who created us never told me about this. I wonder why, was that why he didn't want us to eat from the tree of knowledge? Was this information within the tree of knowledge. I sighed and nodded for him to continue.

He took a deep breath, "At first everything was bliss between me and my brother creating the many planets in the galaxy. But my brother never seemed satisfied. He began fighting with me, and the next thing I knew he had a celestial army by his side. They were convinced I was an evil being here to destroy what he had created. The brother I had shared so much with turned his back on me. Before long I retreated to what some might call hell, it was a cold empty place. I made my own domain, except humans couldn't live there so I took on souls he cast out as unworthy."

My heart hurt for him, his face looked so broken, with no one who could console him. Why would the man who created me claim to be so caring and kind. Yet, cast out the only being that shared the same bloodline as he. He closed his eyes and breathed in. I could see the sadness in his eyes as he opened them again.

"That's my long sad story, what's yours?" He questioned me.

"What do you mean?" I asked flustered with pink cheeks. Why did this man have this effect on me.

"You seem very lost to me, like this place isn't enough for you." he said sincerely.

"I-....I was made only for a man, I wasn't given any other purpose other than to love and care for him. And soon our children. I just want more than this." I said realizing my own sad reality.

We both sighed at the same time, locking eyes. He brushed his fingers across my face. I felt my face warm up as he started to lean in to kiss me. It was pure bliss when our lips met. I had to fight the urge to moan out loud. This man would completely undo me if I let this last. But, I just couldn't pull away. I whimpered when he finally pulled away. His gaze burned into mine, I could tell he wanted me as much as I wanted him.

A clearing of a throat brought us out of our trance. I turned to notice Adam was standing there staring. My eyes widened at the realization of what he had just seen. His face was filled with hurt but he turned to leave.

"Adammmm...please just, wait..." I called after him as I got up to follow him. I turned to Lucifer, "I'm sorry, I just.." And I turned to follow Adam.

"Adam, please." I called after him again. He stopped and looked at me with a hurt expression.

"Eve, why..." He questioned with a pained face.

"I-I-I don't know..." I said full of shame, hugging myself.

A bright light started to illuminate to the left of us. We both turned to see a celestial being with a flaming sword. He was beautiful but not near as beautiful as Eatherial or Lucifer. He must be what they call an angel.

"Eve, you stand accused of celestial crimes, you and Adam have here by been cast from this oasis." His voice came harmonically. "Leave now or be slain in fire."

Adam looked at me with complete distain since this was entirely my fault. I sighed and walked to the entrance with Adam scornfully. We left through the entrance and I turned to see the sword spinning blocking the entrance to the paradise we had been living in. Adam refused to talk to me as we walked in the desolate desert.

As the days passed our bodies got weaker from the lack of food and water. As I lay in the sand, I felt my life slipping through my fingers. I closed my eyes and remembered the handsome man who made me feel more than I thought possible. I left this life with a smile on my face and love in my heart.

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