
The Fifth Generation Hokage of Konoha Village Was Booked By Me

The First Hokage and the Second Hokage are brothers. The Second Hokage and the Third Hokage are masters and disciples. The Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage have a half-master-disciple relationship. Inferring from this, the Fifth Hokage... Natsuhiko: Yes, it’s me! ——————————— Simple version: It is our duty to recast the glory of Senju Clan.

Frenzy_Mage · Cómic
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13 Chs

Ch 1: Someone who is worried

The morning sun had just risen. In a relatively remote residence in Konoha Village, Natsuhiko had already opened his eyes, and then he immediately got up.

Walking to the mirror and looking at the face reflected in the mirror, for a moment he even felt like he had become Kakashi.

Handsome face, and silver hair.

If his pupils weren't brown instead of black, maybe he could actually disguise himself as Kakashi with a mask.

It has been more than thirteen years since he came to this world unknowingly, and Natsuhiko has gradually become familiar with everything here.

But his luck was really not very good, the time he traveled through was not right.

He still remembers that when he was old enough to go to ninja school, he almost felt cold after seeing a guy named Hatake Kakashi and a guy named Uchiha Obito in his class.

Meeting these two people can only mean one thing, and that is that he may have to face at least one unprecedented war in the future!

The ninjas in this world are very scary, even young children are very scary.

During the war, they often have the ability to kill at the age of six or seven.

Going to the battlefield around the age of ten is commonplace, and even more so for people like Kakashi, who was already a Jonin who killed countless enemies at the age of twelve.

As a modern man, he simply couldn't do this, at least he didn't think he could do it at the time.

There were only two ways in front of him. One was to go to the battlefield honestly and pray that he could survive on the battlefield.

The other way is to find a way to avoid the battlefield, and then wait until the war is over, or even until the two 'saviors' rise up.

But unfortunately, the second path is a bit difficult for Natsuhiko to achieve because his surname is Senju.

Senju is a very legendary surname that has been extremely active on the stage of this world.

Senju and Uchiha established Konoha, and it had the First Hokage, the Second Hokage, and even the Third Hokage all trained by Senju Tobirama.

Among the current high-level officials in Konoha, I don't know how many people have received the teachings of Senju.

Even the Uchiha clan can only use their own strength to set off the majesty of the Senju.

Behind the huge statue in the Valley of the End is the glory of the Senju and the shame of the Uchiha clan.

But it is a pity that the sky has unforeseen circumstances, and people have misfortunes and misfortunes.

As the Third Hokage came to power, the Senju clan began to decline.

However, what is even more sad is that the decline of the Senju clan is actually due to the policies of the Second Hokage.

Of course, the Third Hokage also played a vital role in it, even if according to his words, he just hoped that the Senju clan would set an example.

For more than ten years, the Senju clan had almost no concept of a "clan", or in other words, the Senju clan can no longer be called a clan.

They have completely integrated into the sequence of civilian ninjas, or in other words, they are already civilians.

Even they rarely use the surname Senju!

Take Natsuhiko for example, whether he is in school or in ANBU, he always uses the name Fukami Natsuhiko.

To be honest, this name made him a little silent. He sometimes wondered where his lotus was.

A few people accepted Senju's fate because they were unable to resist.

But there are still many people who are unwilling to accept it. The most typical example is the elder who has taken care of him since childhood.

After Natsuhiko traveled through time, his parents were killed in the Second Shinobi War. He was raised by an elder since he was a child.

And this elder had been instilling in him a lot of things when he was a child. To put it simply, he wanted to fight for the re-emergence of the Senju Clan.

He had nothing to say about such a situation because this elder instilled this into almost everyone when Senju was in complete decline.

"But it's him. I can't go to a place like the Ministry of Government Affairs."

Natsuhiko sighed a little. Although the Senju clan was no longer good, they still had many connections.

Let this elder use his connections and find a way to arrange for him to go to the Government Affairs Department, even if it doesn't work, he can go to school.

But alas, this was rejected.

The reason is also very simple. The first one is that Senju is a fighting clan, and the second one is that Natsuhiko is too young to go.

However, he also tried to make some arrangements for Natsuhiko, that is, when Natsuhiko was eight years old, he directly entered the ANBU.

To be honest, this arrangement is not much better at all.

Are ANBU's jobs done by humans?

"Moreover, when you come to Eye Legend, you don't even have a pair of eyes, not even a white eye."

After washing himself a little, Natsuhiko couldn't help but sigh when he looked at himself in the mirror.

Natsuhiko is also very clear about the entire story of the Naruto world. To put it bluntly, this is simply the "ethical history of the Otsutsuki clan living in the ninja world."

It can also be said that it is a 'family fight drama within the Otsutsuki clan'.

The most powerful thing in this world, apart from the reincarnation of Indra and Asura Chakra, is those eyes that are most worth looking forward to.

The bloodline of the Senju clan is indeed good, and they can be regarded as descendants of the Otsutsuki clan.

However, this kind of bloodline can only be developed if it is developed. If it is not developed, it is really no different from ordinary people.

This kind of worry is almost equivalent to nothing, even if he still gets a little training resource from the Senju Clan.

"But fortunately, as a reincarnated person, it's not that I didn't fail, it's just that..."

It's just a little bit hard to describe.

Staring at the mirror, Natsuhiko still had the same face in the mirror, but some numbers appeared in his eyes.

Name: Natsuhiko Senju

Sex: Male

Birthday: March 24, Year 37 of the Konoha Calendar

Level: Jonin (Chakra Reverse: Chūnin)

Bloodline Development Degree: Elementary (Secret Technique of Senju)

Seeds: Jonin chakra seeds (maturity of 60%), intermediate senjutsu seeds (maturity of 80%), advanced earth release seeds (maturity of 70%), advanced water release seeds (70% maturity)

Fruit: zero

Mission: Become the true BOSS (the only one) in the ninja world (1% progress)

Yes, this is almost the same thing as the data on paper, it is Natsuhiko's plug-in.

His plug-in is also very weird, and I don't know if it is because he was reborn into the Senju clan, so he will have trouble with plants in this life.

His ability relies on the secret technique of Senju, which is unknown whether it is given by the system or comes with his bloodline, to absorb the vitality of plants and obtain special attributes.

These special attributes are then turned into seeds through the system.

These seeds are similar to the bugs raised by the Aburame clan, and they need to devour the chakra in his body to grow.

When they mature, Natsuhiko can also get the fruits. After eating these fruits, he can gain the corresponding abilities.

The most important thing is that Natsuhiko can completely master these abilities!

But it is because of these seeds that his chakra has never behaved like a ninja from the Senju clan.

Even when he reached the age of thirteen, he did not transform into a Chakra battery. Instead, he was still just like a Chunin, still in the lower category.

Therefore, in his level column, his strength is Jonin, but there is also a chunin in the brackets.

Now he finally realized how Kakashi felt.

In other words, it's the feeling of the 'third stage of fighting spirit'…