

THE EMPEROR'S BRIDE (Volume One) CASSIOPEIA & GIDEON .............. 'Must you always think the worse of me?' he asked her taking a fist full of her hair, caressing it. She watched his hands move over her hair. 'You are a villain,' she stated in a matter of fact way. 'And villains do not do good things. You will only know that if you are educated.' That was obviously an insult. She had just implied that he was not learned. 'Well well, you are quite certain that I am a villain?' he asked her. She nodded certes sure. ................ _ She knew nothing, except that she wanted out, away from him, the beast. She knew not what she wanted, especially with a damaged head and fragmented memories. But, she just knew that she wanted nothing, absolutely nothing to do with the monster that left her in perplexity... _ He wasn't what she thought he was. He was what she would never dream to think. He was a part of her and she was a part of him. He would never let her go. She must be there, with him, under his spell, wrapped around his thumb lest everything would go wrong. And if it did, he was the only person who could try, mean try to put it back in place for with her, nothing wrong could ever be right. _ If you really love domineering, powerful and absolutely sexy demons as male leads _and_ _ Hot headed, aggressive, intelligent and yet beautiful trybrid female leads _those_ _ Who leave you to think and think over absolutely nothing which means something yet everything _then_ You are at the right book. _ You will love it, absolutely love it, I promise you that... Peace out! @OmaPhinaPhire

OmaPhinaPhire · Fantasía
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52 Chs









She was not his, didn't want to be his, not wanting to belong to anyone. She was not a property, not a thing that belonged to just anyone. She was her, not someone's 'Mine'. She tried unsuccessfully to get away from him. She failed anyways and she hated herself. It was not because she hated that he called her 'Mine', but because she was mad at herself for liking the endearment, craving his attention on her. He had certainly grown on her and she hated it to a fault.

'Let me go, totally,' she whispered. Her flaming resolve was gone and in its place was a weak surrender. 'Please,' she pleaded again. His hands around her waist tightened, bringing her against him, completely, chest against chest, thigh against thigh. His smile turned into a smirk, then vanished -as his face hardened into angry lines- like it had never been there in the first instance. He leaned into her, bringing his lips to her ears. He bit into her pinna, softly, for a moment. She bit her own tongue to stop a moan as that familiar rush of desire claimed her, taking her yet again by surprise, dazing her into passionate oblivion.

'Stop running Mine,' he advised her. 'It would do you good to do that Mine.'

'I won't,' she disagreed with him when she was back from her oblivion, to reality. She would never stop running away from him, from the cruel beast that he was. He hadn't a heart. He had captured her, taken her away from her parents, her lover and brought her here, to his empire. He had caged her here, refused her to leave, refrained from telling her why she was here, with him, and she hated it for it thoroughly sickened and disgusted her, his deeds. Yet, she wanted his, time and time again and she hated her stupid pathetic self for it. It was annoying, the rigmarole that was her feelings for him.

'Stop running now Mine,' he said in a warning voice. 'You are mine. You will always be mine Mine,' he ended with that signature smirk of his, the ogre.

'No!' She yelled. 'No I'm not! I'm not yours! I'll never be yours!' She swore. He seemed to realize then that they were making an interesting scene for the idle guards. He stepped back a little, letting her go.

'Very well then,' he said. 'You can just be my guest.' He bent just a bit, his hands grabbing her thick thighs, taking her by surprise.

'You pervert! What are you-' The words were lost in her throat as he hauled her over his shoulders in the speed of light.

'Will you put me down?!' She demanded angrily.

'Mine,' he begun softly and it irked her to a fault that want rose in her, making her insides warm. How pathetic that was! He did not listen to her, adjusting her properly on his shoulders. He turned away from the gate with her dangling over his strong shoulders for it bore her weight effortlessly. He began to walk. She gasped. He was taking her back, the way she had come, to the very place she detested, hated, that she was running away from it.

It was in vain, everything. All her time spent planning, strategizing; All her efforts, hard work was all gone to the garbage, the trash. It was all a waste. It and the fact that he was carrying her like a sack of old potatoes annoyed her beyond reasoning. The fact that he was smirking didn't help matters. It infuriated her, fuelled her anger, fed her fury and ignited her rage. Her fist flew violently, pounding his back as hard as she could, with vehemence, though it was of no use, her efforts amounting to nothing on his hard tortoise shell like back.

