
The Endless Snow

Luna and Lily were ready to jump and move to the next stage of life, death. Before Lily, the only thing keeping Luna alive left her unable to follow through with their plans. She waited for an entire day, hoping Lily would come back so she wouldn't have to do it alone. Eventually, she realized that she could wait no longer and jumped. Instead of the cold blanket of snow being her last memory before death, she woke up in an unfamiliar place with a strange man looking down at her. He claims to know her, but he is unknown to her. Afraid and confused, she runs away but is swept away and called by a name she does not recognize. Hanae Mori is her identity now. Will she be able to navigate life now in an unfamiliar place?

SimplyExist · Fantasía
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8 Chs

The Next Life

Finally, alone with her thoughts, Hana felt like she could breathe. Everything around her was difficult to swallow, with everything just feeling like a bizarre dream. She knew she jumped from that roof and died, though, so she knew it was impossible to be a dream. Fiddling with the sleeve of her garment, she became lost in thought for several minutes.

"I guess my name is no longer Luna..." she mumbled to herself, slightly melancholy, remembering her old life vaguely. 'I don't understand how this happened, but I have taken over this girl's body. Maybe I am a ghost inhabiting the body of a soul who has passed to the afterlife.' She contemplated with a slight sneer while sighing at this ridiculous situation.

Hanae felt wrong not having a single memory of the previous owner. 'Well, at least I appear to be a normal girl in this life.' she thought, trying to find some good in this situation. 'I think I'm normal, at least...' She paused in thought, looking around the room again. She couldn't help her face from twitching again. 'Never mind, someone with such flashy surroundings could never be normal...' she thought to herself, exhausted and confused.


The general exited the residences, followed by a maid who escorted him outside. He gave a slight glance back in thought. 'Did that girl lose her memories? She always was quite the flamboyant troublemaker, but she was never a great liar. Her status enabled her to get her way without much need for deceptiveness. Could a girl like that convey such a realistic charade?'

"Young Master Toshiro! The day is drawing close to its end. The old master will be expecting you back shortly." Someone called out to the general, interrupting the general's thoughts from a short distance. It appeared the man had been waiting outside the residences for quite some time for his master.

'Whatever the case, amnesia will not make me overlook her past actions. I was a fool before, but I will end this engagement!' The man thought with determination while silently approaching the one who called out to him—leaving behind the Mori residences with no remorse or remaining attachment.


The two maids had returned with the lady's dinner. Hana had not sat still while waiting for the maids to return. She had explored her residences and was currently looking through some simple calligraphy. She didn't even notice the maids who were looking at her strangely. Their job was to assist the masters, so they quickly regained themselves and stopped gawking at the young girl. Swiftly the maid holding the dishes approached the exquisite cherry wood table placing various dishes on the table silently. There was only slightly audible clanging as the maid put the plates on the table, gaining Hanae's attention.

Noticing the meal had arrived, she gently placed the scroll back where she had found it. She walked over to the table with soft steps that would be impossible to detect. She sat before the food and picked up the chopsticks they provided her. She had never seen such a variety of dishes in front of one person before. She noticed that many foods were very fattening and rich but didn't appear greasy.

"Thank you," Hanae said softly before moving her hands together to give thanks for the food before eating. Keiko was delighted to hear such words from the young miss and had a slight smile plastered on her face, unable to hide her happiness, while the other maid's face looked pale in sharp contrast. She found it hard to believe this was her young miss. It was rare for nobility to acknowledge those who served them and even more for their young miss to recognize anyone, much less a servant. The madam has already made most of the servants serving Lady Hanae aware of her amnesia to serve her better, but she found it very hard to believe amnesia could make someone this different.

Hanae swiftly finished her meal, eating about half of it. She hated leaving food like this, but she didn't have an appetite after such a strange event. Placing her chopsticks down where she had picked them up gave the maids a short distance away a cue that she was finished with her meal. They both immediately began to clear the table of the leftover food without a word.

"The sun is setting," Hanae said, looking towards the window. "Yes." the maid replied cautiously. "This day went by so quickly, just like a firefly," Hanae said, looking out the window quietly. "I never considered comparing the day to a firefly," Keiko said without thought, her eyes widening, quite surprised by her mistress's simile. "May I be presumption as to ask what made you make that comparison?" Keiko asked, not realizing she was being a bit brazen questioning her mistress like this. The maid beside her was appalled by Keiko's talkative disposition and gave her a slight glare, almost yelling at her to shut up.

"Fireflies are always around, but you only see them during a small portion of the day. They can always be counted on to return with their small rays of light eventually, but until then, you can do nothing but wait." Hanae said without much thought. Keiko nodded at this explanation, seemingly unaware of the maid behind her shooting her deadly glares. The other maid could do nothing but sigh at this girl's unique personality. She was glad the girl did not end up in a casket how; she was interested in their young miss, rumored to be the unruly waste of the Miao residence. More than a few servants had met an early coffin after upsetting this temperamental beast of the residence. The other maid was considering a time to warn the young Keiko to be more cautious. She was confident that the miss was only being this benevolent because of her recent memory loss.

Shortly after their small exchange, the sun had set, and there was no longer any more sunlight. "I wish to sleep," Hanae said to the maids near her. "Yes, young miss, we shall help you change into your evening gown." the maid said quickly, helping her change along with the help of Keiko. Hanae let them do as she wished, but coming from modern times, this sort of treatment, lacking her independence, made her uncomfortable. She would not protest as she did not know how to change from these elaborate garments that were usually quite complicated and required more them one person to help get into. Although, at the moment, she was in simple garbs than the previous Hanae's elaborate fashion, it was still a high-quality clothing item. After helping her change clothing, they swiftly took their leave, allowing the miss to sleep.