
The Fated Omega One

This is a story about a boy named Philip possessing the powers of Fate Control and Future Vision while desperately trying to fulfill his ultimate goal of absolute death and total erasure to end his suffering and despair ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Novel Updates: 3-5 chapters per week Chapters per Arc: 50-200 chapters Chapters per Fillers: 5-10 chapters Arcs already finished: >25 Arcs Storyboarding/World Building Status (Prologue): On-going Fated Day: Incoming... Omega System: Chapter 167 Twitter: @AbsoluteAuthor Cover Photo Artist: http://instagram.com/weiyumarryme

Absolute_Author · Fantasía
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341 Chs

Rule Breaker - Actual Unexpected - Full Power Ego - First Ever - Human-Dragon Transformation - New Hero Title - Backlash

『 An unexpected exception has occured! 』

『 It was unexpected that the Null of Magnificence and Form of Godliness was unable have any effects on a certain object, not even a concept 』

「 Both Null of Magnificence and Form of Godliness would have a certain effect on an impossible object like the Mobiüs Trinity, but not on a mythical object like the Fěnsuì 」

『 This is the fourth exception that has occured in such a short amount of time! Be careful of meeting a fifth exception! 』

『 Due to the series of the peak of movement and peak of body performance being unable to have any effect on an object, a necessary amendment must be executed 』

『 You are capable of defying and ignoring the rules of causality granted that you have met specific conditions. You also have instances of defying several rules that was set by the universe. However, you are obedient to the Four Absolute Rules 』

『 You will be receiving a special talent that will allow you to elevate yourself in certain situations 』

『 You have received [Rule Breaker]. A talent that allows you to nullify a specific rule that is bound to a concept. Only a single [Rule Break] can be used in each concept 』

『 Note that using [Rule Break] will have a significant effect to the universe and a ripple in space-time will occur 』

After several displays appeared in Philip's vision all at once, he immediately let go of the Fěnsuì polearm and swiped his arm to the right

The sphere of black energy and black lightning immediately dispersed and white smoke and dust poofed at the base of Fěnsuì


Braudain muttered as he was surprised that Fěnsuì resisted that much and refused to be lifted by Philip to the point that the effects are on the level of a destructive force. This reinforced Braudain's belief that Philip is extremely powerful

On the other hand, Philip was extremely shocked and stunned. He wasn't that too much shocked at the fact that he couldn't lift Fěnsuì, but he was shocked at the fact that another unexpected exception has occured and it has already been the fourth one

He already became fearful if he would make the fifth exception and the milestone rule might apply to the fifth exception

It was actually unexpected that Philip will make an exception just by trying to lift the Mythical Dragon Spine. Due to a random testing and experiment and Philip's ego testing and limit testing, he didn't expect for an exception to occur

He was fairly confident that ⟨⟨ Null of Magnificence ⟩⟩ and ⟨⟨ Form of Godliness ⟩⟩ will be able to lift the Fěnsuì, even if it didn't recognize him as the owner

'Was there a contradicting rules on each of them? Maybe that's the reason?!!'

The first rule was for ⟨⟨ Null of Magnificence ⟩⟩ to allow Philip to lift Fěnsuì with no effort at all. Then the other rule is for ⟨⟨ Form of Godliness ⟩⟩ to perfectly perform the body movement. These rules were denied by the rule that's bound to the Mythical Dragon Spine, which is the inability to lifted by a being that doesn't consider its owner

But of course, the initial rules weren't cancelled or nullified, it was like two rules fighting each other for domination. This created a limbo around Philip and the polearm and almost destroyed both of them. It was a good thing that Philip immediately let go of his hold on Fěnsuì

On the other hand, Philip thought of the talent that was just given to him

'Perhaps this was the reason that the specific talent was given to me?'

The talent [Rule Break], a different concept from abilities, skills, arts, manifestation, conjuration, control, and concept itself. It's a concept that will allow Philip to break a rule that's bound to concept

In this way, Philip can break the rule bound to the Mythical Dragon Spine, so that he can lift Fěnsuì up

'Wait... If I have Rule Break talent... Can I...'

Philip thought about exploiting the talent to break the milestone rule the moment the fifth exception came

'I don't even want to think what happens when the first milestone was met! I have to avoid it at all cost'

Philip then looked down at Fěnsuì on the ground. He could feel that it was mocking him and his eyebrow twitched in annoyance. He considered to use [Rule Break] but he immediately denied it

'I refuse to use Rule Break! I will use my own capability to deny this contradiction by myself and break my limits! F*ck rule breaks, I need to surpass this rule and overwrite it!!!'

