
The Entity: You is Chosen

Oliver who suffered from cancer died in the middle of the night and his family stayed by his side till the end for 16 years. Even though his family lost hope, they still cared for him and prolonged his life for as long as they can. He died in a relaxed condition thanking his family until one moment a change occur. _._._._._._._._._._._._._._ / \ Purely writing this for my amusement and boredom. Book Image Cover, not mine. Do tell me if you want me to be removed. \_._._._._._._._._._._._._._/

48ba · Derivados de juegos
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6 Chs


"July 16, 2016

Umm, how do I say this? I live again after that near-death experience. I owned an area in rural where it was entitled to me. Sadly maybe because of what happen 1 month ago, I am on my own. My family died... my parents.. sister.

I've been given this booklet so because of its purpose. To make me recover and live forward while not forgetting my family. I am fine now after all of that day of being sad as I watch my family getting buried. I know they'll rest peaceful and they may let me live like this every day being sad and depressed.

I realized that I have my own life to live. This may be the last but thanks for this and for making me recover."


*MC pov*

With that, I'll send this mail to the psychiatrist. Wow, how time flies by. The moment I was just sleeping the next moment I am here. At first, I was confused but after the memories come in, I pretty much get the situation.

But seriously though? 16 again? Well in this situation where I suddenly got reborn with another body that isn't mine. It happens, probably because in my past life where I read novels, fanfics and stuff, that I am this accepted this state.

I've got money and a place on my own that was given to me. Welp, for now, I gotta get ready for school.

I live in a town called "White sands" and based on their language I'm Asian. Never thought I'll be an Asian since I like their culture. This may be not the same world I know, because of what've read in novels. I trust my instincts when I became curious about this world.

I finished my thoughts as I grabbed my backpack and goes out of the house locking it. As I walk my way to high school, I contemplated what I do because of my other conditions. Been blinking the top side of my vision since I got here though I ignored it. Maybe after class or depends...

While later I stand still as I lean and look inside the room where the class started already. Damn, I'm still the same as in my past life.. always late for everything at school LAMAO. My lips curved up as I sighed and walked to the room.

"Oh, student "Oliver" you are late. I know this is not the time to be strict but still, don't repeat this in the future." the female teacher said as I scratch my head giving her an apologetic look.

"I will try ma'am," I said as I looked towards the class who were looking at me. I saw that the back right of the chair was vacant so I proceeded as I hold this deja vu that makes me cringe but was also used to it.

The class started as it was currently teaching English, and my thoughts drifted as I checked what's this blinking about.

[Oliver S. Poena

Constitution: 2 (Average teenage child)

Mental: 7 (Adult or Seniors)

Skill: None

Exp: 1 (0/100)

Gold Points: 0]

[You've received 1Exp, Selections, 1 Spin, and Bank (inventory)]

I raised my eyebrows as I see this. Never thought would I have a system, but what's with the Exp? I choose the selection as it appeared before me.

[Mission/Task: (4/4)

Shop: (10/10)

Spin: (1/0) ✨]

Hmmm, so there's like this huh. So the spin was the thing that keeps blinking. I choose it as an arrow on top with a question mark on it appeared. It began I think because they're different colours of question marks. After that it lands on an umm.. normal question mark I think (Color white)?

[You've got /Dead Man's Gaze/... Convert into skill Y/N]

Oh, why was it being converted into a skill? Well, let's go with it then, Yes.

[Dead Man's Gaze (Active)

Rarity: Untiered (Can't be Level)

Description: While this skill is active, those who look into your eyes will instantly undergo Mental Stat. authentication. If higher than the user's Mental Stat. they'll be inflicted with fear for 1 second.]

Oh wow, I got a skill that was good for scaring "bad guys" haha. I'm liking this already, this isn't bad. Living with powers in a hmmm, Sus world.

I look at the Spin again only to see it was transparent like it can't be used. I choose the Mission selection as it piles into 4.

[1. Be the first day night shift guard for 1 night in a pizza parlour. (Easy)

2. Excercise. (Easy)

3. Escape in your heist with a group. (Medium)

4. Survive with the 3 other people you'll first meet or escape. (Death)]

I gasp as I read through the missions/task. I never thought the 1st option was from a game. I can only read their difficulty, not the mission instructions. It means that I have to accept them first.

As I contemplate, my gasp didn't escape from the ear in front of my table as I felt his gaze upon me. I look at him with a questioning look as he moves his gaze to the teacher in front.

After that, I use this chance to grab my notes and review them in a fast pace manner. With every flip of the page, I memorised its details and understand them. I continued till I get the gist of where the lesson is currently for all subjects and after that, comes the bell.


We all stand up as we get our notes and books into the bag and prepare to get out of the classroom to go to another subject classroom, where another teacher will be waiting for us.

