
The fake girlfriend of the cold mafia

bevylove123 · Fantasía
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16 Chs

Chapter two

After a day of thinking, Li Hong decided to agree to the contract. She thought it was a great deal and after one year compensate her with 2 million won. So she had to agree. The following day at work Li Hong told Xia Yuan that she had agreed to his contract and he had a set of rules she had to follow:

She had to come live with him in his mansion until the one year was over.

He gave her a curfew to be back to his house by 5:00pm everyday

She wasn't allow to tell anyone she was dating

She wasn't allow to go anywhere without his permission

Breaking of any of this rule will attract some punishment.

Li hong was a bit uncomfortable with these rules but she agree to them with complainants.

Few days after Xia Yuan send a driver to pick her up from home. She lived alone so she wasn't at risk to break the third rule. She got into the car while the chauffeur put her luggage in the boot of the car. After that he drove her to the mansion of Xia Yuan and the scenery was jaw dropping. The house looked bigger than a mansion. This wasn't even a house. There was fountain it the middle of the front yard. There were flowers along the path leading to the front door. There was a painting of dragons on the walls of the compound.