
Fishing is fun until...

Fishing is as fun as sex. Not that I have sex at all. Well fishing is my life and my job. I have fished all the deadly beast in the land. A shark, a whale, a kraken, and the story goes on with the legend. Today was my last job however seeing as it's always a piece of cake when catching these fish. I once caught a sea dragon but it was a bitch to handle, fucker went everywhere.

While I was sailing across the pacific a random storm and 5 whales and 5 sharks came out of nowhere and started attacking my ship alone. I always shipped by myself people never really came with me as I had the most fun on there while all of them would suffer. Handling the ship was fun and doing anything on the boat was like breathing to me. Well back to the event that was in my vicinity, these whales and sharks are nothing to me and they are like dinner served after breakfast.

I bring out my fishing rod and start fishing the sharks and whales. The fishing rod was as deadly as the sword called Excalibur. With mighty hands of Hercules controlling it he could even defeat the sea gods with it. The five sharks were the most deadly of all sharks, the Great White Sharks. These sharks were as big as two Lamborghini's. The fisherman didn't care he drew his rod and captured one with ease! The shark then gets launched into the air "Become my dinner fish!" This human just called the shark a fish! A mere human who's race he has been preying on since his younger years calls him a lower creature than what he usually is "Fish". All the sharks and even the whales that were following them were in shock.

As the fisherman was smiling at feeling the fear of the fish he wanted for dinner on his plate. "Don't worry fishes your papa ain't going nowhere!" He then wildly threw the fishing rod the string was stretching just like a yarn when someone is untangling it. The rod went so fast that it could rival a rocket. The rod swirls around the 4 sharks remaining tangling in the group between all of them as if he was getting ready to wrap a Christmas present he wrapped the 4 with the string being as strong as tungsten. Then all the fish get's pulled in by the Fisherman into the boat with no effort needed.

He then chuckled thinking of how he was gonna cook this meal when he gets home, then he realizes the whales escaped! He was going to chase them even if it meant his life he would get them! He then went to the helm and started to go towards the way he thinks they are at based on the tracks they showed. "I'm gonna get you guys!" he smirked as if he was the most luckiest person on the world. Then something weird and out of this world happened. A random fucking bus was coming out of nowhere and is about to hit his ship!

Bam! The Sea Truck strikes his side of the ship creating a hole that would never be fixed. The fisherman was in panic as this was happening. How the hell is there a truck that can go through water?! Is this shit literally the Jesus version of a truck or something? The fuck is that? Well shit I don't know If I could live after this. As he said that a truck came from the sky as fast as thunder! Targeting him, of all things him. He screamed his last words "THIS IS BULLSHIT WHAT THE HELL!". Then all that was shown was black.

Yeah i'm not that knowledgeable in fishing or the sea at all but hey I basically just came up with this like 1 hour ago.

magmabeamcreators' thoughts