'Put me down you god forsaken bastard!' She cussed. 'Let me go! Let me go this instant!' His chuckle made her see red, mad at him.

'That Mine is one thing I am not planning on doing to you.' His voice was like steel, all traces of his earlier amusement gone, indicating his opulent anger. She knew he was trying to bully her into submission with it. She refused to cower, desperation driving her onwards. She did not seize to pound on his back with her fist, even when she knew that it was futile, useless, like pouring water on a stone for he was unwilling to yield to her.

'Drop me this instant you wicked devil! You can not continue to keep me stashed in here, under lock and key. You must seize to do such a thing from this moment onwards!' she snapped at him. He still kept on walking, but thankfully not ignoring her at least.

'Devil?' He asked her. She was sure he was raising a brow though she could not see him -which he was. She also heard the amusement in his voice and knew that his smirk was sitting on his face with elegance. She hated that, hated him, hated that he was mocking her so. Oh how it pained her!

'Yes! Yes! A devil! That is exactly what you are! Devil!' The words tore out of her mouth with all the pent up anger in her. She channeled the rest into her fist that continued to pound his back. She was never going to get tired of doing this.

'Very well Mine, we shall see how much of a devil I can be sooner or later.' Her hands stilled at the threat, her blood waxing thin, running cold.

'Bastard!' She said after a moment of fright.

'Woman, it will do you good to shut your mouth,' he warned her seriously. 'Talking will only aggravate your punishment Mine,' he reminded. The last two words were said with so much sarcasm.

'Asshole!' She uttered furiously. He ignored her. 'Fatherless motherless bastard!' He stopped walking. She smiled contentedly. That had at least gotten to him. It was a feat.

'Watch your utterance,' he snapped at her. 'I'll not issue another warning to you Mine. I'll act,' he warned her. It was her turn to chuckle wickedly. It gladdened her very angry heart that she could.

'Why should I?' She inquired. 'You are well deserving of whatever I say to you, of whatever insult I hurl at you!' She snapped. 'You deserve it, every single letter that make up a curse word, every vile insult I throw to you for you are just as vile. You deserve it, you hear? Ain't I generous!' The smarting pain that followed her words made her let out a horrendous scream. The flesh of her buttocks tinged with pain underneath her garments. He had spanked her buttocks. How dare he?! 'You filthy perverted lout! How dare you?!' Another spank shut her up, manufacturing a cry of pain. 'You...you,' she stammered. 'You'll regret this,' she managed to say through gritted teeth.

'Are you willing to be quiet?' He asked. When she said nothing, he said, 'I take your silence as a yes Mine.' He resumed walking then when she did not reply. 'My horse!' He commanded.

'The Emperor's horse!' She heard his aide repeat his words to all. She heard the clatter of hooves -The sound of his horse, Clover. He mounted with her over his shoulders like she weighed nothing, which she didn't. Relief washed over her at the gesture. Her head settled as blood no longer went into it from her last position. He set her afore him, caging her between his body and the reins at her side. 'Don't even think of jumping off. You'll be dead before your body reaches the ground.' She snorted. 'To the manor!' He ordered. That was when she noticed his entourage -But only for a moment because he urged his horse into a canter then a frenzied gallop that was almost nauseating. They passed through the third gate, then the second, and then the first gate. They rode through the night to his manor, his home, her cage, her prison. What a contrast! He rode past the stone pathway that was lined with gargoyles, then the fountain. He went through the garden speedily, the smell of flowers wafting into her nostrils. The maze came next. He easily found his way through it and they upended at his manor soon after. He rode up the stone path that led up to the welcoming stairs. His hands gripped her waist as he dismounted with a grace she had always secretly admired. He lofted her unto his arms once again, his speed like lightning, fast and furious.

'You found her.' She knew that voice, knew who owned the voice before she turned to it. It belonged to the little Prince, her captor's constant companion. He was dressed in all white, as always. He accessed her with his thick black orbs, as dark as his brother's.

'Yes,' her captor answered his companion.

'She was making an escape, wasn't she?'

