


Alex_14 · Fantasía
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17 Chs

Chapter 10 Doppleganger, Shidou?

Shidou: You believe me right? that Arthur is an physco

Kira: I don't know..I got a gut feeling he isn't .

Shidou: Do you say I'm liyng?

Kira: no..but...I don't know man..Arthur was too nice to be a physco..

Shidou: I know it's hard to believe. But trust me!

Kira: if you say so...I mean you always been right.

Shidou: see..I can't be possibly liyng!

Kira: so..what's our next move? kill him?

Shidou: leave him there to rot!

Kira: but..that's kinda immorral..

Shidou: who cares..

Kira: I do...even if he is insane he doesn't deserve that.

Shidou: so..your going against me?

Kira: who knows..maybe? Being immoral is something I hate to be.

Shidou looked at Kurayami with an weird face..smiling like an creep.

Kira: Thinking you would trick...me

Suddenly 10 Swords stabbed Shidou from the behind

Kira: A Doppleganger!

The doppleganger's body deformed into an ugly creature laying dead on the ground.

Kira: I wasn't born yesterday to believe this shit.

Kurayami hastly rushed to Arthur picking him up and going down the mountain.

Arthur woke up with an headache

Arthur: What the hell happened..? My head hurts

Kira: let's...say..a Doppleganger attacked us.

Arthur: Shape shifter?

Kira: Worse..the evovled kind of shape Shifters. that permanently take the form of somebody imitating any ability or move.

Arthur: I see..so that hit me in the head?

Kira: yeah..that's right.

Arthur: wait... Question, Wheres the real Shidou?

Kira: that's an mistery, I don't know.

Arthur: I hope he didn't abandon us.

Kira: Why don't we go to the house? to see if he is there.

Arthur: good idea..

Kurayami and Arthur arrived at the bottom of the mountain.

Arthur: do you remember where the house was?

Kira: I actually do.

Kurayami started sprinting throughout the city

Arthur: what if we don't find him there.

Kira: it means he left us.

Arthur: I don't think he would! he is a nice guy!

Kira: everyone is evil...no matter how they act they have something evil inside theire souls..

Arthur: LIES! Shidou is good!

Kira: you will learn this soon...

They arrive at the house.

Kurayami tries to open the secret door but it doesn't open?

Kira: huh?

Arthur looked confused looking at every brick on the wall.

Arthur: try destroying the wall!

Kira: that would cost us..to repair the damage

Arthur: I will do it...

Kira: you can barely move stones, not a brick wall for sure

Arthur tries to move the wall but it doesn't move an inch

Arthur looked disappointed at the ground

Arthur: so..what now

Kira: Ugh! I will do it..

Kurayami put his hand on the wall and the wall started creating an hole through itself.

Arthur: what's this..power!

Kira: it's called Creation and Transfiguration

Arthur: your so strong man..

Kira: I know that's why I always protect you!

Arthur: Man, Fuck you!

Kira: You go fuck yourself.

Arthur and Kira got in a brotherly fight

They punched eachother but smiling..they didn't want to hurt eachother. they were like brothers.

Suddenlly there was an change in the air.

it became suffocating..

Kira: I can...barely breathe...

Arthur: Same...

There were sounds of mouths chewing..

Kira: what the fuck...?

Arthur: Huh?

Kira:..don't tell me... Dopplergangers...FUCK!

There were over 100 Doppleganger's surrounding them.

Arthur: Fuck your Mom. Fuck the Father. Fuck the city you from. Fuck you ALL

Kira: Kinda harsh considering they will try to eat us at any point

Arthur: Fuck them just...let's have an massacre here..

Arthur's Eyes changed...

Right Eye...a star? ✴️

Left Eye ..the moon? 🌙

Kira: What's with the new eyes?

Oshi: None of your business!

Suddenly Portals started opening

with each portal having a sword each Doppleganger's neck

Oshi: I give you one choice..Leave or die in one shot!

said Arthur smiling like he was the devil!

Kurayami stood confused as to why Arthur is acting like this..and how he created portals!

Kira: you never told me you can do this shit..

The doppleganger's stood still

Muke: Ohh? so your not moving? FINE!

the swords exited the portals killing every doppleganger there in a blood bath

Arthur laughed like an maniac

Oshi: BLOOOD! BLOOODD!!!! HAHAHAHAhaha..now...you..

Kira: me?

Oshi: yeah..you..I will kill you too..

Kira: don't think so.. CREATION PARADOX RULE 999 God Thunder Lazer!

suddenly an machine that looked like an laser appeared in front of Kurayami

Kira: whoever you are..thanks for the help but give Arthur back!

Oshi: BAHAHAHAAHAH I am not giving this body back

Kira: A mistake then!


Kurayami without even firing the laser appeared behind Arthur and slammed him on the ground.

Kira: the laser was just for show..I don't need it to beat you up. Now give Arthur back

Oshi: What do I get in exchange?

Kira: not diyng

Oshi: reasonable...

Arthur's eyes turned back to normal

Arthur: my head hurts like hell...

Kira: What happened to you..?

Arthur: what?

Kira: Nevermind it..

Kurayami helped Arthur back up

Arthur: I guess Shidou did leave us..

Kira: yeah...

Arthur looked sad as to why did Shidou leave them behind

Arthur: why...?

Kira: I knew he wasn't trust worthy from the first time...acting tooo nice. Acting like an Father Figure...

Arthur: I guess so..Now what we are homeless

Kira: I don't really know..I didn't knew this was gonna happen...

Arthur: I guess...we gotta find a job or something...or else we will die from starvation..

Kira: true...

To bee continued


Oshi = Star ✴️

Muke = Moon 🌙

Asu = Sun ☀️