
The False-God of Entertainment

... I don't know what to put here either.

Shijin_Kama · Cómic
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2 Chs

The System


Colorful Language


~ The False-God of Entertainment ~ Flashback


He looks back into the room and sees the bottle back on the shelf…

"Fucking bastard of a ROB…"


~ The False-God of Entertainment ~ Flashback End ~ 7 Hours Later


Our main character lies disheveled on his bed.

He starts rubbing his eyes, trying to keep awake. The reason for this is pretty simple, he just spent 7 hours in the Art Studio creating a Manga and a Light Novel version for Mushishi…

If you don't know what Mushishi is… I pray for your uncultured soul.

During the first 3 hours was him getting used to the Ink manipulation by doing the manga first. He decided it would be easier than making lines upon lines of words. He even colored it using the copic markers ink. Then after some touch-ups and adding things here and there he finally was happy with it.

The next 4 hours was him creating a light novel. He expected it to be a bit easier with how much time he spent on the manga, but that hope was harshly thrown out a window.

He honestly wondered why he did the manga since he was planning to release the light novel first then the manga a few months later after releasing some other light novels.' Guess I got too carried away,' he thought to himself.

He shakes his head before sitting up on his bed. The teen suddenly paused hearing a familiar sound.


[ System Synced with Host. ]

[ Congratulations host, you have been given the Capture System ]

'Capture system?'

[ It allows the user to capture entities, animals, beings, etc. and do one of two things, firstly, assimilate them into the body or secondly, make them into loyal familiars. ]

'... That sounds pretty useless.' The teen thought, rubbing his temples. Then as if the biblical god himself descended and gave him a sign, he slowly turned to the phantom cat.

The cat was lazily licking its paw before freezing in place. It knew that it was in danger. Without a second though it tried to run out the door, in hope of escaping the mad human it was trapped with.

The teen grasps at the cat, suddenly a ton of ink seeps through the door before bolting for the escaping cat.

He started moving towards it, giggling all the while. "You… are gonna be my first test subject."

The phantom cat in horror cries out in despair.


~ The False-God of Entertainment ~

A few moments later, the teen is seen grinning at the phantom cat. Though something was noticeably tied around its neck, a collar with a little tag.

"Well it says here you are a female…"


[ Status ]

Name: None

Race: Phantom (Cat)

Gender: Female

Bond: 1/10

(Skills: 3)


"So let's name you… Blair."

Blair is too busy weeping to notice she had been named.

"Now it's time to see your skills." He taps on skills.

[ Status - Blair - Skills ]

Blight Touch (Passive/Active)

Far-Shore Sense (Passive)

Tainting Bite (Active)

'If this was a normal phantom it probably would have something like ? Mimicry for the specific animal or object they mimic. Does this mean that this was originally a cat that got its soul tainted or corrupted in some way?' The teen stares at the cat, thinking deeply.

He shakes his head, looking at the specifics of the skills.

[Blight Touch] Passive/Active

The ability to cause blight or taint on anything with an uncorrupted soul. This skill makes them immune to Blight or Corruption. This only works on beings or creatures who can see the user.


[Far-Shore Sense] Passive

The ability to sense beings from both the Far-Shore or The World of the Non-Living.


[ Tainting Bite ] Active

The ability to inflict blight or taint by biting a being with an uncorrupted soul. This blight is more potent due to the 'teeth' of the Phantom leaving a 'physical' mark. This only works on beings or creatures who can see the user.


'... I should capture another phantom later and absorb it. Then I can strangle this cat all I want without getting any blight.' The teen grins fiercely at his idea. He completely forgets about the bond aspect.

[ The system will like to remind the host, he has a Status Menu ]

"I do…? I mean of course." He said, getting a pitying look from the cat. 'It's pitying me… Fucking bastard.' He grins at the cat. 'Just you wait… soon I can strangle you all I want.'

The cat shivers, unknowingly sensing its impending doom.


[ Status ]

Name: No Name

Title: N/A

Race: ????

Gender: Male

(Skills: 4)

"This is just the status menu of Blair, just more confusing…" He starts to massage his temples, getting annoyed. 'Why couldn't it just tell me my fuckin race?'

He taps on his skills wanting to see what he has.

[ Entertainment Materialization ] (Active)

The ability to create characters, objects, beings, etc. from any entertainment medium the host has 'Created'. The objects can also be manipulated to suit the world better, like 'Mushi Tobacco' can be altered to repel any supernatural entities or slice of life alterations that make it easier to use.