'Yes, you were right,' her captor said. He adjusted her and she smirked, liking the fact that maybe his shoulders were hurting.

'Where?' That both seemed to understand the one word question through some kind of telepathy for her captor replied the incomplete question.

'She was at the third gate. The guard in charge had given her the go ahead. She stole a pass. I think it belongs to the poor man she had undressed, left in only his underwear and tied him up wickedly.' His answer made her feel guilty for her actions. The guard hadn't deserved such, but she had needed to do so. Desperate times as they say calls for desperate actions.

'Wickedly?' She asked him. He set her down then and she faced him brazenly.

'Yes Mine, you did so wickedly. How could you be so cruel? How could you do that to him? You did not tie him up properly. He was barely breathing when he was found, his skin going blue.' His voice betrayed his blatant disappointment in her. 'How could you?'

'I... I-' she stammered guiltily. His face hardened.

'Answer me!' He demanded in a stern unforgiving voice that made the hair at her nape to stand in fright.

'I'm sorry,' was her only answer. He surveyed her obviously.

'He nearly died,' her captor snapped at her, 'And you're sorry?' His sarcasm was thoroughly evident.

'He's okay,' her captor's companion countered swiftly, putting her agitated mind at ease. 'He just needed to breathe properly.'

'Little Max,' her captor warned in a voice that didn't bother the recipient.

'Stop scaring her First,' he replied.

'Well I should. After all she wanted to run away.'

'Where do you even want to run off to?' The little Prince asked her. She said nothing. 'You are just trying to jeopardize your safety.' She could not insult him though she hated his chiding words for he had been extremely nice to her. He was the only one whom she thought really cared about her. 'Why are you even doing so?'

'I...I do not want to stay here anymore. I want to leave, go back to where I came from. My home, my parents and siblings, my lover.' She heard her captor's warning growl at the word lover. She continued anyways. 'I do not know where I am,' she told him softly, on the verge of tears.

'Never!' Her captor's voice rang out loud and clear. 'You will stay right here and nowhere else,' he informed her.

'No I will not! I do not want to you beast! I'll keep trying till I leave!' She shot back at him, her chest heaving with the strength of her opposition. He grabbed her left hand, drawing her to him forcefully.

'You will do no such thing, you hear? You are mine! Mine!' He told her in a low yet threatening voice. She trembled in his arms, from fear, tears and the sudden closeness of their bodies. Despite that his skin was as cold as ice, she found hers heating up. She met his gaze, getting lost in the depth of his eyes. She caught herself before she could nod in response to his words, an effect of his hypnotizing eyes whose colour was swaying from silver to black, oscillating.

'I am not. I am not yours.' He lowered his mouth to her pinna. She shivered lightly.

'Deny it all you want my Sweet, it'll change nothing. You are mine.' He said softly to her with a voice only her could hear. Then he lifted her into his arms, bridal style. She could feel the amount of anger emanating from him in humongous waves. Her impending punishment would be harder than the last time. She just knew it. He began to move towards the entrance, his strides long and powerful. She did not struggle, didn't dare to. Somehow -though she should not yet she definitely did- she felt safe in his arms. Her body knew his touch, could recognize it, reveling in it and she wondered why once again.

'First,' the Little Prince called. He did not stop to answer his companion. He kept on walking. 'First,' he called out to him yet again, unbothered at being ignored. 'Please endeavour to tamper deserved justice with loving mercy and tenderness.' He halted then but did not turn around. 'Please be lenient with her First.'

'She keeps offending me,' was his reply.

'Don't let it cloud your judgement,' he stated. She felt him stiffen. Her captor, the beast turned then.

'Are you doubting my self control?'

'You are angry,' was all he said to him. A long pause ensued and she suspected that they were having a stare down.

'I shall not harm her Little. Besides, she belongs to me, I'm obliged to do with her as I please,' he said. She wanted to tell him that she didn't belong to him like she always did, and that he was not obliged to do with her as he pleased. But, she could not because it would be a lie and he would call her out on it.

'You're angry,' the Little Prince repeated. She felt his body tense again and she knew he was angry at his companion's words. His next words confirmed it.

