
The Fated Omega One

This is a story about a boy named Philip possessing the powers of Fate Control and Future Vision while desperately trying to fulfill his ultimate goal of absolute death and total erasure to end his suffering and despair ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Novel Updates: 3-5 chapters per week Chapters per Arc: 50-200 chapters Chapters per Fillers: 5-10 chapters Arcs already finished: >25 Arcs Storyboarding/World Building Status (Prologue): On-going Fated Day: Incoming... Omega System: Chapter 167 Twitter: @AbsoluteAuthor Cover Photo Artist: http://instagram.com/weiyumarryme

Absolute_Author · Fantasía
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341 Chs

Shard - Butterfly - State of Fate Timeline - Condition Unlocks

After Philip brought down his twinblade and annihilated Saykeraborne, a Draconic Echelon and the Dragon of Disaster, he was left in emptiness, floating in deep space with the dimension behind him being warped beyond compare and the universe in front of him was torn into oblivion

"This feels familiar..."

Philip reminisced the time when he was trapped in the ⟨⟨ World of Absolute Nothingness ⟩⟩ and it was almost like the place he was in right now. The only difference is that he could see a chaotic mess of colors and waves behind him and floating revolving triangles that seem to generate light and absorb light in front of him

"That's it then... Saykeraborne and Sai suffered in this timeline... I had to let them free... A painless death"

Philip then remembered the time that devolved Sai seemed to be trying to reach Saykeraborne at the moment of their deaths

"Devolved Sai still has retained a part of her sanity? Or was it just the effects of my strike? Maybe it's her heart... A heart is a very important component of a being, maybe I should quickly create my artificial heart?"

Philip thought about making his heart. Without his heart, the Pureblood, his mana, and his own body won't be enough to maintain his body in the long run. He may need to create his artificial heart earlier than expected if it gives him power and stability, like how devolved Sai became in her last breath

"Hm... Those two were also my first comfirmed kill, aren't they? Granted that I have killed Tenebris and the puppet that is the God of Death, but killing Saykeraborne and Sai were different... My sense of guilt is all over the place and my self-control is triggering me..."

Philip was having thoughts on him killing more beings. He knows that he has to do it someday, but there was a reason that he spared most of them, like Ken, Amare, Fotià, Gabriel the Monarch Lich, and Sai, at that time. Too bad Philip has to let Saykeraborne and devolved Sai free

"But I don't have any killing intent and my intent to kill is for the greater good... I guess there is no problem at all! Haha..."

Philip had thoughts of killing in the future and ultimately have the intense killing intent by revenge, murder, or torture. As an [Ultimate Masochist], he has a tendency to become a sadist, so he could set these situations aside. But, he's concerned at what others would think

"If I need to kill, I will kill... No hesitations!"

Philip made a declaration to himself

"Alright, there's nothing to do here anymore... It's time to go bac--"

Philip was about to go back go the present when suddenly, his eye was caught attention by a light. The light was different from the other chaotic matter around him because it has a clear violet shine

He reached towards the light and then he could clearly see the shape. The shape looked like a crystal or a shard and it was slowly rotating in space

"What is this?"

『 Scanning... 』

『 Scanned! 』

『 Disaster Shard 』

『 A special condition requirement has been unlocked! 』

"Disaster Shard?"

Philip held the shard and immense power came forth from the shard


He flexed his arm and overwhelmed the shard, matching its power and pressure

"Is this the condensed form of Saykeraborne's power?"

Philip asked himself and then he smirked

"Heh... Looks like I'll be bringing you along in my timeline, Saykeraborne"

He firmly held the shard inside his hand and he was about to come back to the lresent for a second time when he was abruptly stopped by an object flying in front of his eyes

A twinkling sound was heard on his left ear that crawled to his right ear, like it was a 9D surround sound. He then see transparent blue glitters fell in front of his eyes


A transparent crystal butterfly flew across his vision and he fell extremely alarmed that he immediately produced sweat. Instead of the sweat falling or staying on is skin due to zero gravity, his sweat reversed upwards. Fear almost clouded his mind and he felt an imaginary heart beat that almost exhausted his body. He felt weak and his courage dwindled

"C-chaos Butterfly?!! The Butterfly Effect!!!"

『 The Agents of Chaos are about to arrive. Are you sure you want to fight? 』


Philip immediately closed his eyes and he shrunk into nothingness, entering the kaleidoscopic hyperspace

He then opened his eyes and quickly turned around as he conjured a blood twinblade on his right hand

"Twin Blades Concept: Origin Severer!"

