
The family

he has found found his queen

Dhaka_Walker · Ciudad
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50 Chs


making a nursing

after they looked around the city, had lunch, and makeout, happy news Kari is with their baby, they went to the clinic to see their new family doctor, Doctor Artemis Lung, " whoever thought by bringing you to her to train that you two get married now have a baby, said, Dr. Lung, he took them back, he examines her, indeed she fully pregnant, " congratulations Viktor and Kari, you are proud parents of a 20-pound, 30-pound, 40-pound, 50-pound, 06-pound, and 70-pound baby boys, he told them. " you sure they pound Dr. Lung? asked. Kari, " babe big jeans run in my family these boys are going too big with muscles, they kissed each other, " take it easy so you can deliver all six, said. Dr. Lung, " don't worry Dr. she is not working carry our boys, said. Viktor, " let you get dressed, thank you, Dr. Lung, he walk out of the room, " you mad? asked, Viktor, " no, why would be, they were taken after their father, so this family going to eat right stay fit, said. Kari, they kissed each other, and he help her to put her clothes on and they walked out of the room and left the clinic, they pulled up at the studio, to tell everyone the news, he open her door for her and help her out of the car, they walked inside, they walked up to hug them, " I was dying to see you two, I thought your family would never leave, said. Stacie, " but they are still here for some reason, wait, you are glowing, no you not!? asked. Laura excitedly, " we are she's carrying six, healthy baby boys, said. Viktor, they cheered out and hugged them and congratulation them, " have you picked any names yet? you got to let us throw you a baby shower, said. Stacie, " we can't hear, they will see them, and it, said, Allyssa, " we have a baby cookout at our house, tomorrow so bring dessert and sides we got the grubs that mean babe we got to hit the stores, yeah we have I don' t want to be the only v, but I told her she can have the middle names, so here what we got, Vance Corey, Vander Antony, Valance Jesse, Vinatone Clifford, Volume Thomas, Venton Wesley. said, Viktor, " those are some great names, said. Adam, " thank you, they both said, " I going to see if I can have there's of the week of me you got to step, the boss can't be here when she carrying, if I doing the interviews you got to be on the floor see if everyone is okay, said. Viktor, " we cot this man, " darn right we do, at seven tomorrow see you all there, they tell them by, they got in the store and left, as they pulled and walked in, " we thought you bunch left town, said. Tony, " she here now, " just miss them, sorry let them be happy and go home, you had your shot in fail, what is done, you can't undo it, go home, you scaring off my boss business, said. Mike, they pulled into a parking spot and walked into the store, " I get the stuff for the cookout, said, Viktor, " I get stuff for home and kids meet you at the cashier, said Kari, they got stuff for their newborns and the cookout, " why you here anyway to yell at because she following her dream getting here business taking off, or would you rather it didn't and have her crying back home to a family that doesn't love her or support her, I don't we, her family now, the fit family, we are doing amazing here at the studio, " for falling in love with an outstanding guy that crazy about that wanted to marry her from day one? I am glad this worked out and they did got married, leave them alone and go back to where you came from, we here daily Seattle is her home now, Laura told them, " no, we do love her, we would come to their wedding, I would love to meet the guy that marrying my sister, said. Christopher, " I realize that I didn't support her in her dream, I let her father rule over, I was wrong I realize that now, I just want to see her, and meet him, welcome to the family, and be there for them, said. Sara, they got in line and put their items up on the belt, " you okay babe? asked, Viktor, " yeah got the diapers, bottles, bows cups, are we making formulas or I am nursing? asked, Kari. Her phone ringed, " we are going to make our baby formulas, babe, we got salads and green process meats, and buns, they kissed each other, he rubs her stomach, she pulled out her phone, " (Nevada.) _("they back, and want to see you,) said. Laura, " (and that stopping you from working?) asked, Kari. " (guys we still doing the broadcast, tons are coming in ignore let's keep it going, my family depends on it,) said. Viktor, they paid for everything. " no, no, Babe I got this go, " (no, you want me to put her on speaker,) asked. Stacie, " (we just told you guys she carrying a litter of sons that would not be wise, ) said. Viktor, he helps her into the truck, and Viktor put the bags of stuff on the back of his truck, got in, and left, " we need cribs nursing sets, high chairs, said. Kari, " furniture shopping, we need clothes to, said, Viktor. they turn into the uptown shopping center, they got out of the truck and went into the baby store to get baby stuff ordered to the house, and they got back to work at the studio, putting them behind them, they were looking at cribs, " babe what do you think about this one, asked. Viktor, the was perfect for their sons, a salesperson walks up to them, they told him they need six of the same cribs and nursing sets, high chairs deliver to their home address, they filled out the form, and he tells them they are their tomorrow, they walked out of the store, " we got that done, said. Viktor, " now cloth shopping but can we get dinner first, asked. Kari,