'Shall I give her to you so that you can endeavour to do with her as you please, tamper deserved justice with loving mercy and tenderness?' The sarcasm in his words was evident. His expression was harder than steel. 'You can take her and be lenient with her Little,' he proffered. She knew that he didn't mean it, but she would have been very happy to belong to his companion instead of him.

'I do not desire her first. But if she were mine, I would do with her what I am advising you to do,' he stated in a matter of fact way. The words pissed her captor further.

'You! Do you wish to die?! How dare you?!' He roared.

'I told you brother, I do not want her. She's all yours, all yours. That is the reason you should not harm her.' His voice was surprisingly calm.


'I shall leave you be,' the little Prince said. He turned before displaying his trademark lopsided smile -it meant that he had been mischievous. He had hardly taken two steps when he turned back to the Emperor, his brother. His smile was gone and in its place was his normal serious expression. 'Remember my warning,' he said. This time she noted the difference in his voice. It was soft yet hard.

'Get lost!' The Emperor thundered and turned away, marching into his home. He walked past his butler whom she knew as Peter and his personal guards, Cora and Xiera -the very one she had impersonated earlier. They greeted them with a formal bow nonetheless as he walked past them, seething with rage. He stormed up the stairs, practically fuming. She wasn't sure if it was hers or the Little Prince's fault. The stairs ended at the beginning of dual adjacent corridors. He turned into the left. Her blood ran cold. It led to the left wing, his quarters. She knew then what sort of punishment awaited her. The corridor led into another. He turned into it and approached the huge mahogany door. He opened the door and took her into the room. He lifted her over his shoulders and sent the things on his writing table to the floor with a clean sweep of his hands. She diddered as he laid her quite gently on the table. A despicable punishment awaited her. She began to cry then, embittered.

'Mine,' he muttered, playing with her dress, tugging it softly away from her body. She trembled badly as he held her.

'Let me go,' she uttered weakly without resolve. He paid her no attention. 'Please.'

'Stop running then I will.'

'I'll not! I can't. Let me go!' She was about to breakdown. He turned her over. She began to fight then, obsessed with being free of him.

'Mine!' He called warningly. 'Stop!'

'No! No! Let me go you beast!' She screamed and screamed as he tore her clothes off her body. She fought but he was still stronger than her. She elbowed him. He cursed softly as she bolted away from him. He caught her. She struggled like a mad woman. Somehow, they tumbled on the bed, the duel for power ongoing. He trapped her body under his, face down, her back to him, pinning her hands above her head.


'Beast!' She spat at him, her voice muffled by the bed. He held her down, kneeling beside her. 'Don't!' His hands descended then. She screamed from the smarting pain.

'Mine,' he murmured under his breath as his palm came atop her buttocks, hard and swift. The sound reverberated as did her scream. Spank...It came again. Spank! Spank! Spank! She screamed at each, struggling under his firm grip of his strong hands. By the time the sixth spank greeted her derriere, her panties clad buttocks was on fire. Tears filled her eyes and she began to do the most humane thing to do in that situation, to beg.

'Please, please beast,' she whispered. She nearly choked on her tears.

'Will you do such again?' He asked her. She kept shut, not wanting to promise what she could not do and be held to it. He repeated the question, his voice hard and unshaken. She hesitated and his palm met her buttocks the seventh time. She cried out at the inevitable pain.


'Give me an answer.' She felt rather than saw his hovering palm.

'No! No! I won't!'

'Give me your word Mine!' He barked. 'I could go on.'

'No!' She gasped. 'I won't! I will not dare do so again!'


'My word, You have it! You have my word! I will not try to run away again! I will never try to leave!' She promised. 'Please spare me!' She was crying now, weeping shamelessly.

'You won't?'

'I won't,' she admitted. He turned her over, then made her to sit on the bed. He stared at her. Tears chased each other down her cheek. She looked helpless, pathetic.

'Look at me,' he demanded. She did because he made her to. His expression was steel-like, aggressive. 'This is your last warning. Do not repeat this. Don't dare, or I'll teach you an unforgettable lesson,' he informed her. 'What did I say?' He asked.

'This is my last warning.'

'If this happens again, do not blame me,' he stressed. She nodded at his words.

