
Third training

Lin Hai walked out of the temple and headed towards his usual cave, he sat there and closed his eyes as he pondered.

"How many years have I been in this place? 10,000 years? 50,000? 100,000? I don't remember exactly.

Why did I come here in the first place? So if I get out, what am I going to do? Should I give up? Maybe my sect, my master, my acquaintances, everything will be reduced to ashes because of the long time, so it's okay if I surrender right?

No, no, of course I cannot give up halfway through. If I give up, what is the meaning of my death millions of times, what is the meaning behind my enduring the torment of training for tens of thousands of years!!!

Absolutely not, I will not give up no matter what happens, I will become stronger and stronger, I will become the emperor and the sole ruler of the world, I will control my own destiny and the fate of all those below me!!!

Anyone who stands in my way of force I will kill him and everyone related to him!!

Emperors? Goddess? demons? ancient beings? No one, no one can stop me from having power and control, I will kill everyone in my path!!

This is my path, Lin Hai, a path paved with bones and blood. I will not give up no matter what. I was born to be the ruler of all…"

On a dark night, he heard the screams of a lonely young man as he intended to take over the world.


The two-year vacation quickly passed and with it, Lin Hai opened his eyes and rose from his loneliness, this twenty-year-old youth looked like a primordial demon god with black eyes and boundless charisma.

He headed to the temple in order to start his third cultivation, after he arrived at the appointed time, he went inside and then examined the small temple, but found no trace of Old San.

Whoosh, he heard the sound of an extremely fast sword drawing, Lin Hai sensed danger and then moved with lightning speed to the side, unfortunately he couldn't evade the cuts completely so blood splattered on the ground, Lin Hai lost his right arm but he was able to escape from imminent death.

"Oh, good, good, you have really improved during this period, to be able to escape death despite using 20% ​​of my energy is good for your current situation." He heard a voice belonging to an old man who was standing in the door of the temple behind Lin Hai.

Of course the voice belonged to Old San.

"Old San, I apologize if I caused you any inconvenience, but today I came for my third training as you promised." Lin Hai narrowed his eyes as he stared at Old San and then said to him.

"Oh, yeah, yeah, I remember telling you something like that, but let me tell you first, this training is the third and last, but at the same time it's an optional training," Old San replied with a strange tone.

"What do you mean?" Lin Hai said.

"I am saying that you are free to choose whether you want to do this training or not," Old San said.

What is the difference between doing it and not doing it? Lin Hai said.

"It's very simple. When you gain one thing, you lose another. Sometimes what you lose is more valuable than what you gain, and vice versa," Old San explained.

"Will this affect my path of gaining strength and controlling realms in the future?" Lin Hai got straight to the point.

"I don't know, maybe it will affect you or maybe it will help you, but if I want to tell you my opinion, then I tell you that this training will remove many obstacles for you in the future, but it will turn your heart into a rock of stone, and this in turn will make you a person who craves strength only, if he sees you." Old San said with a sly smile.

"Am I now not a person with a heart of stone who only craves strength??" Lin Hai asked.

"Yes, you are, but this is only limited to the present. Perhaps you may encounter a person or something in the future that removes this layer of stone from your heart and also removes your desire for strength," Old San said, then added.

"But if you do this training, be sure that you will turn into another person completely, there will be no person or anything capable of changing you or recovering your old self, in other words you will be stripped of mortal qualities such as greed-envy-fear-jealousy-hatred-love. .."

"What should I do in order to get rid of these things?" Lin Hai asked right before Old San finished his sentence.

"Are you sure you want to go through this training?" Old San asked.

"More than 100% sure," Lin Hai replied emphatically.

"As you wish, also remember that you wanted this so in the future you will not regret your choice today," Old San said with a serious expression.

"Don't worry, just tell me what to do," said Lin Hai.

"This training varies from person to person. It may be more difficult than reaching the sky for some. For others, it may be as easy as raising their hands. It also does not take much time or energy. In your case, the training period will be twenty years." Old San said, then raised his hand. It released a light and transparent thread of energy that was golden in color.

This small energy thread pierced Lin Hai's forehead and then headed towards his memory, the small energy thread started absorbing Lin Hai's memory from his birth until the day he decided to enter the abyss of bones.

After a long time, the golden thread finished absorbing Lin Hai's memory for the first twenty years of his life, after that, Old San raised his hand and performed a strange mudra with his left hand, then fused the golden energy thread into his right hand, which opened a new gate for them.

It was like a time portal leading to the distant past, a journey without return!!

"Well, boy, this is your third and final training," Old San said with an incomprehensible smile.

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