Philip held the polearm again and attempted to lift it. This time, he enhanced himself with his powerful abilities

「 Null of Magnificence. Form of Godliness 」

「 Disastrous Hero. Disaster Crest 」

「 Pureblood Enhancement. Pureblood Empowerment 」

「 Perfect Recoiless Technique 」

The black sphere reappeared around Philip and the polearm and the light outside the sphere, which is the ⟨⟨ World of Imagination ⟩⟩, began to flicker. Black lightning surged around the world and gravity increased

The blood manifesting and conjuring around Philip was being dispersed and his golden hair was fluttering away from the focal point

「 Sprout of Regenerative Ivory 」

「 Darkness Authority. Darkness Enhancemet 」

「 Weather Manipulation 」

「 Nine Gates of Wrath: 5th Gate Open: Wrath 」

The surroundings instantly became a chaotic warzone, similar to when Philip tried to exit the ⟨⟨ World of Absolute Nothingness ⟩⟩, but this time, it's more intense

「 Black hole of negative emotions 」

「 World of Imagination 」

"Braudain! Stand by and don't move! You'll remain safe there!

Philip adviced Braudain to stand still because he will surely die in this world if he moved from Philip's subconscious protection

「 Mana Actualization 」

At this point, Philip and Fěnsuì are having a stalemate and neither both of them are budging

「 Are you sure you want to do this Philip?!! You've been overexerting yourself by activating all your abilities for several times in a row now!! 」


「 Haaah... You can't just scream that in your mind and actually break you limits... But if that's what you want, don't blame if something bad happens to you body 」


Philip pulled with all his might as his surroundings became a violent storm or energy and force


Several seconds later, everything became peaceful. The ⟨⟨ World of Imagination ⟩⟩ was unscathed and everything was white

Braudain walked towards Philip and looked down on him

"Are you alright?"

Philip was sitting on the ground with him clutching his head and his elbows resting on his knees. He looked defeated and his face is full of dread. The polearm was left standing on the ground, unmoved and unperturbed

This is the first time Philip has experience defeat after a very long time and he seemed to be stunned and stumped

"My first defeat..."

Philip muttered

"I'm sorry..."

Braudain had no choice but to apologize

"No... It's not your fault. I was defeated because I'm not strong enough..."


Braudain didn't know how to reply to Philip. He then decided to pick up Fěnsuì and easily lifted it


Braudain exclaimed as he slowly realized his mistake. He sweated bullets and he slowly looked at Philip


He then saw Philip looking at him with destructive eyes as his hair is slightly covering the upper part of his face. His hands were also helping to cover his face



Philip let out a deep sigh and slowly stood up

"I shall accept this defeat... But I will lift that thing next time!"

"Uh... Alright, Just ask me whenever if you want to try and lift it again"


Philip inhaled and exhaled as he regulated the oxygen in his body. His power calmed down and he deactivated everything

"Alright, it's time to return back to our world"

"That would be great... But, is this what I will look when we go back?"

Braudain inspected his body and tapped his Draconic Gauntlets of Reaching

"As a Disaster Draconic Dracotaur, you will be able to transform into your human form, dracotaur form, and dragon form. You can just transform back into a human"


Braudain looked at Philip with confused eyes, not knowing how to do what he needed to do

Philip looked back at him with disappointed eyes, though filled with understanding because Braudain just had the ability to freely transform after all. He doesn't have any logic

"Just imagine and deeply concentrate on yourself in human form and you should be able to transform..."

"Okay, I'll try"

Braudain closed his eyes and he entered deep concentration. Philip then glared at Fěnsuì on Braudain's hand

'Emily, if I used Twin Blades Concept with Null of Magnificence, Form of Godliness, Perfect Recoiless Technique, and Mana Actualization, would I be able to destroy it?'

「 Theoretically, you could... Virtually? You cannot. The Mythical Dragon Spine that is enchanted by the Dragon King are nigh-indestructible... Do you have any plans to destroy it? 」

'Not to Fěnsuì, but maybe one Mythical Dragon Spine that I took interest in...'

「 Is it for your project plan? 」

'Maybe? But I don't think I'll be able to find one in a short amount of time because I plan to start my project very soon. If I find one later though, maybe I'll try something to make it a part of my power by dissecting it...'

「 Hm, why not find the one here on Earthenmana? 」

'That will be hard, even with Mana Actualization... But if I have to guess, it's around Forbidden Asia, southwest of China near India and the Himalayan Mountains'

「 Are you going to search it soon? 」

'I don't think so... It will be very busy in a couple of days'

Philip's eyes were still glowing with golden color as it flickers with blue light, indicating that his Future Vision was acting

「 Do you see something that is a sort of catastrophe like last time or a disaster? 」

'Hmmmmm... No...'

At this point, Braudain shone with violet light and he showed changed. Later on, the scales around his body retracted adn his gauntlets turned back to normal. His horns and fangs also retracted and his hair shortened. He turned back to what he usually looked like

"Ahh... I think I'm ready to come back..."


Philip looked at Fěnsuì once again

"By the way, don't you get tired by carrying that all the time?"

"Hm? Not at all! It's almost weightless and I don't need to put effort to carry it at all"

"But, does it sometimes get in the way, like if your in small rooms or tiny passageways?"

"Yes, it does! I know I can shrink it to the size of my palm, but I'm always afraid to lose it"

"Well, you can shrink it now since you can call it forth, right?"

"Oh yeah! I do!"