'I will not,' she agreed meekly. In that instant, he realized she would do such again. He didn't bother. He would be watching her closely.

'Mine,' he whispered, his eyes softening.

'Beast!' She cried. 'Devil! How can you treat me like this?! How can you?! Release me from this captivity! Please,' she pleaded with him. He sighed inaudibly, her weeping tugging at his soul. He lifted her chin to his face. She looked up, into his eyes. Her eyes were wet, her cheeks tear stained and her lips quivered badly. His heart bled at the sight. His expression softened, mollified. He slowly wound his left palm around the right side of her neck. He stared straight at her, into his eyes, searching her eyes. She shook softly from her tears.

'Mine,' he whispered. 'Mine.' He lowered his head and began to tenderly kiss her tears away. Though he was the cause of the tears, she couldn't bring herself to push him away. Instead, she grew hot with need, her body getting aroused. Heat sizzled to life in her. Blood rushed to her nipples, tightening them into thick beads. 'Mine,' he said again. She moaned softly, liking what he was doing to her, craving more of it though she hated the administrator. 'I'm sorry,' he whispered. She tried to talk though nothing incoherent was in her head. She might have disgraced herself once more from babbling had he not chosen that instant to kiss her, taking her lips in his softly. Desire raced through her -from her mouth- filling her. He nibbled lazily on her bottom lips. She moaned as he pressed closer, drawing her into him, crossing her, placing his knees on either side of her sitting body, deepening the kiss. She couldn't fight the need, the kiss, the frottage of their bodies awakened as he possessed her through her mouth, cupping her head in his palms. His teasing lips made her moan. Her hands came to his shoulders to bring him closer. He ended the kiss as lazily as he had begun, leaving her dizzy and giddy from delight, high and dry. He stared into her eyes. 'Why do you keep running?' He asked softly.

'Why do you keep me here?' She replied his question with another question.

'I do it to protect you.'

'Liar! It can't possibly be that,' she sneered. He sighed softly.

'Believe me.'

'I wish I could. But, I can't. I can't! It's unbelievable, taking me prisoner to protect me. What exactly are you even protecting me from?'

'I'm doing so, protecting you from the unknown.' She stared at him for a moment before she burst into pained and rancous laughter.

'The unknown?' She asked. He said nothing and she sighed. 'Let me go. It's all I ask from you,' she pleaded, unamused anymore.

'No Mine, I can't do that. I will be endangering your life. Listen to me, believe me.' She pushed him but he didn't bulge, unshaken, rooted.

'Then let me alone! Do not kiss me either!' She snapped at him. 'I am not some toy or thing that you can play with anytime you feel like it,' she said to him.

'I didn't say you were.'

'Leave me alone!' She said forcefully removing his hands on her neck. He let her do so.

'Nothing will change Mine. You'll remain here with me and I will protect you. You will go nowhere,' he said sternly, 'And I shall see to that.' The information made her angry.

'No!' She disagreed. She began to pound on his hard chest with her clenched fist, throwing a tantrum. 'No! Let me go! Let me go! Beast! Beast!' she cursed. He let her hit him repeatedly, let her throw her tantrums till she broke into fresh tears and the intensity of her pounding lessened. He caught both her wrists to stop her, then embraced her. She held unto him tightly as if that were another way to vent her anger. She kept weeping.

'I'm sorry,' he apologized, stroking her lovely oxblood hair tenderly.

'I hate you,' she murmured softly against his chest. ' I hate you,' she said again, drifting away, perched between conscious and unconscious. 'Beast,' she drawled softly, so softly that he felt guilty for her hatred of him. She fell into a peaceful slumber soon afterwards. He held her for a long while as she slept. He laid her carefully on the bed, his knee on either side of her. He stared down at her sleeping face for a moment, his expression soft and loving. He lifted his left hands and touched her eyelids. He traced her facial features, caressing it. His long fingers lingered on her lips. He leaned down and kissed her lips quite briefly.

'I'm sorry,' he said. 'Hate me all you want but I'm doing this to protect you Mine.' He sighed softly as he straightened her hair with his fingers. He kissed her forehead and stood up from the bed. He tucked her gently under the covers. He stared at her again, one long final worried look, then he turned and walked away, leaving the room.





