

Your class has always been known to be notorious so it wasn't much of a surprise that you guys decided to form an even more notorious gang called THE EMPIRE right? Been friends and classmates for more than a decade and half so running a criminal empire together shouldn't be a problem right? But are they prepared for all the Love, Hate and Romance all while still remaining friends and running an empire together, well we'll find out in THE EMPIRE. Well and if the the Amazing triplets and their friends can make it through all the obstacles that lie ahead. Running an empire with your family should be a piece of cake for siblings who've been attached by the hip since day one.

Jinxy_Noire · Fantasía
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19 Chs

The Empire- Chapter 11~Was it Worth it?


'After what just happened I was a little too stunned to speak so I just asked for permission to go out, and of course he couldn't refuse after what just happened. I ran as fast as I can into the hallway. I yell his name out sounding so desperate and for what I did not know. "Tyroni where are you! You just got out kicked out where could you have possibly gone to!" I yell yet again. I suddenly felt someone behind me fearing that I might have gotten into trouble shouting like a maniac in the school hallway while everyone else is studying. I turn back slowly embracing myself for any possibly impact but there's none. I open my eyes to find the most angelic face staring back at me.'

Tyroni: Hey, are you looking for me? 'He leans in close as he says this. He said almost seeming relaxed at the thought of it ,too relaxed. Did this bother? Why was I getting this weird feeling in my stomach. Was I nervous? I mean this wasn't that big of a gesture but it wasn't small either considering what might happen to him at home.'

'I lean in further almost testing my luck and softly saying "I want to know why you did it?" He studies me for a split second and then says "Did what?" I rolled my eyes internally like he did not know what just happened barely 6 minutes ago. I reply by saying "You know what I mean". He replies with his classic almost natural curious face "No I do not please tell me?" He leans in a little closer then suddenly pulls away.'

Lena: What's wrong?

Tyroni: Nothing you should get to class you don't know if they might need you.

Lena: No! We will not do this again this time you're telling me why you did it. I won't let you push me away again I'm sick and tired of it!

Tyroni: *Grabs her hand* Stop being ridiculous Lena and get back to class.

Lena: Let go of me and how is me trying to find out why you did it ridiculous?! We both know something bad might happen to you if he calls your mom. Just let us go back in there and tell him that you were lying okay?

Tyroni: No I won't do anything that book belongs to you not me.

Lena: Who're you tryna fool me or you? Cause you know that I ain't fooled and that book ain't mine. Your mom bought it for you along with all your other notebooks that look similar to that one. Do you not remember that you showed me all of them at the beginning of the sermester.

Tyroni: No I don't. * starts walking away*

Lena: Why are you trying to act as if we're not friends or something. What have I done to offend you?

Tyroni: Nothing. You've done nothing. You're perfect ,you didn't do anything I did.

Lena: You're wrong am not perfect not in any way or form am just fat girl who keeps bothering you but please just tell me one thing?

Tyroni: Yes what is it?

Lena: Was it worth it?

~To be Continued

This chapter wasn't how I wanted it to be like but because some of you wanted my a chapter I had to rush and get it done. Well even though it's trash I hope you enjoyed the little dialogue between these two amazing people, and as I said I haven't left the main characters somewhere (even though it looks like it) this is everyone's past and I want you to understand them better through this. Anyway byeeeeeeeeeee<333

Jinxy_Noirecreators' thoughts