[ Creative Mind ] (Passive) Supernatural Level

This skill makes the user supernaturally gifted at any skill or task that requires creativity.

Warning: This does not make the user more or less creative, it just enhances skills or tasks involving creativity to the supernatural level.


[ Ink Manipulation ]

The ability to manipulate and control Ink.


[ Ink Creation ]

The ability to create any type of Ink.


"... You know I completely forgot about the Ink Creation ability." He said, staring at all the ink he stole, really questioning his decision making abilities.

He shrugs thinking to himself, 'Not like anyone buys ink from the stores anyway.'

Our MC pauses, finally seeing the name section.

'... where is my name? Now that I'm thinking about it… What is my name?' The teen starts to have a mini identity crisis. Before the system intervenes by making a LOUD ding.


[ Type in your New Name ]


'...' The teen puts in a name that comes to his head, deciding to have a mental breakdown later.

[ Confirm that 'Arden' will be your new name ]


He taps the Yes button. He watches the name part of the Status glitch out before changing from No Name to Arden. '... Should I have given myself a coolass lastname… Missed opportunity to name myself Arden Blacklight…'

He sits depressed in the corner of his room.


Arden looks over to phantom, before a thought comes to mind and the Reason he did Mushishi as one of his first manga's. The Mushi Tobacco, able to repel Mushi and if too close can cling to the Mushi if they get too close. The only Mushi that is completely and absolutely harmless to humans.

He uses Entertainment Materialization creating the Mushi Tobacco after altering it to repel or cling to any supernatural entity. He materializes as a Lighter as well since… It is tobacco.

Arden lights up the Tobacco before putting it in his mouth. He takes a puff, coughing a bit from the smoke. Sure enough the smoke starts to cling to Blair. He watches as she tries to get it off her, but the Mushi is too abundant to get rid of. After a few minutes it naturally unclings from her.

Blair glares at the human who dares anger her. Her pure white eyes narrow glaring at the human who dares

Arden shivers, feeling uncomfortable from Blair's gaze. He gets up deciding to go downstairs to spruce up the art store.


~ The False-God of Entertainment ~ 3 hours later...


Arden wipes down the counter feeling refreshed. He finally finished cleaning and decorating the art shop.

The cleaning took 2 hours from how much trash was piled up. The ROB probably put more trash then there was supposed to since if there was actually this much trash a bunch of bugs would have infested this place. '

'Fucking Asshole.' Arden thinks, glaring at the bags.

Then he started decorating, first putting up artwork all over the shop's walls. Everything from Blue Exorcist to some not well known ones like Mushishi and Hamatora. The only thing not on the walls was Hentai and overly Ecchi anime along with VERY hated animes and mangas *Cough Boku no Pico *Cough.

(Author Note: Even if Boku no Pico is considered a Hentai. I had to make a reference to its horribleness… Really do not recommend that shit show. It gives me shivers just thinking about it)

Then he put up the first Volume of Mushi-shi. He pauses, 'What if someone steals it?'

[ The System would like to remind the host they can make upgrades to the Shop and Art Studio. Though the art store already has protection against stealing. ]

'Great! Now the upgrades… How does that work exactly?'

[ You use the money you get from selling the chosen Entertainment Media, to make upgrades to the Art-Studio or Shop. ]

'How much is the cheapest upgrade?'

[ The cheapest upgrade is… ]

[ Self-Cleaning Shop ] (Upgrade)

The shop cleans itself allowing you to focus on your work.

Cost: 1000$

Arden becomes a stone statue staring at the cost. Suddenly he bursts into a rage. 'BULLSHIT! I can buy 40 24-pack Cup Ramen noodles with that amount of money! I would rather buy that than waste 1000$ dollars on that.'

[ … Why is that the best analogy you come up with? ]

'... Well… I buy a lot of cup ramen noodles…'


Suddenly the door to the shop opens revealing…


~ The False-God of Entertainment ~


CLIFFHANGER! HAHAHAHAHAH! You fools really thought this wasn't gonna be one?

Hello, it's the wonderfully handsome and the greatest author to ever exist again… Hope you like this chapter too, if not… You're more uncultured then even the most uncultured of swines.

Feel free to comment on my awesomeness, but if you don't that's fine. I don't need the opinion of some fatass otakus.