He cut off his tracks through the line of origin, so that the Agent of Chaos won't be able to track him


A few seconds later, a large triangular portal opened in the obliterated universe that Philip came from

The triangular portal shone with transparent light blue color and expanded to a shape of a butterfly. The portal then became pitch black and a white leg came out, followed by a gold and black mechanical arm, a white flat chest with a black triangle at the center, and then a head of pure careless expression and angry, fierce, and unwavering red eyes

The person that came out of the portal was True Omega with her broadsword on her right hand

The portal then generated fractals that shook the ruined universe and all what's left of the ruined universe began to get sucked into the portal and get thrown around in a chaotic pattern. The ruined universe then was contained in an uncontrollable ratio of destruction and harmony

The Agents of Chaos that came with True Omega are Fractals, Double Pendulum, Butterfly Effect, and Golden Infinity Ratio

"Hm... This timeline has been destroyed and it has shifted off of the Absolute Golden Timeline... Where is he?!"

True Omega looked around only to see nothing. The others wouldn't react also since Philip is already gone

"Hm... What iteration of Philip is capable of travelling through timelines? If this version of him is able to become more powerful and capable, it would be troublesome..."


A chaotic sound was generated from the fractals

"We can't do anything now since he's already gone... There are only an infinite places where he could have gone to... Come on, let's get out of here and continue annihilating him in every timelines, universe, dimensions, realities available"


The fractals then came back towards the portal, as well as the double pendulum and the golden infinity ratio

True Omega hovered back towards the portal and extended her left mechanical arm in front of her. He opened her hand and her natural power expanded throughout the entire broken universe

She then forcefully closed her hand as she entered the portal and disappeared into pitch black. The Chaos Butterfly shrunk into the portal, which made the portal pop into existence

At that moment, the universe crumbled and condensed into itself until it formed a chaotic singularity. The singularity was stable and it continues to float in the space of nothingness

After for who know how long, when the singularity reaches supercritical point, it will birth another universe in this timeline, the same copy and series of events with its neigboring universes

True Omega reset this universe since it was ruined. She seemed to be fixing what destruction Philip left behind


"Oh my god..."

Philip exclaimed as he clutched his chest. He let out a deep exhale as he released all his tension that he received in the instance. He's pretty much relieved and relaxed as he's going through the kaleidoscopic hyperspace

「 Philip? Philip?? I finally got in contact with you 」

"Emily? Where have you been? You've been lost in connection with me"

「 Yeah, I was suddenly sent into darkness when you got out off of the hyperspace going into the past 」

"Ah, you missed it... I actually went into the future. Look into my memories"

「 Alright 」

It took Emily a few minutes to catch up on the events when she was missing in action. The system also gave her the heads up of the condition requirements that Philip has met and unlocked

「 Ah, I've seen everything... 」

"What do you think?"

「 I think you made the right decisions... You didn't learn anything about his disappearance though, to where he went when he left Saykrandae 」

"We'll learn about that when we eventually find him in our timeline"

「 How would you find him? 」


「 Ahh, I understand now 」

"Alright, before we talk about the several conditions that I've unlocked... I'll be taking a peek at the Fate Timeline, so I could confirm something"

「 Go ahead 」

Philip closed his eyes and his vision was pulled into the [Fate Timeline]. As usual, the [Golden Timeline] and the [Golden Universe] is in front of him and it's still shifting away from the [Absolute Golden Timeline] even more than before

He then saw the timeframe of the series of events in the past few hours

From the [Golden Timeline], there was a pale timeline that arcs all the way behind him. This timeline should be the moment he went to the past when Terra was born. This made the golden timeline that originated from the past, the moment Philip changed Terra's fate in the past, strike the [Golden Universe] and shift it further away from the Absolute [Golden Timeline]. It also created a different timeline of the moment where Philip destroyed a galaxy in the past by producing a black hole from the ⟨⟨ Perfect Recoiless Technique ⟩⟩

There was another pale timeline that has a wider arc than the previous one and this should be the moment he went to the Divine Realm in the past. The golden timeline that originated from this point in time, Philip changing Sai's fate, him bringing Chibi Sai in the original timeline, Valkarrie knowing the falseness of the Council, Destraborne meeting Philip, and Fyusi and Apoy meeting Philip caused several branches in timeline to emerge and strike other timelines, like a yarn

Because of this, several more other golden timelines has emerged and converged towards the [Golden Universe]. This means that, some of the changes in the past, even though it's in a completely different timeline, has made a significant impact on the [Golden Timeline] that Philip's driving in

