The Culling Scourge. An incident that had shocked the entire Master Realm, killing thousands in a matter of days. It had fallen to the hands of the Pinnacle Axis, the strongest members of the Mage Council, to finally calm the waves of terror and eliminate the perpetrator. They were the heroes who saved the Master Realm from the clutches of evil! Or at least that was their side of the story. As the perpetrator of the incident, Kyle Wick obviously knew that he was not killed. Those cunning bastards who called themselves the Pinnacle Axis did not have the capability to do so! But Kyle could not care less about exposing their lies, allowing them to claim all the credit they want. Even so, in order to pay for his actions Kyle was disowned by his family, and exiled from the Master Realm to the Lower Realms. Now in an unfamiliar world, he encountered the young noble Rachel Pierce who was desperately trying to keep her family afloat in this harsh world. With the crossing of paths between these two people of completely different worlds, their fates were bound to change in a direction that they could never have imagined.
Kyle leaned back lazily as he sat on the bench, waiting for time to pass. Bored out of his mind, Kyle could only fiddle with the slip of paper in his hand. Other than the clothes on him, this slip of paper was the only item in his possession right now.
It was a ticket to board the ship scheduled to leave the port in just a while.
It was also the ticket for Kyle to leave the Master Realm where he was born and lived all his life, the Master Realm that he had already grown accustomed to.
Oh, he also had the 10 gold coins that his sister discreetly slipped into his hands when he left, saying that it was the currency used at the place where he was headed.
Kyle had absolutely no idea about the exchange rate between the currency used in the Master Realm and these gold coins. But according to what he understood about his sister's personality, these gold coins would probably be enough for him to survive for a while.
Finally tired of simply sitting and waiting, Kyle decided to get up from his seat. Upon doing so, he could not help but raise an eyebrow in surprise as he felt all those people watching him immediately take a step back in response.
Considering how those old bastards had already openly claimed the credit of killing off the perpetrator of that incident, regular members of the council should not even know him, not to mention being this afraid of him!
Looked like those old bastards actually sent their most trusted aides here just to watch and make sure he made good of the promise, leaving the Master Realm for the Lower Realms.
But did they really believe that he would not be able to detect their presence just because they stayed at a distance?
Nah, there was no way that they were this naïve.
Perhaps if not for the fact that it might startle the public, they would have been standing right beside him at this moment.
After all, the port was always bustling with human traffic. It would draw too much attention to have a man being escorted by the men of the council.
Or perhaps they really were just too afraid to get near…
The port was the main transportation hub in the region, allowing for travel not just to the other ports within the Master Realm, but even to the many Lower Realms. Therefore the size of the facility was no joke either.
That was the only way they could accommodate the number of people who needed long distance transport services.
He had already given his word, so Kyle was not intending to pull any tricks anyway, choosing to simply ignore the many pairs of eyes that were fixated on him. Though on a normal day, he might have tried to scare them a little just for the fun of it.
Due to the size of the building, it took a while for Kyle to walk across the floor to the other end of the lobby. He leaned his arms on the parapet and looked out at the ships anchored outside, feeling the spring breeze brushing against his face and slightly rustling his short black hair.
Many ships were properly docked at the port, but even more of them were just hovering in the distance, not approaching the port for whatever reasons.
Kyle closed his eyes and took in a deep breath of air.
In order to accommodate the flying ships, the port was constructed 2000 metres above sea level.
It was not an exceptionally high altitude in any sense. But to Kyle, there was a special meaning to this altitude, and every breath of air felt vaguely familiar.
Kyle's family residence was located on a highland of roughly the same altitude, so he had already gotten used to this level of oxygen in the air.
Or rather, the people whom he used to call his family had their residence located on a highland of the same altitude.
But now his name had already been removed from the register of the powerful Wick Family, one of the top powers within the Master Realm.
Kyle was not feeling sad about it though.
After seeing through the ugly nature of the higher ups within the Wick Family, Kyle was more than happy to finally escape the invisible shackles disguised in the form of family ties.
If anything, he was simply worried about his two siblings who remained in the Wick Family.
As for his parents, Kyle was certain that they would definitely have no trouble taking care of themselves.
At this moment, a loud announcement sounded out in the port's lobby.
"Departure notice! Attention all passengers taking the Oasis Seeker that is headed for Green Realm. The Oasis Seeker will be departing in an hour. May all passengers please head over to Gate A to start boarding. Boarding will be cut off half an hour before departure. Thank you."
The announcement was repeated once more for the people who might have missed it the first time, but that was the limit of their consideration.
The port was handling an astronomical amount of travellers every day after all, thus it was impossible for them to look out for each individual. It was the passengers' own responsibility to listen out for the announcements, and anyone who failed to board the ship on time would no longer be entertained.
Of course, Kyle would not make such a mistake. And even if he did, the people watching him would probably have spared no expense to remind him.
Upon hearing the announcement, Kyle slowly opened his eyes once more.
It was finally time to leave this place.