"Also, if you don't have pockets... You can shrink it until it could fit in your ear"

"Hm, that sounds weird and uncomfortable, why would I do that?"

"Meh... No reason... Also, by the way, do you know that you can change the mass of the polearm to how much you can? So, if you put that in you ear, no one will be able to move or carry you"

"Really? But wouldn't other people be able to lift this when I make it lighter?"

"No, Fěnsuì only recognizes you as its owner. It will not allow anyone to be able to lift itself easily"

"I see... So, I'm practically immovable if I kept Fěnsuì inside of me?"

"Yeah... But if you were struck by a higher force, do you think you will be able to stand it? You're not indestructible like Fěnsuì, you're still you. You're just heavier and probably could deal heavier blows that will obliterate anyone"

"I get what you mean... Alright, I'll do it then, it's sometimes troublesome to always carry this around. It will be convenient if I have my hands free and I would just pull it out of my ear whenever I need it"


"Shrink. Get shorter. Increase mass"

Fěnsuì became smaller to a size of a needle or a toothpick. Braudain pushed the needle into his ear and it was lodged perfectly


Braudain assured Philip and he went ahead to get near Braudain and pushed him with hi s superhuman strength

Braudain didn't budge at all, not even an inch

"Oh! You're right! I became heavier"

"Yeah, told you. Shall we go back now?"


Philip deactivated the ⟨⟨ World of Imagination ⟩⟩ and both of their visions turned black


An instance later, both Philip and Braudain found themselves back in the hallway, right outside the princesses' room, where they initially stayed

"I guess that's it then! See you later"

Philip immediately turned around and walked away from Braudain as he waved his right arm in the air while his left hand is inside his pocket



"I thank you from the bottom of my heart! I dedicate my life to you! Whatever you need, I will follow!"


Philip widened his eyes

"Yeah yeah, whatever... I know you will. Remember our promise"

"I will!"

Philip then disappeared around the corner as Braudain saw him off


Philip continued walking down the hallway and towards his next destination. Although, he seemed to be walking slower than usual and he's taking his time leisurely


There was silence in the air, but some idle chatter of the maids and butlers, as well as footsteps can be heard from afar

"This is the point where everything's going to go out of control..."

Philip's eyes flickered with bluish green light and it stopped the moment Philip spoke

「 You have unlocked a special condition requirement! Because you unsealed the power of Saykeraborne that's dormant inside Braudain and that you obtained the Disaster Crest from Saykeraborne, you have obtained a new title! 」

「 Your ⟨⟨ Disastrous Hero ⟩⟩ title has evolved! You have obtained ⟨⟨ Disastrous Draconic Hero ⟩⟩ 」


Philip exclaimed a muffled scream due to a pain coming from his chest. He subconsciously clutched his chest with his right hand and clenched his left hand. He fell onto his knees and he lowered his head. He gritted his teeth and forcefully closed his eyes

『 You are currently experiencing a massive backlash 』

『 You have used Fate Control several times, not only frequently in a span of a few months, but several times in one day 』

「 Your awareness has been diminished and the effects of your Fate Control will only vary. You will feel hopeless and your negative energy will run rampant 」

『 You also have use Null of Magnificence and Form of Godliness without restraint 』

「 Your muscles and body has caught up to being weakened and overwhelmed by the techniques used by True Gods. You will feel constant pain as long as you move or assume any forms 」

『 You have no experience over the use of Sword Concept and Spear Concept, especially Twin Blades Concept, and compensated with the use of Null of Magnificence 』

「 Your understanding of the sword and the spear has been scattered and jumbled. You won't be able to use a sword or a spear 」

『 The Perfect Recoiless Technique can only be used against beings that are universal level 』

「 The use of the technique will reflect the strike or blow to you. You won't be able to deal damage to your target 」

『 Mana Actualization has almost exhausted your mana reserves 』

「 Mana will continuously eat through you as you absorb more mana in the air. You will feel constant pain wherever mana is present 」

『 You have continued to go through time and different timeline as you also saw every timelines possible 』

「 Your perception of time has been broken apart. You won't be able to tell time 」

『 You kept breaking the limits of your anger and you keep getting angrier 』

「 Your anger will be weaponized, a double-edged sword. You won't be able to tell that you are angry 」

『 Because of the backlash, your body has been temporarily disabled. Your survivability will decrease and all kinds of pain, sickness, and anomalies will hit you 』

「 Fortunately, this is only temporary. Once your body wakes back up, the backlash of your body will dissipate and you'll return back to normal 」

『 You have negative luck yet you have an astronomical amount of good luck. Considering your title as ⟨⟨ Embodiment of Neutrality ⟩⟩, you have magnified your luck in both Duality, Neutrality, and Totality 』

『 Secret special condition requirements has been unlocked! 』

『 You won't die from the backlash. Survive and you will receive rewards 』


Philip curled up on the ground while still clutching his chest. He was already sweating profusely and the sky above the mansion became dark and gloomy and the breeze became colder. The ground under him became hotter