Philip expected that, even though the puppet Council in his original timeline exists, the puppet Council has been or will be overthrown by Valkarrie herself. That is only one example of many

However, there is also a third pale timeline that goes extremely far in front of Philip, even past the [Fog Horizon]. This should be the moment he went the future to see Saykeraborne, even though he should've been sent to the past the moment Braudain was born

On there, Philip could see two or three golden timeline coming back from the [Fog Horizon] and striking the [Golden Universe] in a steep angle. These might be caused by the Disaster Crest, Disaster Shard, and probably the arrival of the [Agent of Chaos]

Speaking of the [Agents of Chaos], a red timeline seemed to show up along several pale branching timelines, to which any branching timeline that's connected to the red timeline are either severed or turned golden as they headed back to the [Absolute Golden Timeline]. The red timeline seldomly goes in and out of the [Absolute Golden Timeline] in a chaotic pattern

This could be them acting of eradicating Philip himself in every iteration in every timeline

Also, for some reason, the red timeline hasn't been nowhere near the [Golden Timeline] at all. The [Golden Universe] kept on drifting away from the [Absolute Golden Timeline]

This is the current state of the [Fate Timeline]. The [Fate Spheres] of each member and resident of the Terra Mansion are still revolving around his body. Some are [Bounded] and some are still [Unbounded]. The distant [Golden Meteor] is still far and it's not showing any signs of getting near

"Overall... The Fate Timeline is a mess of entagled and fused strings"

「 Pretty much 」

"Alright, I'll exit now"

Philip closed his eyes and his vision was pulled back into the kaleidoscopic hyperspace

"Then... The condition unlocks please..."

「 Alright... In total, there are three to four, and you have practically learned two of them 」


「 The two conditions were Saykeraborne and the Mythical Dragon Spine 」

"Are there a few pointers that I need to learn about them?"

「 Regarding Saykeraborne... He is a Dragon of a God... In consideration to this, every divine being has a respective dragon and there has conditions that needs to be met for them to be summoned. However, Saykeraborne is a special case since he's a dragon of a World Deity 」

"How special is he?"

「 A regular dragon of a divine being is only limited to the Plane of Existence of the divine being they are serving. They can leave the plane if they were summoned, like how Valkarrie summoned Destraborne in the Divine Realm to scare everyone. Saykeraborne on the other hand, is not bound by this rule. He can roam around the universe freely, but he has to come back when he's being summoned. Even though he is quite small when you met him, he has a normal size of half a planet, about maybe ten times the size of Destraborne. You call them World Dragons 」


Philip was dumbfounded when Emily said that Saykeraborne was quite small, even though he wasn't even comparable to the size of his single claw when he poked his forehead

"Then, regarding all divine beings having a respective dragon... Do I, the God of Darkness, have a dragon as well?"

「 Yes you do. The condition to summon the dragon is to unlock your Plane of Existence, as it has been hinted the more you investigate about this. Terra should also have one, unless he hasn't manifested his Plane of Existence yet, even though he was created by the True God of Worlds and not created in the Divine Realm 」

"I see... More power then!"

「 Yep! Note that it's not easy to manifest your Plane of Existence, okay? 」

"I know that, thanks for the heads-up... Anything else?"

「 No, moving on to the second condition is the Mythical Dragon Spine. As you may have known, they came from the shortest rib bone of a Mythical Dragon. They are different from the Dragons of Gods as they are born from the Dragon King himself. These bones possess extreme power and they choose a worthy owner for them to wield them. These bones are also a component for the construction of the Nirvana Jade Palace and I won't say anything more than that 」

"I understand..."

「 Next is about Sai's Plane of Existence, the Plane of Genocism. This plane has the property of constant collapse and destruction to any beings that are put inside. This is also the place where Sai could consolidate her Disaster Energy and evolve further 」

"Evolve further? Higher than Puredivinity?"

「 Yes and no. Yes, because she has more power and authority over herself than in Puredivinity state. No, because she will become a completely different beinf all together and she has to start from scratch 」

"What do you mean by that?"

「 Let's just say, she will stop being the World Goddess of Disaster 」

"Ah, I think I understand"

「 Although, this process is extremely long and hard labor. You wouldn't be able to rush this, like what you did to Sai and Chibi Sai 」

"Hm... What if I have a method to rush it?"

「 Haaa?! That's impossible... That should be an absolute rule of the univers! Unless you can manipulate time and space... Or you are having that logic of yours again?! 」


「 How would you do it then? 」


Philip showed the vibrant Disaster Shard on his hand. The shard was enough to generated violet light around him of several meters in radius

「 !!! 」