
The Fate Of The Egyptian Gods

In Egypt, Hayman Son of sneaky and materialistic parents will be advised one day by his father to marry the daughter of one of his rich friends to make the family rich. The latter refused for the pretext that we do not get married for the money and rather for love so he refused the offer. This annoyed his father who who will call him useless in front of his brothers and ordered them to beat him to death and throw him in the Nile for him to die. However after his jet in the Nile, he was saving by the Egyptian gods Osiris and Sobek who participated in the creation of human beings and it was too good to be true. Who could have imagined that a poor person like him would meet these divinities ever seen by humans before? Is his fate linked to these Egyptian deities?

Senpai_Kami · Fantasía
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11 Chs


Hayman seeing this person sitting on her throne wondered if it was the God RÂ when suddenly a voice shake all the sun.

"Approach my child does not have afraid of me"

This voice belonged to the solar God RÂ who sent the floor to Hayman since his throne telling him to move forward. Hayman after hearing his voice asked questions in his mind:

"His simple voice makes all the sun tremble"

"His aura could destroy my soul and erase me with the existence if he wanted"

"The Egyptian gods are really beyond all the laws and it is Extraordinary, I can not believe that I take me in front of him "

RÂ: What do you imagine and whisper? The other Gods did not tell you? All the Gods can read in the spirits I already know what you think. This is only a small portion of all my power but maybe one day you will be stronger than me.

HAYMAN : How could I surpass God of Gods? The absolute God? Whoever did all creation? It's impossible.

RÂ : You may be more powerful than me if we make a transfusion of my powers and mind in your body, I can change the body to not die. My goal is to teach you everything I know, to transfer my power and live in your body for te guide in destiny.

HAYMAN : Why did you choose a poor human like me?

RÂ: To tell the truth I do not trust the other Gods I tell myself that if I choose one of them to replace me there may be a war between them for getting power, while you have a human who does not think about power, you live to protect those you love and You are the only one able to get my place seen your heart..

HAYMAN : It's true but will the other Gods agree with your decision?

RÂ : No one will be able to dispute what I decide more you will be powerful enough for them to submit to you. Enough to discuss good eight years on this sun is equivalent to four weeks on earth you will be back in Egypt a week after the invasion of the God APOPHIS and your training will begin today!!

HAYMAN : Alright my lord, I'm ready.

RÂ: To begin with I will first teach you how to channel the energy of the sun into all your meridians, sit with your feet crossed on the ground in the center of the sun and meditate for three days...

The young boy of seventeen immediately executed the Orders of the God RÂ by going to the center of the sun with the solar jargon (the familiar of God RÂ)

His first day in the center of the Sun was a real ordeal to circulate the energy of the sun in its meridians:

HAYMAN : I will never make it!! I've been here for four hours already and I have the impression that my nerves are going to explode, but I try to circulate the energy of the sun but it fails every time... Wait!! And if instead of wanting to circulate the solar energy in my body I sucked it with my palm from my arm to bring it to my heart and decide between it inside in every corner?

The young boy had found a good idea there to accomplish what the God RÂ had entrusted to him, he immediately managed to circulate the solar energy in his body, the second day and the third day was easy for him because he had already understood how the technique of pipeline of solar energy worked.

After the three days pass, the God RÂ asks him to perform about four techniques including Solar Disintegration, Luminous Sealing, Star Soul Deprivation, and Burning Pressure.

The first technique was difficult for him to proceed because it was a question of using the energy of the sun to disintegrate an object or a person whether it is by gathering the energy in his palm or by launching a wave of solar energy at distancebut hayman succeeds after hours of trying.

Then he then chained the second technique which was the luminous sealing this is one of the lowest techniques of the God RÂ which consisted in creating a small sun in the palm and trapping the opponent inside for an indefinite period this technical state quite easy because hayman succeeded in one shot.

HAYMAN: This technique is really effective in sealing an enemy away for millions of years or even forever. Then he learned the third technique which was star soul deprivation which was to burn the soul of the target with a sextillion of the solar degree, for hayman this technique was really dangerous and horrible because the user could burn the soul of the target with a solar degree of up to three hundred and thirty five million degrees the simple use of this power could already erase the target and destroy many continents however the God Râ considers this technique as weak, he almost never used it against his opponents, to tell the truth he already had techniques infinitely superior to this one.

Hyaman then learned the last technique which was solar pressure, one of the ancient techniques of the God RÂ which was to divulge the temperature of the sun to the degree that the user wants on an infinite range, The user can make an infinite territory hot with a solar degree at the number he wants it to be nine hundred million degrees or whatever, so the mere presence of the user could already melt billions of human bodies.

Learning these techniques was easy for Hayman because of his rapid mastery of salary channeling, but he will still need to learn techniques beyond these.

To Be Continued.....