1 The beginning

Every story has a beginning, every story has an end. Every morning has a light , every dark has a color but to find the end of this very story, you'll have to embrace its beginning.

Centuries ago king edward 3rd of his name was the Sovereign of 7 kingdoms, 3 of which relied on magic as a way of survival, they were called luminies who had powers to manipulate fire, water, air and earth with the use of a rare stone "litmus" Initially their power was a use to all 7 kingdoms and under the rule of king Edward, those powers were useful to all creatures. however with the passage of time those kingdoms started to grow dominion over others, their developing power and magic was turning into a threat for others. At that time king Edward feared the existence of luminies and thought to himself that such growing power could be the end of human species.

He considered the worst option and ordered the rest of 4 kingdoms to hold the supply of litmus and destroy every possible source of it. The other 3 kingdoms iceberg, intisma and klonwich had no other option than to call war and that's what they did, the biggest battle took place, hundreds thousands of people lost their lives. The 3 kingdoms were surely on the winning side until they realized that they have been betrayed by their own kind, king Edward had somehow convinced Most powerful of luminies to help him destroy the other 3 kingdoms. Unfortunately the luminies were running out of litmus while the destroying force had tons of it!

The most powerful of luminies turned their backs on their own kind and just when they were about to perform a diminishing spell on 3 kingdoms,

LIANA MERCOVA , the queen of klonwich stepped up to save her kind. She sacrificed her soul to the shadows and performed a strong everlasting spell that'll hide these 3 kingdoms behind a giant shadow wall and the luminies will be trapped within. None of the other 4 kingdoms would be able to reach them yet alone even think to of destroying them. but as she took her last breaths, she promised to her people "one day she'll come and bring liberacy to you all, she won't be dependent on any Stone to use her powers, she'll bring light to your dark"

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