
chapter 47

Reluctantly, Carmela got up from the sofa and went to the door. She opened it and there stood Max, looking as handsome as ever. He looked at her with pleading eyes, and she could see the pain in them.

"Please, Carmela, I need to talk to you," he said, his voice full of emotion.

She hesitated for a moment, but then stepped outside and closed the door behind her. She looked up at Max, waiting for him to speak.

"What is it, Max?" she asked, her voice sounding more tired than she intended.

"Don't you have anything to ask me?" Max asked, sounding frustrated.

Carmela laughed dryly.

"What exactly do you think I want to ask you, Max?" she said. "You left me, remember? I'm not interested in what you've been up to. And I certainly don't care about your marriage to Nicole. It's none of my business."

Max looked taken aback by her words, but she didn't care.

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