We arrive and be seated in the classroom as I sit again at the back. I got confused as the Senior teacher stared at me.

"Can I sit here until I got comfortable again ma'am?" I said as she look at me with pity and nodded. I smiled as she was the most respected teacher I remember the most after I came into this world. Maybe it's because of her son as we were friends. She was pretty much considered a Guardian when I was absent.

The lesson started with an average young man who came near beside me and pulled the chair. We were in a computer room so everything is arranged neatly and we have to move the chair to the side to see the blackboard.

"Yo, wanna go to the canteen when it's recess? Our squad was umm.. how do I say this, they were anxious when they heard what happened." he said as I nodded and he patted me on the shoulder.

I think Alex was his name, pretty much a fun guy to be around and he had a sharp mind. But pretty much he is too friendly that it's easy to approach him.

"Yeah, what's the time bruh?" I said to Alex as he took his phone out of his pocket and switches it on to see the time.

"Almost 9," he said as I nodded and continued to listen. I observed the class as there were some 18yo. males, maybe they got to retake as they have failing grades. Some of them are bullies if I remember correctly, but ill just ignore them. Onto the girls and all I can say was they're smart and focused on the lesson while some of us using phones.

"By the way, can you cover me? I want to take a nap bruh. Don't worry about me if I understand the lesson or not." I said to Alex as he nodded while he swipe down to browse through messages on Facebook.

I catch a glimpse of it as there's a ton of message that he pretty much ignored. I laughed inwardly and added in my mind he was a playboy or too friendly. I began to check the Shop Selection to see what was innit.


Dagger (Iron) -50Gp

Pistol Handgun (Iron) -55Gp

Kitchen Knife (Iron) -25Gp

Screwdriver (Iron) -25Gp

Pebble (Iron) -2Gp

. . .

(Description: Refreshes in a day)]

Hmm.. normal things that can be bought and crafted in this world. I assume that "Iron" was its lowest Rarity in rankings. The other 5 were food ingredients and most of all, they were cheap but I don't have Gp or Gold points.

I have 1Exp and I think I can use this to spend to Skill or my 2 Stat. and based on what I did now when I tried to allocate my 1exp to Dead Man's Gaze. It failed as it said that Untiered can't be Level. I gotta save this 1exp and see how the conversion works as there was (0/100). Maybe if I kill some monsters or umm.. complete some task.

Time slowly passes as the bell rings and I'm following Alex to the canteen where some 2 boys and 3 girls sitting. Probably it's them and I sit on the vacant seat as the dark skin colour kid throws me a snack.

"So how're you bruh?"

"Yeah Brah"

"You sit at the back of the class..." a girl said as she was interrupted by Alex.

"He's a little uncomfortable guys, you should know it already. We're only worried bout you Oliver but the good thing is you attend classes again." Alex said as I eat the snack but this group didn't care if their voices are loud as students go in and out of the canteen.

"It's good guys, I'm just out of place after what happened. But don't worry I'll get used to it." I said as they raised their eyebrows and nodded as they smile.

Sigh, never thought this was hard to make conversation and I feel awkward. Maybe they feel the change in me and I won't blame them for the questions.

They continue their conversations as I only listen to them not saying a word until the bell rings and we continue to the next subject bringing our bags.




It is now 4 pm as I saw my house and got inside. This place was a mess and outside too, tall grasses and moss walls outside my house. I'm free tomorrow and I can start slowly cleaning.

I change my clothes to casual ones as I sat on the couch while I began to see what Task will I choose. I choose the 1 as it only says Easy.

[Be a night shift guard for 1 night (Easy)

Description: The night shift starts at midnight, you may receive an email on your Computer/Laptop. You can start if you read the mail and accepted it.]

[ Update: 3 other tasks will be locked until you finished your current task.]

So I need a computer or laptop, well it's still 4 pm so I guess I can go to town and see the places and go to the urban city to buy a Laptop. Current technology here was the same back in my previous world.




I arrived at the house at 7 pm, I did eat along the way as I withdraw some money at the bank to buy Laptop. I didn't miss the detail of the description when it only says Laptop or Computer. So it won't work on Smartphones and maybe I will get an email without a network magically too.

I locked the door and go to the living room and get the Laptop out of the box. Then I plug the charger to charge the Laptop as I proceeded to close the windows and go to the basement to turn the lights on. I go to the bathroom I open the faucet to fill the bathtub.

I go back to the living room to watch the news as I waited for the bathtub to be filled then go to the basement after all this to do the Task. I plan to do it in the basement as it suits the secrecy. I did arrange the mess and put some table and a chair there.

I plan to take this slowly as I am always reading and playing games. Btw I write this on my phone and with some Grammarly app. This can be a slow pace like my other fanfic that has not posted a chapter for months I think.

Anyways thanks for reading.

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