
The Few Followers of Naia

Two loving Goddesses once gave life to the people of Greater Eldstone where the groups of followers lived in peace for centuries. Only for one man to change all and pin the assassination of the King on the followers of Naia.

Tsuragi0 · Fantasía
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8 Chs


The orange morning sun slipped through the thin curtains of my room. I could already hear Gran moving around in the main room, probably making coffee. Sitting up I twisted around to put on my slippers as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes. I shuffled around slowly walking to my door, avoiding, or trying to avoid the books that littered my floor. Just before I could open my door it swung out and there stood Cal in all his massive glory. Tan skin, sandy long shaggy hair and matching scales down his back, neck and along his arms.

" I brought you coffee, sickly sweet." He said as he awkwardly lowered the mug so I could see it without raising my head. I gingerly took the cup from his hands and stared down at the black liquid, sighing as I looked up into Cal's umber eyes. " Right, gran ran out of milk this morning after the omelets she made, they're still warm."

" With peppers?" I mumbled.

" The green ones," Cal replied as he gently escorted me down the hall to the main room. The main room consisted of a living space, dining area and kitchen. It was cozy and well-lived as cabins were handed down for generations, only being renovated or expanded as needed. Gran was sat on a wooden bench she decorated with knitted blankets of green and blue yarns. She peered up from a book she grabbed off my floor at some point, hair in a tight bun and her knitted shawl unmoved from her shoulders.

Just as Cal said there was a single omelet left on the table, already plated. Cal ever the gentleman pulled the chair out for me allowing me to sit before he sat across from me. No, he's being too nice he wants something. He set his journal down on the table before opening it wide to a marked page.

" Remember when we were kids and we said we would explore outside of town. Go off on our own adventure?" He started as he began scribbling down extra thoughts.

" Cal we were children then we said a lot of stupid things." This was a good omelet. Go, gran.

" Well let's do it, this place is stagnant, same people, same drama. "

" I think it's a grand idea!" Gran cheered from the other side of the room. " Your parents both left for that reason, this place will not change, and when you come back ill still be here in this cabin."

Staring at my plate thoughts ran through my head. Gran is right this place is boring, but when it's all you've known is it really that easy to drop and look away? It made sense for Cal to leave and broaden his horizons, he was brave and strong, speaking his mind when he pleased and if he felt wronged it was to be righted no matter the cost. While I was studying the history of the continent and the background and lore of the goddesses. But knowing Cal he will not leave without me.

" Fine, ill go with you," I released a sigh as I lifted my coffee. Not sweet enough. " But, we will travel at my pace, and I'm in charge of any and all cooking while not in towns. I will hold and control the finances, and you will act as a bodyguard."

Cal nodded his head as he wrote what I said down. Wish I could read what was being written but he wrote in his native tongue. A dead eastern desert language, or as dead as the king says it is. Cal knows how to write in the king's language but refuses to as he would rather people believe he's barbaric so they keep their distance.

Cal didn't say anything else as he quickly stood up and marched out the front door. Yet again leaving his boots behind. I will never understand why he drags them about if he doesn't wear them.

" It was nice of you to agree to his plans," Gran said as she slowly ran her fingers through my hair. " He needs someone to support him and to keep him out of trouble."

" If anything he'll end up spending more time keeping me out of trouble than anything, but maybe I just need to get out and see more. Actually, see the history of the world instead of the biased crap in those books."

Gran let out a small chuckle, walking across the room to the locked chest that always sat untouched in the living space. Pulling a key from her chest she unlocked the horribly rusted padlock. The chest was full of adventure gear, from packs, ropes and cloaks, to a tent and bedrolls.

" Lemme guess you're gonna tell me how you were waiting for this moment and how I'm gonna change the world," I said as I stood over grans shoulder.

" Haha silly boy, you won't be changing anything. Just take the free gear, might be a little worn though it is still in a good enough state for beginners like yourselves." She said as she placed a tan cloak over my shoulders.

Before long Cal came barging through the door again, pack on his back and his long blond hair up in a rough-looking ponytail. Saying our goodbyes we waved to gran as we slowly entered the forest and towards a new life.